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"O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows of agates and thy gates of rubies, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. And all thy children shall be taught of YHVH, and great shall be the peace of thy children." --- Isaiah 54:11-13

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Blessing, Not Luck--paraiba tourmaline001 tn150311

Homeless Man Shows an Aspect of Christ--pearl015: 121410

It's Not That God Is Too Busy--turquoise008: 120810

Honesty Rewarded--tanzanite001: 113010

Trust--corundum001: 111610

Enjoying The Calm--kunzite004: 110910

School Bully--kunzite003: 110210

Genealogical Maze--ruby013: 102610

The Victory of Christian Values--kunzite002: 101910

Adoption of Rescue--ruby012: 101210

The True Faith of Peace--citrine004: 100510

The Real Christmas Time?--pearl014: 092810

Lessons in Paint--onyx012: 092110

Deadlines--onyx011: 091410

Outage!--turquoise007: 090710

So, I Felt Safe To Unlock My Door--diamond004: 083110

Holey Desires--sardonyx004: 082410

Loving X-rays of God--sardonyx003: 081710

Get "Eye to Eye" With God--ruby011: 081010

The Needed Refreshing--aquamarine004: 080310

Simply Amazing--spinel002: 072710

It’s Like Riding a Bike--hiddenite001: 072010

Fireworks Fans--zircon002: 070610

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Some Handbook!--pearl013: 062910

He Took A Break From Technology--turquoise006: 062210

Brother Ott’s Honest Prayer--turquoise005: 060810

Born For Liberty--lapislazuli007: 060110

In Memory of William Tyndale--bloodstone004: 052510

In Memory of Brother Robert Ott--turquoise004: 051110

Being Quick On Defense--jasper010: 042710

Wasted Tax Papers--pearl012: 042010

Some Contest!--kunzite001: 041310

Resilient Bush--chrysoberyl007: 040610

The Realities of the Resurrection--demantoid001: 033010

Be Counted in the Eternal Census--ruby010: 032310

Avoid The Penalty--ruby009: 031610

Get The Refund!--chrysoberyl006: 030910

Payment or Refund?--ruby008: 030210

Easier Reading Than The U.S. Tax Law--pearl011: 022310

Snow Is Better Than Mud--ruby007: 021610

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The Best Love--garnet001: 020910

Past the Stop Line--amethyst005: 020210

I've Hit The Big 4 - 0!--chalcedony003: 012610

Praising God Anyhow-- rhodochrosite007: 011909

Trapped and Bound!--lapislazuli006:011209

Predictions! Predictions! Predictions!--onyx010: 122909

Something to Think About Next Time You Catch a Cold--ruby005: 120809
Afraid of the Swine flu? There is something else we should really be afraid of.

U.S. 50 Never Looked So Good--zircon001: 120109
Have to be careful about shortcuts.

The Greater Family--pyrope002: 112409
Whether you are alone or not alone during the holidays you can certainly find a blessing in the Kingdom of God.

God Always Has Things In Focus--opal005: 111709
Thank God He does not act like some of us!

What's On Your Holidays Menu?--emerald006: 111009
God has a menu for you!

On the Wrong Phone--jasper009: 110309
It is important to stay fully focused.

Something Better to do This Weekend--bloodstone003: 102709
Why observe death when you can celebrate life?

The Not-So-Dead Dead--chrysoberyl005: 102009
Those who have died still live, and those who have committed to Christ are very much alive.

Exodus From Our Hometown--sardius001: 101309
Sometimes a move is good.

Are You Selecting Gifts?--pearl009: 100609
When it comes to a gift selection, God did it the earliest of anyone.

Christmas in Autumn?--pearl008: 092909
There is a good possibility that the birth of Christ did not occur "...on a cold winter's night."

Health from a Horsefly--Sort of--topaz005: 092209
Thank God I did not wreck the car!

One Day the Hate Will Stop--citrine003: 091509
From hacking web sites to harming humans, one day it will all end.

Distracted in School Zones--jasper008: 090809
Distractions can be harmful and deadly.

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You Can't Tell Him Anything--chrysolite001: 090109
Be careful of subtle attempts to prevent people from hearing the Gospel.

A Really Great Law--jasper007: 082509
Here's a law we should all agree upon.

Do You Have Your School Supplies?--emerald005: 081809
Don't miss your classes!

A Brief Look at the Second Best Known Verse of the Bible--tourmaline003: 022421 TSW - - - This link will take you to The Sure Word.
This verse is often used by some to protect below-the-belt sin, like adultery, homosexuality and prostitution.

More Sugar, Less Teeth--hematite008: 072809
Some people make the Gospel so sweet that it is ineffective.

A Favorite Time of Mine--pearl007
You should enjoy this too.

Dinner Brings Courage--hematite007
A bird gives a reminder of the security one has if they make the Lord their portion.

Freud in the Trash--sardonyx002
At least one student made a wise move.

The Greatest Price of Freedom--lapislazuli005
No one but God and the soldier himself knows what the soldier has gone through.

Fishing Spot Missing--carnelian002
Well the old Colgate plant in Jersey City was taken away a few years ago. But there are some things that cannot be taken away.

Technology and Our Brains--jasper005
Don't neglect the mind that God has given you.

Faithful Pill Takers--emerald004
People would be better off to faithfully do what God tells them to do.

Lighting the Word-- indicolite001
Don't understand the Holy Bible? Get the Light.

Ascension Hope in Each Cloud--sapphire002
Nature itself can tells us a lot about God!

The Drought Is Over--aquamarine003
It was good news when we heard that the drought was over on Maryland's Eastern Shore, but there is even better news that Christ is able to give us living water that can satisfy us forever.

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Spared from Death!--ruby004
We can consider this "part 2" of God Said Lay Down!

God Said Lie Down!--jade002
It is important we hear from God.

It Would Be Easier For God To Do It Himself--ametrine002
Yes, it would be easier if He would do a lot of things Himself but, He has even a better way.

What A Life!--chrysoberyl004
The resurrection life of Christ has much more to offer than life in this world.

A Multitude of Colors--chrysoberyl003
Spring is a good reminder of the abundant life available in Christ.

Nehemiah Faces Ridicule-- hematite006
We can learn how to handler ridicule from Nehemiah.

The First Date -- ruby003
Someone does not want to just date you.

Snow Shoveling Lesson - 1 -- citrine002
Just as the sun cleared things up, so can God's Son clear things up in our lives.

Dodge! -- jasper004
The game of dodge ball can bring two spiritual truths to mind.

Right Into the Net!-- jasper003
What happened to me was funny, but what is about to happen is not.

Natural Prayer -- turquoise003
Sincere prayer makes an impression upon a young Christian.

A Fruitful Couple -- chrysoberyl002.html
True Christians develop abundant fruit.

God's Whitelist Method -- pearl006
When one knows the Truth it is easy avoid the falsehoods.

Cloud Nine-- citrine001
One of the great blessings of salvation is the awesome peace that God can give.

A Happy Birthday To Me -- chalcedony002
I'm not even 40! the spirit.

They'd Rather Be With Family -- pyrope001
Christ has had an affect on our grandchildren.

Hope: It's All Around You -- chrysoprase003
Future look gloomy? Look again.

Child of Destiny-- onyx009
Simeon prophesied that some would rise and others would fall over the Christ.

Great Joy from Good Tidings -- topaz004
Joyous blessings await hose who commit to Christ as their Savior.

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That Special Gift-- pearl005
Often when we give a gift from our hearts we feel that gift is a special one to a special person. The most special Gift of course is Christ Himself.

Where Is The King?--amethyst004
People need to ask the same question that the Magi asked over two thousand years ago.

The Blessing of His Warmth -- diamond003
The world can be cold both physically and spiritually, but there is warmth in God if we let Him have His way in our lives.

Two Reasons To Be Thankful-- opal003
While things around us might not be going too well, here are two things about God be can be thankful for.

The Book of Foresight and Power-- onyx008
All nations are edging toward the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in this age and the ages to come. While this is occurring, the same Word of God offers salvation and strength for the times ahead.

Whoever Wins, God is in Charge--amethyst003
Whether McCain or Obama wins, God rules.

It's That Time of the Year Again -- bloodstone002
The hundreds of thousands who have suffered, and have even met death, for Christ will not be forgotten by God, nor should they be forgotten by us.

Blind, But Not To Ability -- spinel001
Despite our limitations, God can enable us if we trust Him.

Great! I Can't Remember!--topaz003
In Christ, God can change our troubles into treasures.

The Majority Does Not Always Win-- ametrine001
The side that has the most in number is not the winning side. Find out why.

We Need The Blessing, not a Bailout -- amethyst002
It's time to stop making government God, and to make God our King.

Brainwashing -- sardonyx001
There are times that our minds need a good scrubbing. Find out what to do about it.

The King is in Charge-- amethyst001
Despite the shaky world around us, God is in charge. Learn to enjoy His kingdom!

Lesson from a Leaf --hematite005
There is no need to be gripped by fear if you are in the flock of Christ.

Hitler Led Me To Christ -- tourmaline002
He never got what he deserved before he died. Find out how this helped to turn me to Christ.

Bible GemLights Prior to September 1, 2008:

Back to School Time -- agate001
It's good to learn, but it is important we choose the right source of knowledge.

Fear or Faith? -- hematite004
Instead of fearing the things that are around, let us cling to the Blessed Controller of all things.

What a Kiss! -- ruby002
God gives the answer to our problem.

The Wonderful Walters -- aquamarine002
We should strive to be a positive godly encouragement to all.

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Powerful Joy -- topaz002
When we are weak, if we trust God and praise Him, we will find strength in His joy.

The Saving Word of God: Simple and Open -- pearl004
God's plan of salvation is so simple and clear, even a child can understand it.

Radio is not Everywhere -- jade001
Take time to stop and listen to God.

Bible-based principles and living will get you through tough times.

The Economy, You, and God -- smokeyquartz001
Despite the rough economy, let God be in control.

Free Indeed -- lapislazuli004
True freedom can only be found in Christ.

Thank Him that He is Immutable -- rhodochrosite006
Rest in the fact that despite the changing world around us, God does not change.

Israel: From Burden to Blessing -- onyx007
One day Israel will be a blessing in the earth, and we can be a part of it.

It Happened on May 28 -- onyx006
The power of Bible prophecy is seen in a historical event.

Thank Him that He is Eternal -- rhodochrosite005
God is in today, yesterday and tomorrow.

Thank God He Is All Powerful - rhodochrosite004
We can take great comfort in the fact that God is the most powerful being.

Thank God He is Everywhere --rhodochrosite003
The fact that God is everywhere is one great reason to praise Him for Who He is.

The Reality and Blessing of Christ's Ascension -- sapphire001
Deep in your heart, is the ascension of Christ fact or fable?

Thank God He Knows All -onyx005
It is certainly a blessing that God knows everything about us and around us.

The Choice of Being Damned or not to be Damned -- obsidian002
Did you know you have choice as to whether you shall be damned or not?

Stressed? Go Fly a Kite!--hematite003
God spoke to me while my boys and I were flying a kite. Find out what He said.

God Wants Everyone to Flourish in Christ--amazonite002
Never mind what the world has to offer! There is something far better in the Kingdom of God.

It's Great to Really Know He Lives-- emerald003
There are powerful blessings in personally knowing that Christ is alive.

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It Was In His Blood -- ruby001
What we all need in our blood!

The Jewel of Joy--topaz001
The joy that Christ gives is an enduring joy, and enables us to endure what comes our way.

Have Walls?-- jasper002
There is a good spiritual lesson to learn from walls.

Known And Unknown Are Known By God--tourmaline001
God knows every person ever created and will bring them to judgment at the proper time. Discover how you can find mercy.

The Call To Love God -- rhodochrosite002
John 14:21: "... he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."

Agape --rhodochrosite001
Learn a little about the highest form of love.

The Boy That Was Freed - Part 2 -- lapis lazuli 003
Being a servant of God means to be freed to do the right thing.

The Boy That Was Freed - Part 1 -- lapis lazuli 002
A young man is freed from guilt and failure.

Is There No Mercy? -- rosequartz001
While there are times that life can seem to be cruel at best, there is plenty of mercy in God.

Sure Prophecy --- onyx4
Those who are truly save have no reason to fear the prophetic events that will soon come to earth.

Fulfilled! -- onyx003
There is power behind the prophecies concerning the Christ Child that can affect true believers today.

Jehovah Is Salvation -- pearl003
Christ was, as the Christmas carol states, the "Second Adam" which provides our reconcilliation with God.

To Hold the Salvation of God -- pearl002
Simeon had the wonderful honor of holding God's salvation for the world in his hands.

Do Not Avoid The Word --pearl001
Sometimes whole churches ignore the Word of God, but make up your mind that you won't.

Ancient Prophecies - 1 -- onyx002
As the prophecies of Christ's first coming have come to pass, so will those of His return.

Do Not Neglect Yourself -- emerald002
Many people neglect something far more important than their body.

Thank God For All Things--opal002
There is always something to thank God for.

There's Goodness In Giving Thanks--opal001
God desires our praises and enjoys them.

Conquering Sadness and Gloom--chrysoprase002
Sadness and gloom do not have to pester you.

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Picking Priorities -- diamond002
That which is eternal should come first.

The Buried Event --bloodstone001
Do you know what happened on October 31, over 500 years ago?

The Other Side of Prayer -turquoise002
When it comes to prayer, we should not be doing all of the talking.

The Privilege Of Prayer -- turquoise001
Have you spoken with God lately?

Fortress of Solitude -- hematite002
You can have it better than the man of steel.

The Fresh Start--chalcedony001
God has made a way so each person can have a fresh start.

Vital Life - chrysoberyl001
Christ offers us the goodness of His life as seen in John 15:3-7

You, Too, Can Be Brilliant - chrysoprase001
God can really make you wise!

The Need To Be Alert-- jasper001
Just as much of the United States has hightened its alertness since September 11, 2001, so we need to heighten our spiritual alertness.

What a mess!- obsidian001
How I learned a spiritual lesson from painting.

Webo or Velvet? - hematite001.html
Are you strong? You can be, in the Lord Jesus.

Eternal Choices- diamond001
Do not let material things rob you of eternal life.

Some Vitamin B From Psalm 32- emerald001
Find some needed spiritual nourishment from this Psalm.

The Providential Release of Knowledge - onyx001
The innocent discovery of the relationship between mass and energy might set the stage for the literal fulfillment of God's Word.

We Need The Unchangeable In Changing Times- carnelian001
Christ and His blessings remain unchangeable in the midst of a changing world.

The Best Way To Encourage Yourself- rhodonite001
David knew when to find real encouragement in the darkest times.

Webo, The Thirsty Dog - amazonite001
He really wanted to drink! So should we.

The Servant Who Really Became Free - Lapis Lazuli1
Are you really free? Consider what the Word of God says.

A Refreshing Eyeopener - aquamarine001
Find relief from this cruel world!

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All material is © 2007-08 Macinta Ministries. All rights reserved. Each Bible GemLight is a production of Macinta Ministries and may be singularly reprinted by individuals or organizations on paper or electronic media provided that Pete Macinta is noted as the author; there is a link back to the originating web site, and its distribution is without charge. Newspapers and similar media, may publish Bible GemLights. Bible Gemlights remains the property of Macinta Ministries.

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© 2007-12 Macinta Ministries, All rights reserved. Each Bible GemLight is a production of Macinta Ministries and may be singularly reprinted by individuals or organizations on paper or electronic media provided that Pete Macinta is noted as the author; there is a link back to the originating web site,; and its distribution is without charge. Newspapers and similar media, may publish Bible GemLights. Bible Gemlights remains the property of Macinta Ministries.

"O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows of agates and thy gates of rubies, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD, and great shall be the peace of thy children." --- Isaiah 54:11-13

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