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Messages (Sermons) - page 1 (most messages recorded before May 1, 2019)

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Unless otherwise noted, these messages (sermons) are in MP3 or video format.

Posting format is as follows: Title, Text, Comments (if any) Times (Message (sermon)/entire recording including music, prayer, etc.), Reference Code, location of recording, date of (or approximate) recording date (or / and in some cases, date of Internet publication), supportive links in parenthesis, keywords. Supportive links may include charts, pictures and other helpful information.

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SEARCH TIPS: Dates of recordings are now listed as day-month-year (ddmmyy) and a dash for easier searching. You can find the latest messages by using find (ctrl + f, or ctr + f) and using the last four digits of a composite date. For example, for messages in January 2011 use 0111-. A dash needs to be added to distinguish the search from the reference code (used for my purposes) that precedes the location in the event a portion of the code ever mimics a date. Also search by keyword. Background colors exist only for fun and to distinguish each item. Some dates will have a letter after the dash. It usually denotes either a morning (A for AM) or evening (P for PM).

Abba! | Video Version recorded 160624 Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6-7
51:56 / 52:04 M0000410 Cornerstone 190616-P Fathers Day, fathers, father, submission, sonship, heir, submissive, submissiveness, subordination, adoption, adopted, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Ur, Syria, Pandamaram, Abram, Abraham, slave to sin, bondage, Spirit of Adoption, spirit of bondage, Godhead, Trinity, Elohim
#FathersDay #fathers #father #submission #sonship #heir #submissive #submissiveness #subordination #adoption #adopted #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #Ur #Syria #Pandamaram #Abram #Abraham #slavetosin #bondage #SpiritofAdoption #spiritofbondage #Godhead #Trinity #Elohim
Video Tags: #FathersDay #fathers #father #Godhead #Trinity #submission #sonship #heir #submissive #submissiveness #subordination #adoption #adopted #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #Abraham #slavetosin #bondage #SpiritOfAdoption #spiritofbondage

Abundant Life In God | Psalm 36:5-9
54:17 / 59:27 M0000132 Cornerstone 170711-P kindness of God, mercy, fountain, living, kingdom of God, King, merciful, real life, zoe, righteousness, kingdom of heaven, domain, God's faithfulness, trust |
#kindnessofGod #mercy #fountain #living #kingdomofGod #King #merciful #reallife #zoe #righteousness #kingdomofheaven #domain #God'sfaithfulness #trust

Activated For God - Acts 9:10-17
50:13 / 52:57 M0000496 Cornerstone 190418-P discipleship, divine guidance, visions, obedience, prayer, voice of God, ministry, disciple, disciples, discipled, vision, fellowship with God, service, servant, Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, filled with the Holy Ghost, tongues, witness, evangelize, evangelize

A Father's God-honoring Legacy | Genesis 41:51-52
28:26 / 32:23 M0000368 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 210615-A - Fathers Day, dad, dads, parents, faithfulness, example, godly, faithful, Joseph, Potiphar, Ephraim, Manasseh, Pharaoh, Egypt, fruitful, dream, dreams, prison, adversity, prosperity, corn, grain, famine, plenty | #FathersDay #dad #dads #parents #faithfulness #example #godly #faithful #Joseph #Potiphar #Ephraim #Manasseh #Pharaoh #Egypt #fruitful #dream #dreams #prison #adversity #prosperity #corn #grain #famine #plenty

A Father's Treasure | 1 Kings 2:1-3
42:48 M0000196 Cornerstone 170612- Keywords: Fathers Day, father, fathers, children, inheritance, spiritual children, law of God, Holy Bible, the Word of God, judgments, statutes, commandments, testimony, testimonies, statute, judgment, commandment, command, man, manhood |
#FathersDay #father #fathers #children #inheritance #spiritualchildren #lawofGod #HolyBible #WordOfGod #judgments #statutes #commandments #testimony #testimonies #statute #judgment #commandment #command #man #manhood

Ahab's High Price For Missing God's Will | 1 Kings 20 and 22 selected
51:16 / 55:25 M0000129 Cornerstone 100711- compromise, delusion, obey, disobey, obedience, disobedience, will of God, brother, Benhadad, Syria | #compromise #delusion #obey #disobey #obedience #disobedience #willofGod #brother #Benhadad #Syria

Ahoy Mates! Turbulent Seas Ahead! --- Psalm 107:23-32
55:35 / 1:05:47 M0000436 Cornerstone 080117-P Age of the Gentiles, Great Tribulation, Donald Trump, Captain, prophetic, outcry, Sodom and Gomorrah, prophecy, Psalm 107, Captain, Captain of their salvation, salvation, clamor, sail, sailors, sailing, sea, seas, ocean, oceans, world, world system, cry, cried, storm, storms, whirlwind, whirlwinds, return of Christ, rapture, narrow constricting path, thilipsis, judgment, Israel, Jews

Aid For Godly Repentance | Hebrews 12:22-24
53:49 / 1:01:02 M0000237 Cornerstone 240213-P repent, help, aid, repentance, repenting, mercy, mediator, Jesus Christ, God the Judge, blood of Christ, Abel, Mount Zion, Mount Sinai, Heavenly Jerusalem, Living God, angels, the epistle of Hebrews, citizenship in heaven |
#repent #help #aid #repentance #repenting #mercy #mediator #JesusChrist #GodtheJudge #bloodofChrist #Abel #MountZion #MountSinai #HeavenlyJerusalem #LivingGod #angels #Hebrews #citizenshipinheaven

A Little Oil, A Little Strength, A Little Child (Memorial)
Memorial Message Length: 20:12 | Memorial Service Length: 1:04:13
1 Kings 17:12, Psalm 37:16, Mark 10:15, Revelation 3:8
M0000526 180119-P Kevin Gibbs, widow of Zarephath, church of Philadelphia, seed, authority, serve, service, serving, helper, child, children, trust, trusting, determined, determination, endure, endurance

An Apostle's Desire, part 1 | Recorded Video Version Colossians 1:9d-10
43:40 / 53:25M0000209 Cornerstone 260812-P God’s will, life in Christ, God’s way, walking Christ, walk, walking, live, living, conversation, work, works, good works, experiential knowledge, revelation of God | #God’sWill #LifeInChrist #God’sWay #WalkingInChrist #ExperientialKnowledgeOfGod #RevelationOfGod

An Apostle's Desire, part 2 | Recorded Video Version Colossians 1:11
47:49 / 51:30 M0000210 Cornerstone 020912-P strength, strengthened, godly character, power, might, godliness, dominion, authority, joy, joyfulness, rejoicing, spiritual growth, Christian growth | #strength #strengthened #godlycharacter #power #might #godliness #dominion #authority #joy #joyfulness #rejoicing #spiritualgrowth #Christiangrowth

Ancient Elements Of Fellowship With God | Recorded Video | Genesis 26:25
43:02 / 53:22 M0000407 Cornerstone 290516-A communion with God, Jesus Christ, Isaac, presence, well, crave, thirst, drink, water of life, presence of Christ, Abraham, tent, tents, Beersheba, construct, build, altar, devotion, commit, commitment, crave, commune, communion | #communionwithGod #JesusChrist #Isaac #presence #well #crave #thirst #drink #wateroflife #presenceofChrist #Abraham #tent #tents #Beersheba #construct #build #altar #devotion #commit #commitment #crave #commune #communion

Anna's Way Of Worship - Luke 2:36-38
42:11 / 49:23 M0000500 Cornerstone 120518-P Mothers Day, mothers, life, loyalty, love, Ten Lost Tribes, dedication, fasting and prayer, evangelism, second coming of Christ, widow, aged, Holy Spirit led, prophecy, prophetess, Temple, circumcision of Christ, service, service to God, serving God, intercede, intercession, intercessor, interceding, mother

A Really Out Of This World Dad --- | Recorded Video 49:42 | Genesis 5:21-24, Hebrews 11:5, Jude 14-15
51:06 / 56:55 M0000457 Cornerstone 170617-P fathers, Fathers Day, rapture, Enoch, pleasing God, obedience, walking with God, walked with God, did not see death, warn, warning, Book Of Enoch, pseudepigrapha, translate, translated, translation

Armed For Action, 1 Peter 4:1-2
53:51 (entire service)M0000009 Bradford House 080310- battlefield, mind, temptation, thinking, thoughts | #battlefield #mind #temptation #thinking #thoughts

Avenues Of Real Progress - Philippians 3:13-14
48:11 / 51:26 M0000503 Cornerstone 100618-P upward, upward calling, press on, pressing on, figure, reckon, forget, forgetting, forward, race, run, racing, running, sin, sins, depression, failure, failures, mistakes, forge ahead, forging ahead, perseverance, endurance

Avenues Of Strength | Recorded Video Version Topical Ps. 28:7, 81:1a, 119:25-32, Jude 20
30:21 / 45:44 M0000393 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 070216-A worn out, end of my rope, fellowship, Word of God, worship, trust God, hopeless, hopelessness, weak, tired, strengthen, strengthening, Holy Bible, trusting God, commit | #wornout #endofmyrope #fellowship #WordOfGod #worship #trustGod #hopeless #hopelessness #weak #tired #strengthen #strengthening #HolyBible #trustingGod #commit

A Very Special Thanksgiving: Grateful For Grace | Matthew 21:1-16
49:53 / 53:55 M0000286 Cornerstone 241113-A - cleanse, cleansing, cleansed, conquer, conqueror, victor, Christ, Messiah, Hanukkah, Jew, Jews, Jewish, Temple, The Beast, The Antichrist, caring, curing | #cleanse #cleansing #cleansed #conquer #conqueror #victor #Christ #Messiah #Hanukkah #Jew #Jews #Jewish #Temple #TheBeast #TheAntichrist #caring #curing

Avoid Martha's Mistakes | Luke 10:38-42
31:14 M0000069 Bradford House 100310- anxious, anxiety, worry, focus, learn, Christ | #anxious #anxiety #worry #focus #learn #Christ

Avoid the Collision—Climb! | Topical (based on the near collision of two jets heading for Denver, Thanksgiving week 2009)
27:27 / 58:31 M0000003 Bradford House 070210- Christ, damnation, salvation, sin |
#Christ #damnation #salvation #sin

Avoid These Creeps, Jude 11
42:40 / 43:59 M0000036 Cornerstone 300510- disobedience, money, pride, self, sin | #disobedience #money #pride #self #sin

Awake!, | Matthew 26:41
45:51 M0000056 Cornerstone 0810- Holy Spirit, improve, resurrection, rise | #HolySpirit #improve #resurrection #rise

A War To Win - Revelation 12:17
44:34 / 47:30 M0000507 Cornerstone 150718-P testimony, obedience, Word of God, blood of the lamb, testing, test, trial, trials, tribulation, clinging to Christ, cling to Christ, submission, submitting, satan, slander, false unity, win, winning, victory, agree, soul, life, blood

Balance Your Brain | Video Romans 12:3d-h
1:00:33 / 54:26 M0000167 Cornerstone 220111-A godly self-esteem, pride, humility, humble, false humility, transformed, mind, thinking | #godlyself-esteem #pride #humility #humble #falsehumility #transformed #mind #thinking

Baptism Of Blessing | John 7:37-39
46:16 / 48:52 M0000365 Cornerstone 240515-A - Baptism of the Holy Spirit, tongues, living water, refreshing, Holy Ghost, Pentecost, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Feast of Tabernacles, incarnation, call, calling, cure, cause, origin, source | #BaptismOfTheHolySpirit #tongues #livingwater #refreshing #HolyGhost #Pentecost #Pentecostal #Charismatic #FeastOfTabernacles #incarnation #call #calling #cure #cause #origin #source

Bask In His Presence | Video Version recorded 090225 Song of Solomon 2:3
51:23 / 50:30 M0000100 Cornerstone 300111-P peace, fellowship, Christ, king, relationship, worship, Word of God, trees, spiritual nakedness | #peace #fellowship #Christ #king #relationship #worship #WordOfGod #trees #spiritualnakedness

Be A Champ, And Do Not Be Charred - Luke 8:14
50:46 / 55:38 M0000506 Cornerstone 010718-P parable of the sower, hear, hearing, seed, thorns, cares, riches, pleasure, pleasures, keep God’s Word, the will of God, sow, Word of God, choke, choked, choking, vine, branches

Beacon To Life | John 8:12
49:03 / 53:02 M0000387 Cornerstone 171215-P - secure, safe, safety, satisfaction, satisfied, security, sanity, sane, blind, blindness, see, seeing, Hanukkah, Festival of Lights, Light of the world, light, darkness, lighthouse, lighthouses, guide, guided, guidance, Word, Word of God | #secure #safe #safety #satisfaction #satisfied #security #sanity #sane #blind #blindness #see #seeing #Hanukkah #FestivalOfLights #Lightoftheworld #light #darkness #lighthouse #lighthouses #guide #guided #guidance #Word #WordOfGod

Bear The Seal Of God --- 2 Timothy 2:19b-c
50:24 / 53:49 M0000454 NOTE: While delivering this message I had vocally made an error towards the end of it where you will hear me say on the recording that there are three Greek words in Luke 13:24-27 that match the seal of God in 2 Timothy 2:19. That is incorrect. There are only two, translated “depart” and “iniquity.” Additionally, in the process of editing I did not retain the entire location of the Matthew passage. The entire location is Matthew 7:21-27. --- Cornerstone 280517-P revolt, sin, iniquity, holiness, know, purge, cleanse, revolting, sin, sins, cleansing, knowing, iniquities

Be Attentive Unto True Life - 1 Timothy 4:16
47:08 / 51:23 M0000517 Cornerstone 111118-P doctrine, doctrines, teach, teaching, teachings, doctrine of Christ, teaching of Christ., Eternal Life, damnation, eternal damnation, take heed, do not be distracted, continue, state of being, state of existence

Because He Lives, We Can Have Forgiveness | Video Version recorded 130823 Hebrews 7:25b
29:04 / 51:14 M0000357 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 050415-A - faults, failures, sins, intercession, intercede, High Priest, Jesus Christ, Hebrews, see, believe, perceive, receive, grace, intercessor
Video Tags: #faults #sin #sins #intercession #intercede #intercessor #JesusChrist #Hebrews #see #believe #perceive #receive #priests

Be Counted Worthy of the Reward | Video version recorded 210424 2 Thessalonians 1:8-12
47:55 / 49:12 M0000022 Cornerstone 130410-P holiness, holy, purification
Video Tags: #secondcomingofChrist #returnofChrist #DayOfTheLORD #prophecy #grace #goodness #punishment #worthy #worthiness #holiness

Be Empowered To Be Upright |Video Version recorded 241021 Proverbs 11:3 and 6
49:17 / 48:37 M0000284 Cornerstone 101113-P - upright, uprightness, bent, bowed, bent over, integrity, wholeness, righteous, righteousness, salvation | #upright #uprightness #bent #bowed #bentover #integrity #wholeness #righteous #righteousness #salvation

Be Empowered To Forgive --- Topical - Matthew 18:21-35, John 3:18, Mark 9:23-24, Titus 3:5, Romans 3:10, Psalm 51:1, Psalm 51:4, Proverbs 28:13, Mark 11:25-26, James 2:13, Philippians 4:13, Hebrews 4:16, Galatians 2:20, Isaiah 53:4
46:13 / 53:46 M0000441 Cornerstone 260217-P mercy, grace, forgiveness, unforgiveness, debt, trespass, trespasses, sin, sins, sinful, sinner, sinners, forgiving, merciful, David, Bathsheba, Word of God, claim, claiming, release, releasing, released, imputation, Isaiah 53

Be Fireproofed! | Video Version recorded 311021 Daniel 1:8-16, 3:4-18 & 27-28
55:40 / 1:06:51 M0000281 Cornerstone 271013-P faithfulness, steadfastness, dedication, firm, firmness, take a stand, compromise, bend, bending, The Fourth Man, world, worldly, the Antichrist, the Beast, the False Prophet

Be God's Remnant | Recorded Video Version 1:13:52 --- 1 Kings 19:18
56:05 / 1:00:43 M0000473 Cornerstone 151017-P fellowship, agreement, compromise, submission, Catholic Church, friendship, agree, agreeing, compromising, giving in, Roman Catholic Church, Sardis, Waldensians, Reformation, Huss, Tyndale, Luther

Behold! The Lamb of God! | Video from 2017 delivery, Exodus 12:1-13, John 1:29
Related Items:
51:59 / 56:14 M0000139 Cornerstone 210811-P sacrifice, sacrificial, subordination, victory, victorious, propitiation, obedience, John the Baptist, Passover |
#sacrifice #sacrificial #subordination #victory #victorious #propitiation #obedience #JohntheBaptist #Passover

Be Liberated To Life, Romans 6:10-14
44:01 / 47:56 M0000045 Cornerstone 040710-A free, freedom, liberty, salvation | #free #freedom #liberty #salvation

Be Like The Master | Mark 10:45
47:00 M0000191 Cornerstone 200512-A selfless, ransom, dedication, service, minister, serve, serving, ministering, selflessness | #selfless #ransom #dedication #service #minister #serve #serving #ministering #selflessness

Be Prepared With The Spirit | Recorded Video Matthew 25:1-13
54:48 / 58:43 M0000319 Cornerstone 080614-P - lamp, torch, oil, baptism, filled, overflow, overflowing, return of Jesus Christ, Messiah, virgin, parable of the ten virgins, second coming, Armageddon, disciple, disciples, play, role, bride, bridegroom, groom, marriage, wedding, delay, declaration, distress, delight, denial, duty, speaking with other tongues, Pentecost, Pentecostal |
#returnofChrist #Messiah #virgin #parableofthetenvirgins #secondcoming #Armageddon #bride #bridegroom #groom #marriage #wedding #speakingwithothertongues #Pentecost #Pentecostal

Be Really Free! | Video Version recorded 030722 John 8:31-36
50:36 / 53:16 M0000322 Cornerstone 290614-A - liberty, liberated, liberation, son, sonship, heir, slave, slavery, serve, servant, Jesus Christ, Way, Truth, Life, salvation, discipleship, choice, homosexual, homosexuality, lesbian, bisexual
Video Tags: #liberty #liberated #liberation #son #sonship #slave #slavery #serve #servant #Truth #Life #salvation #discipleship #choice #youcanchoose

Be Resilient In God | Video Version recorded 281121 Micah 7:7-9
47:15 / 54:39 M0000328 Cornerstone 100814-A - decide, decision, declare, declaration, determine, determination, arise, rise
#decide #decision #declare #declaration #determine #determination #arise #rise

Be Restored!, Joel 1:4,13, 2:1,12-5, 25
46:51 M0000047 Cornerstone 180710-A fast, fasting, repent, obedience, ripped off, Satan, sin | #fast #fasting #repent #obedience #rippedoff #satan #sin

Be Richly Revived!, Acts 3:9-10
53:58 M0000043 Cornerstone 270610-A Holy Spirit, Pentecost, Pentecostal, refresh, refreshing, Baptism Of The Holy Spirit | #HolySpirit #Pentecost #Pentecostal #refresh #refreshing #BaptismOfTheHolySpirit

Be The Father’s Prophetic Messenger Of Mercy - Isaiah 7:3
54:00 / 57:40 | | M0000504 Cornerstone 170618-P Fathers, Fathers Day, prophets, mercy, salvation, remnant, cleansing, Israel, prophetic imagery, testimony, cleanse, cleansing, washing of regeneration, Word of God, Immanuel, Jesus, millennial reign
#Fathers #FathersDay #prophets #mercy #salvation #remnant #cleansing #Israel #prophetic imagery #testimony #cleanse #cleansing #washingofregeneration #WordOfGod #Immanuel #Jesus #millennialreign

Bethlehem Blessing | Video Version Recorded 191221 Micah 5:2
46:29 / 55:39 M0000291 Cornerstone 221213-A - despised, insignificant, rejected, demean, demeaned, declare, declared, depend, dependant, deliver, deliverance, delivered, destine, destined, predestined, incarnation
Video Tags: #ruinedlife #hope #conversion #fruitfulness #salvation #newlife

Be Truly Alive! --- Topical Genesis 2:7, Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 3:21, John 6:63, 1 Corinthians 15:45, 1 Peter 3:18
47:37 / 54:04 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000468 Cornerstone 100917-P spirit, spiritual, Holy Spirit, breath, breathing, abundant life, life, inspiration, bios, zoe, breathe, revive, revived, redeem, redemption, redeemed, Christ, finished work of Christ

Be Truly Called Out | Video Ephesians 5:10-11
55:45 / 58:03 M0000151 Cornerstone 301011-A expose, light, shame, shameful, light of the world | #expose #light #shame #shameful #lightoftheworld

Biblical Insights Into Medicine | Topical
59:55 M0000123 Cornerstone 220511- medicine, drugs, sorcery, dependence, doctors, medical, faith, faithfulness, health, healing, heal, miracle, miracles, pharmakeia, therapy, therapeia, pharmacy, pharmaceutical, pharmaceuticals, sorceries, murder, theft, fornication, greed, Viagra, Tree of Life |
#medicine #drugs #sorcery #dependence #doctors #medical #faith #faithfulness #health #healing #heal #miracle #miracles #pharmakeia #therapy #therapeia #pharmacy #pharmaceutical #pharmaceuticals #sorceries #murder #theft #fornication #greed #Viagra #TreeOfLife

Blessings For The Battle | Video Version Reocorded 230122 2 Timothy 2:1-4
43:52 / 51:32 M0000310 Cornerstone 270414-A - energize, endure, entrust, enable, engage, disentangle, life, soldier, war, spiritual warfare, fight, fighting, King, Kingdom
Video Tags: #energize #endure #entrust #enable #engage #life #soldier #spiritualwarfare

Blessings of The Holy Spirit | John 14:26-27
40:33 M0000063 Cornerstone IP 190910-P Holy Spirit, guidance, peace, comforter, helper | #HolySpirit #guidance #peace #comforter #helper

Bless Your Mind | Recorded Livestream Video Version Topical: Psalm 1:2, Psalm 77:12, Psalm 104:34
53:25 / 50:40 M0000418 Cornerstone 280816-A meditate, meditation, think, thoughts, thinking, talking to yourself, thought, works of God, Word of God, God, talk to yourself | #meditate #meditation #think #thoughts #thinking #talkingtoyourself #thought #worksofGod #WordOfGod #God #talktoyourself

Blossoming Love | Video Version recorded 190223 John 15:9-11
49:06 / 49:52 M0000315 Cornerstone 110514-P - flow, fortify, flourish, Jesus Christ, obey, obedience, joy, joyfulness, sorrow, parable of the sower, guard, keep, observe, tereo
Video Tags: #remain #continue #abide #lovingGod #spiritualgrowth #life

Boss Your Brain | Topical: Romans 12:3, Philippians 4:8, Matthew 6:34, Ephesians 5:19-20, 2 Corinthians 3:5, 1 Corinthians 10:12
35:52 / 40:40 M0000355 Cornerstone 220315-A - think, thinking, thoughts, balance, balanced, mind, aim, today, interrupt, negative, remove, removal, removed, need | #think #thinking #thoughts #balance #balanced #mind #aim #today #interrupt #negative #remove #removal #removed #need

Boss Your Bucks | Topical Ecclesiastes 5:19, Ecclesiastes 5:10, Deuteronomy 28:44, Psalm 62:10b, Psalm 37:16, Proverbs 11:28, Proverbs 11:4, Proverbs 3:9, Proverbs 22:3, Genesis 41:33-37, Malachi 3:8-10, 1 Corinthians 9:14, 1 Timothy 6:10, 1 Timothy 6:6-8, Matthew 6:24, Matthew 6:19-20, Hebrews 13:5
47:49 / 49:45 M0000373 Cornerstone 060915-P - Ecclesiastes, King Solomon, vanity of vanities, vexation, self centered, selfishness, selfish, death, material goods, wealth, mammon, pleasures, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life, fear of God, obey, obedience, duty, surrender, surrendered | #Ecclesiastes #KingSolomon #vanityofvanities #vexation #selfcentered #selfishness #selfish #death #materialgoods #wealth #mammon #pleasures #lustoftheflesh #lustoftheeyes #prideoflife #fearofGod #obey #obedience #duty #surrender #surrendered

Bound To Bless | Video Version Recorded 171223 Luke, selected
56:00 / 49:27M0000091 Cornerstone 191210-P Christ, Bethlehem, birth of Christ, incarnation, liberation, salvation | #Christ #Bethlehem #birthofChrist #incarnation #liberation #salvation
Video Tags: #Christ #birth_of_Christ #incarnation #liberation #salvation #Jewish_Law #Messiah #spiritual_growth

Break The Grip Of The World - Hebrews 11:24-28
45:58 / 55:10 M0000511 Cornerstone 120818-P death, fear, pressure, control, temptation, temptations, tempted, power, sinful pleasures, prestige, spiritual forces, darkness, worldly influence, Moses, world system, no compromise, treasure, treasures, Christ, reproach, firmness

Build It! | Nehemiah 8:15-18
49:00 / 53:22 M0000337 Cornerstone 261014-A - booths, obey, obedience, joy, joyous, tabernacles, feast of booths, feast of tabernacles, return, reflect, restore, rest, reflection, restoration, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcements, Word of God, study, read, memorize, apply, Israel | #booths #obey #obedience #joy #joyous #tabernacles #feastofbooths #feastoftabernacles #return #reflect #restore #rest #reflection #restoration #reinforce #reinforcement #reinforcements #WordofGod #study #read #memorize #apply #Israel

Build Your Love For God | Topical - Acrostic
55:00 / M0000142 Cornerstone 180911-P loyal, loyalty, faithful, faithfulness, obey, obedience, truth, truthful, truthfulness, integrity, veracity, exercise your faith |
#loyal #loyalty #faithful #faithfulness #obey #obedience #truth #truthful #truthfulness #integrity #veracity #exerciseyourfaith

Challenged To Remember --- Isaiah 43:16-26a
51:37 M0000049 Cornerstone 180710-A Christ, progress, salvation, forgiveness, removal of sin, graciousness, obey, obedience | #Christ #progress #salvation #forgiveness #removalofsin #graciousness #obey #obedience

Change Into His Majesty, Philippians 2:5-9
23:25 / 53:45 M0000004 Bradford House 210210- godliness, godly, holiness, holy | #godliness #godly #holiness #holy

Children Of Power | View the recorded Video Version. 1 John 5:4
21:07 / 51:55 M0000408 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 050616-A victory, ability, sons, sonship, power, potential, worst sinners, worst sinner, sinful, Christ within, victory over the world, victorious | #victory #ability #sons #sonship #power #potential #worstsinners #worstsinner #sinful #Christwithin #victoryovertheworld #victorious

Choose Eternally | Video version Mark 13:28-31
17:24 / 17:30M0000001 Office 250110- Christ, commit, commitment, damnation, grace, salvation |
#Christ #commit #commitment #damnation #grace #salvation
Video Tags: #salvation #live #life #living #commitment #eternallife #eternaldamnation #endtime #secondcoming #Bibleprophecy #HolyBibleprophecy

Choose: Heaven or Earth, Ephesians 1:3, 20, 2:6, 3:10
52:50 / 57:06 M0000031 Cornerstone 160510-A earthly, heavenly, spiritual, worldly | #earthly #heavenly #spiritual #worldly

Christ In The Midst Of The Church --- Topical Revelation 2 to 3
50:53 / 55:26 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000471 Cornerstone 011017-P Christianity, Catholic Church, Church history, prophecy, prophetic, Revelation, seven churches, Protestant Reformation, cheap grace, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea, Nicolaitins

Clean Your House, Exodus 12:15-20. The sequel to this is Dinner of Dedication, Luke 7:37-38.
35:40 / 38:43 M0000013 Cornerstone 240310- leaven, sin, freedom, Christ, cleanse, remove | #leaven #sin #freedom #Christ #cleanse #remove

Come On In Jesus, Make Yourself A Home --- Topical Revelation 3:20 et al.
50:07 / 56:51 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000453 Cornerstone 210517-P Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, indwelling, dwelling, spiritual growth, Word of God, worship, prayer, communion, fellowship, personal relationship, demons, demonic forces, seven spirits, swept and put in order, swept and garnished, worship, praise, loving God

Commandments of Life, Galatians 5:24-26
48:43 / 53:45 M0000028 Cornerstone 050510-P holy, holiness, faith | #holy #holiness #faith

Committed Love | Live Stream version recorded 150924 Song of Solomon 3:1-5
26:16 / 46:50 M0000044 Bradford House 0610- devotion, faith, trust, worship | #devotion #faith #trust #worship
Live Stream Tags: #Christ #commitment #love #desire #determination #direction #defense #Israel

Control Your Soul | Matthew 6:25-34
47:52 / 58:39 M0000391 Cornerstone 280216-P life, Jesus Christ, kingdom of God, righteousness, earthly, eternal, seek ye first the kingdom of God, kingdom, soul, affection, affections, care, worry, one day at a time, clothing, money, mammon, wealth |#life #JesusChrist #kingdomofGod #righteousness #earthly #eternal #seekyefirstthekingdomofGod #kingdom #soul #affection #affections #care #worry #onedayatatime #clothing #money #mammon #wealth

Core Principles Of Discipleship --- Matthew 16:24
49:50 / 54:49 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000456 Cornerstone 020717-P discipleship, self denial, cross, follow me, following Christ, crucified, new creation, disciple, discipled, corrective, directive, new creature, follow Christ, apostles, prophets. doctor, humility

Cries of the Hour: Judgment | Revelation 10:1-4
44:33 / 48:25 M0000179 Cornerstone 180312-A The Antichrist, The False Prophet, The Great Tribulation, Revelation, judgment, the time of Jacob’s trouble, rainbow, seven thunders, land and sea, prophecy, end times |
#TheAntichrist #TheFalseProphet #TheGreatTribulation #Revelation #judgment #thetimeofJacobstrouble #rainbow #seventhunders #landandsea #prophecy #endtimes

Cries of the Hour: Time and Mercy | Revelation 10:5-11
50:25 / 57:15 M0000180 Cornerstone 180312-P The Antichrist, The False Prophet, The Great Tribulation, Revelation, judgment, the time of Jacob’s trouble, rainbow, seven thunders, land and sea, prophecy, end times |
#TheAntichrist #TheFalseProphet #TheGreatTribulation #Revelation #judgment #thetimeofJacobstrouble #rainbow #seventhunders #landandsea #prophecy #endtimes

Cross Over | Colossians 1:13-14
41:27 M0000092 Cornerstone 171110-A darkness, delivered, kingdom, salvation, satan, son | #darkness #delivered #kingdom #salvation #satan #son

Crucial Commitment, John 6:68-69
44:18 M0000038 Cornerstone 080610- obey, Holy Bible, Word of God, follow, fellowship | #obey #HolyBible #WordOfGod #follow #fellowship

Crucify And Rise | Video Version recorded 160423 Topical: Mark 9:43-47; Colossians 3:1-17; Matthew 4:4, 7, 10; Galatians 2:20, 5:16-25, 6:14, Acts 10, Philemon v.12
1:09:48 / 56:02 M0000312 Cornerstone 040514-P - deny, denying, mortify, kill, put off, cut off, put on, Spirit led, Holy Spirit, Adam, Christ, denying self, life, Paul, Peter, Onesimus, Jews, Gentiles, personal convictions
Video Tags: #crucifiedwithChrist #risenwithChrist #denyingself #mortify #kill #putoff #cutoff #puttodeath #Spiritled #HolySpirit #personalconvictions

Deal With Your Sin | Genesis 4:7
50:53/57:12 M0000107 Cornerstone 060311- obey, pride, Cain, dominion, conquer, victory | #obey #pride #Cain #dominion #conquer #victory

Deep Devotion | Video Version recorded 240422 Jonah 2:8-9
53:35 / 54:46 M0000223 Cornerstone 021212-P thanksgiving, praise, thanks, sacrificial, sacrifice of praise, Jesus Christ, disregard, idols, determine, serving God, service to God, rejoicing, rejoice
Video Tags: #SacrificialPraise #deception #vanity #politics #dedication #focus

Defy The Killer Heat | Jeremiah 17:7-8
53:07/57:32 M0000136 Cornerstone 070811- world, world system, persecution, trouble, troubles, tribulation, conquer, victory | #world #worldsystem #persecution #trouble #troubles #tribulation #conquer #victory

Delight In The Dawning | Video Version recorded 020122 2 Peter 1:19
46:17 / 55:12   Outline to this message with brief comments. Also, you might also be interested in reading What To Do When The Night Comes When No Man Can Work which I will try to republish sometime. M0000292 Cornerstone 190114-P - day, sunrise, star, morning star, day star, Jesus Christ, secure, sober mind, savor, savoring, light, shine, shining, dark, darkness
Video tags: #prophecy #morningstar #daystar #JesusChrist #security #sobermind #WordOfGod #prophets

Deliverance Delivered | Luke 1:71-75
44:45 / 48:20 M0000347 Cornerstone 211214-P -freed, freedom, mercy, holiness, holy, righteousness, righteous, grace, grace of God, Christ, incarnation | #freed #freedom #mercy #holiness #holy #righteousness #righteous #grace #graceofGod #Christ #incarnation

Despite The Darkness --- 2 Chronicles 33:1-34:13
36:26 / 41:08Waiting on the online publisher to publish the article M0000077 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 040115-A- King Josiah, Judah, Israel, sin, Baal, Ashtaroth, cleanse, purge, cleansing, purging, destroy, destroying, repair, remove, removes, removal, restore, restores, restoration
#KingJosiah #Judah #Israel #sin #Baal #Ashtaroth #cleanse #purge #cleansing #purging #destroy #destroying #repair #remove #removes #removal #restore #restores #restoration

Destiny of Merciful Love | John 17:16-19 (17 & 19)
58:43 M0000160 Cornerstone 041211-P desire, destined, choice, salvation, distinction, disinfection, holy, sanctify, glory, glorified, venerate, venerated, venerable, sanctification | #desire #destined #choice #salvation #distinction #disinfection #holy #sanctify #glory #glorified #venerate #venerated #venerable #sanctification

Determine To Flourish Spiritually Now And Forever - Galatians 6:8
49:52 / 54:57 M0000489 Cornerstone 250218-P sowing and reaping, life, zoe, Holy Spirit, flesh, corruption, fruit of the Spirit, reap, sow, carnal, Spirit, Holy Spirit, crucified with Christ, crucified, crucifixion

Develop Godly Spiritual Discernment - Genesis selected including Genesis 27:6-7, Genesis 28:3-4, Genesis 10-21, Genesis 32:9-12, Genesis 24-31, Genesis 48:9-20
Links to the notes for this message may be found in .doc, .pdf, or .rtf form at the above link or here . . . .DOC | .PDF | .RTF or view it here as a web page.
51:10 / 54:42 M0000532 Cornerstone 030319-P spirit realm, spiritual realm, presence of God, obedience, sin, Jacob, Israel, Spirit led, bless, blessing, prophetic, prophecy, Esau, false prophets, false apostles, demons, angels, watchers, Word of God, Holy Bible, Holy Scriptures, surrendered to God, meek, meekness

Diligent Heed | Joshua 22:5
40:24 / 45:18 M0000255 Cornerstone 230613-A - obey, love, walk, keep, cling, serve, fully surrender, heed, listen, obedience, life, live, faith, full surrender | #obey #love #walk #keep #cling #serve #fullysurrender #heed #listen #obedience #life #live #faith #fullsurrender

Dinner of Dedication | Video version recorded 230624 Luke 7:37-38. This is a sequel to Clean Your House, Exodus 12:15-20.
36:18 / 53:05 M0000014 Cornerstone 240310- Christ, dedication, commitment, sinner, sin, following Christ, remorse, repentance, humility, love, worship, agape, phileo | #Christ #dedication #commitment #sinner #sin #followingChrist #remorse #repentance #humility #love #worship #agape #phileo

Directives For Disciples, | Luke 14:25-35.
45:55 / 52:13 M0000072 Cornerstone 101010-P disciple, obey, spirit, Holy Spirit | #disciple #obey #spirit #HolySpirit

Does It Have To Be Jesus? --- 1 Timothy 6:16c-e
51:58 / 57:54 M0000483 Cornerstone 070118-P unapproachable light, dwelling, existence of God, accessible, holiness, inaccessible, pantheism, Roman Catholic, Catholicism, holy, pure, access, inability, logos, Elohim, Jehovah, YHVH, YHWH

Don't Be A Creep. Leap and Reap! Leviticus 11:20-23
46:11 / 48:20 M0000021 Cornerstone 080410-P locusts, contradiction, Bible, resurrection, rise, above | #locusts #contradiction #Bible #resurrection #rise #above

Don't Miss Out | Video Version recorded 190525 1 Corinthians 12:7
54:42 / 50:25 M0000086 Cornerstone 051210- Pentecost, supernatural, baptism of the Holy Ghost, baptism of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, used, power, church, body of Christ |
#Pentecost #supernatural #baptismoftheHolyGhost #baptismoftheHolySpirit #giftsoftheSpirit #used #power #church #bodyofChrist

Don't Sin. — Win! | Video version recorded 250922 Topical - poetical: 2 Peter 1:4d, Epheshians 1:7-8, 1 John 5:3-5
53:48 / 51:19 M0000335 Cornerstone 091214-A - redemption, salvation, overcome, overcomes, overcometh, son, child, children, world
Video Tags: #redemption #salvation #overcome #overcomes #grace #victory #authority #power

Do The Power Walk | Recorded Video Version Ephesians 2:10
33:01 / 51:57 M0000248 Cornerstone 280413-A power, life, living, holiness, holy, godly, godliness, workmanship, craftsmanship, provision, path, results, production, betterment |
#power #life #living #holiness #holy #godly #godliness #workmanship #craftsmanship #provision #path #results #production #betterment

Do You Want To Be Like Jesus? John 5:30
27:50 M0000057 Bradford House 0810- growth, holy, holiness, personality | #growth #holy #holiness #personality

Dynamic Grace - 1 Corinthians 15:10
49:21 / 53:01 M0000531 Cornerstone 240219-P transform, transforming, transformation, empower, empowering, empowerment, captivate, captivating, captivation, power, ability, enable, enabling, enablement

Dynamic Powers Of God’s Word — Part 1 - Psalm 19:7-8 | Find link to sermon outline with brief comments here.
51:40 / 55:28 M0000513 Cornerstone 260818-P Word Of God, Holy Bible, Scriptures, law of God, commandment, testimony, enlightenment, conversion, restoration, converting, restoring, soul, person, law, perfect, perfection, sure, firm, reliable, wise, simple, Adam, Eve, deceived, deception, satan, serpent, prosper, prosperity gospel, statutes, statute, right, straight, plumb line, cornerstone, rejoicing, rejoice, free from care, heart, spirit, body, pure, purity, enlightening, eyes, darkness, YHVH, Jehovah, I AM THAT I AM

Dynamic Powers Of God’s Word — Part 2 - Psalm 19:9-10 | Find link to sermon outline with brief comments here.
54:03 / 57:24 M0000514 Cornerstone 020918-P fear of God, fear of the LORD, judgment, judgments, endurance, enforcement, enrichment, empowerment, clean, pure, enduring, eternity, true and righteous, gold, honey, honeycomb, desirable, desire, desire, sweetness, sweeter, tree of knowledge of good and evil, Eve, Adam

Dynamics Of Biblical Love | Video Version recorded 280822 1 John 5:1-3
33:31 / 52:05 M0000298 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 160214-A - agape, God, Christians, source, obey, obedience, word, Word of God, sin, holy, holiness,
Video Tags: #love #agape #God #Christians #obedience #WordofGod #sin

Dynamics Of Christ's Coming Kingdom | Zechariah 14:16
50:25 / 52:47 M0000270 Cornerstone 150913-A - obey, honor, observe, obedience, worship, observance, Middle East, Israel, incarnation, Christ, King, Lord of Hosts, Feast Of Tabernacles, Feast Of Booths, peace, millennial reign | #obey #honor #observe #obedience #worship #observance #MiddleEast #Israel #incarnation #Christ #King #LordOfHosts #FeastOfTabernacles #FeastOfBooths #peace #millennialreign

Dynamics Of Divine Healing | Video Version recorded 100722 Psalm 30:2
27:42 / 54:48 M0000317 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 010614-A - miraculous, miracle, miracles, sovereign, sovereignty of God, power, YHWH, YHVH, Jehovah, The Existing One, plead, request, earnest, earnestness, personal relationship, priority, perform, performance, mental, emotional, spiritual, wellness, well-being
Video Tags: #sovereigntyofGod #YHVH #TheExistingOne #DivineHealing #trustingGod #sincerity #sickness #mentalillness

Dynamics Of The Door | Exodus 12:7 and John 10:9
Related Items:
41:26 / 52:05 M0000146 Cornerstone 021011-P Passover, blood, lamb, Lamb of God, salvation, redemption |
#Passover #blood #lamb #LambofGod #salvation #redemption

Dynamics Of The New Birth | John 3:3, 5-8
33:35 / 37:24 M0000372 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 020815-A - Holy Spirit, spirit led, Holy Ghost, direction, empowerment, born again, new birth, Nicodemus, Jesus Christ, salvation, holy, holiness, distinctive | #HolySpirit #spiritled #HolyGhost #direction #empowerment #bornagain #newbirth #Nicodemus #JesusChrist #salvation #holy #holiness #distinctive

Dynamo Of Thanks --- Colossians 4:2-4
47:53 / 55:33 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000478 Cornerstone 191117-P prayer, watching, praise, thanksgiving, perseverance, steadfastness, intercession, pray, praying, watch, watchful, discernment, Spirit directed prayer, Spirit directed ministry, persevere, power, mercy, merciful, perceive, perception, intercede, interceding, praising

Eat, Exercise and Enjoy Godliness, 1 Timothy 4:6-8
26:36 M0000048 Bradford House 190710- faith, Word of God, holy, holiness | #faith #WordofGod #holy #holiness

Eight Ingredients For Godly Fatherhood Acts 10:1-8
36:17 M0000041 Cornerstone 230610- Cornelius, Fathers Day, devout, devotion, faith, faithful, worship | #Cornelius #FathersDay #devout #devotion #faith #faithful #worship

Eight Principles Of Holiness - 1 Corinthians 10:5-12
52:05 / 58:23 M0000519 Cornerstone 251118-P please God, pleasing God, bless God, blessing God, learn, God first, love God, loving God, trust God, trusting God, mature, grow, face responsibility, end of the age, end of the ages, end times, humble, humility

Eight Reasons To Joy | 1 Peter 4:12-14
55:22 M0000131 Cornerstone 170711-A fruit of the Spirit, happy, happiness, command, commanded, commandment, persecution, sacrifice, sacrifice of praise, heavy, force | #fruitoftheSpirit #happy #happiness #command #commanded #commandment #persecution #sacrifice #sacrificeofpraise #heavy #force

Eight Steps for Powerful Blessings, 2 Chronicles 17:1-6
42:00 / 46:04 M0000011 Cornerstone 140310-A defend, fear of the Lord, obey, protect, Bible, blessing, God, Jehoshaphat, obedience, fortify, fortified |
#defend #fearoftheLord #obey #protect #Bible #blessing #God #Jehoshaphat #obedience #fortify #fortified

Eight Things We Don't Know | Topical Based on Deuteronomy 29:29
38:57 / 44:12 M0000172 Cornerstone 050212-A prophecy, return of Christ, rapture, death, accountable, accountability, child, children, hell, heaven, Eternal Life, torment, torments, joys, joy, breakthrough, backslide, backsliding, backslider, backsliders |
#prophecy #returnofChrist #rapture #death #accountable #accountability #child #children #hell #heaven #EternalLife #torment #torments #joys #joy #breakthrough #backslide #backsliding #backslider #backsliders

Elements of a Priestly Father | 1 Samuel 7:2 - 10:1
51:52 / 54:38 M0000127 Cornerstone 190611- faith, trust, love, commit, commitment, worship, obedience, faithful, leader, leadership, loneliness, sadness, Fathers Day | #faith #trust #love #commit #commitment #worship #obedience #faithful #leader #leadership #loneliness #sadness #FathersDay

Elements Of Christlike Joy | Video Version recorded 131122 Philippians 2:3-9a
50:14 / 52:05 And, for added information on this passage please see, M0000321 Cornerstone 220614-A - humility, humble, humbled, escape, esteem, endeavor, embrace, mind of Christ, fruit of the Spirit, servant, service, servanthood, deity of Christ, morphe, form of God, nature of God
Video Tags: #humility #mindofChrist #fruitoftheSpirit #service #crucifiedwithChrist

Elements of Christ's Return | Matthew 24:36, 42-51
45:20 / 49:18 M0000174 Cornerstone 091011-P mark of the Beast, return of Christ, end of the age, rapture, redemption, salvation, sovereignty, surprise, service, sorrow, snare, parable, Antichrist, False Prophet |
#markoftheBeast #returnofChrist #endoftheage #rapture #redemption #salvation #sovereignty #surprise #service #sorrow #snare #parable #Antichrist #FalseProphet

Elements Of Real Discipleship | Matthew 10:34-39
53:29 / 58:41 M0000412 Cornerstone 030716-P soul, devotion, dedication, decisions, variance, determination, commitment, love, agapao, agape, phileo, divisions, death, deaths, crucified with Christ, crucified, co-crucified, Galatians 2:20, disciple, disciples, discipleship, transubstantiation, flirting, hugging, kissing, alcohol, movies, conscience, cross, crosses, rise, risen, resurrection, Roman Catholic, same sex marriage, homosexuality, divorce, divorce and remarriage, polygamy | #soul #devotion #dedication #decisions #variance #determination #commitment #love #agapao #agape #phileo #divisions #death #deaths #crucifiedwithChrist #crucified #co_crucified #Galatians2_20 #disciple #disciples #discipleship #transubstantiation #flirting #hugging #kissing #alcohol #movies #conscience #cross #crosses #rise #risen #resurrection #RomanCatholic #samesexmarriage #homosexuality #divorce #divorceandremarriage #polygamy

Elements of Rich Fellowship | Video Version recorded 110224 Psalm 145:17-21
43:50 / 50:41 M0000109 Cornerstone 200311- faith, trust, love, commit, commitment, worship, obedience | #faith #trust #love #commit #commitment #worship #obedience
Video Tags: #faith #trust #love #commit #commitment #worship #obedience #salvation #Christ #Messiah #HolySpirit #HolyGhost

Elements Of Sacrificial Praise --- Hebrews 13:15
49:21 / 53:07 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000429Cornerstone 241116-P sacrifice of praise, thanks, thanksgiving, grace, sacrifices, life of Christ, salvation, Hebrews, Temple, Jews, Jewish

Elements of the Incarnation | Numbers 29:12-13
53:11 / 59:16 M0000147 Cornerstone 091011-P birth of Christ, feast of tabernacles, feast of booths, Sukkot |
#birthofChrist #feastoftabernacles #feastofbooths #Sukkot

Elements Of True Commitment To Christ | John 21:15-22
29:52 / 34:08 M0000401 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay170416-A love, foundation, following, devotion, faithfulness, dedication, follow, devote, devoted, devotee, dedicate, dedicated, determine, determination, agapao, agape, phileo, devotedly, committed, commit, fully surrendered | #love #foundation #following #devotion #faithfulness #dedication #follow #devote #devoted #devotee #dedicate #dedicated #determine #determination #agapao #agape #phileo #devotedly #committed #commit #fullysurrendered

Elements Of True Love For God That Brings Full And Final Deliverance --- Psalm 31:23-24
47:10 / 50:47 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000461 Cornerstone 230717-P trust, trusting God, waiting, waiting on God, faithfulness, worship, obedience

Elements Of Victory | Psalm 119:9-16
46:32 / 50:54 M0000369 Cornerstone 240515-A - obey, commit, wholehearted, meditate, meditation, Scriptures, Word of God, Holy Bible, take heed, listen, treasure, treasuring, tenacity, teachability, tell, telling, trumpeting, think, thinking, thoughts, thought life, victorious, Supreme Court, homosexual marriage, same sex marriage, leap second, rotation of the earth, science, Southern Baptist Convention, Franklin Graham, divorce, homosexuality, homosexuals |
#obey #commit #wholehearted #meditate #meditation #Scriptures #WordOfGod #HolyBible #takeheed #listen #treasure #treasuring #tenacity #teachability #tell #telling #trumpeting #think #thinking #thoughts #thoughtlife #victorious #SupremeCourt #homosexualmarriage #samesexmarriage #leapsecond #rotationoftheearth #science #SouthernBaptistConvention #FranklinGraham #divorce #homosexuality #homosexuals

Embrace The Father | Video Version recorded 180623 Isaiah 45:11-13, Hebrews 12:2
53:11/50:58 M0000137 Cornerstone 140811- son, sons, sonship, led by the Spirit, led by the Holy Spirit, faith, trust, love, commit, commitment, worship, obedience |
#son #sons #sonship #ledbytheSpirit #ledbytheHolySpirit #faith #trust #love #commit #commitment #worship #obedience
Video Tags: #son #sons #sonship #ledbytheSpirit #ledbytheHolySpirit #commitment #obedience #raisedwithChrist #fathersday #FathersDay #Trinity #Godhead

Empowered In Christ | Exodus 12:1-11
48:15 / 52:41 M0000159 Cornerstone 041211-A propitiation, sacrifice, Passover, our portion, prepared, protected, predominate, purposed | #propitiation #sacrifice #Passover #ourportion #prepared #protected #predominate #purposed

Encounter God | Genesis 1:1, 14:22, 17:1-3, 12:1
57:44 / 59:27 M0000133 Cornerstone 240711-A Godhead, Trinity, voice, trust, spirit, Supreme Being, force, Abram, Abraham, Jehovah, Yahweh, Elohim, El Shaddai, Ur, polytheism, polytheistic | #Godhead #Trinity #voice #trust #spirit #SupremeBeing #force #Abram #Abraham #Jehovah #Yahweh #Elohim #ElShaddai #Ur #polytheism #polytheistic

Encounter The Shepherd |Video Version recorded 171021 John 10:27
35:13 / 1:02:37 M0000295 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 190114-A - sheep, needy, hear, hearing, surrender, obey, intimate, care, the voice of God, the voice of Christ, know, follow, following
Video Tags: #needy #hearing #surrender #obey #care #voiceofGod #voiceofChrist #follow #relationship #GoodShepherd

End The War | Video Version recorded 070424 Romans 8:5-9
50:00 / 46:53 M0000485 Cornerstone 280118-P flesh, Spirit, carnal, Spirit of life in Christ, mind, enmity, peace, spiritual death, carnality, carnal thinking, mature Christians, immature Christians, carnal Christians, sarks, sarx, Romans, sin and death |
#flesh #carnal #Spirit #SpiritOfLifeInChrist #mind #enmity #peace #spiritualdeath #sinanddeath #carnality #carnalthinking #matureChristians #immatureChristians #Romans

End Time Elements Of The Kingdom Of God - Luke 17:20-37
56:43 / 1:01:35 M0000516 Cornerstone 300918-P Son of Man, apocalypse, days of Noah, days of Lot, Lot's Wife, second coming of Christ, rapture, snare, king, desires, love not the world, the body of Christ, eagles, age of the Gentiles

Endure Unto Triumph, James 1:12
59:53 M0000166 Cornerstone 010112-A trial, trials, temptation, temptations, trouble, troubles, test, testing, approved, dokimos

Enjoy God's Chosen Feast | Recorded Video Version 55:33 - Nehemiah 8:17
51:45 / 57:40 M0000515 Cornerstone 160918-P incarnation, feast of booths, feast of tabernacles, captivity, Babylon, confusion, confusion of values, seek, build, construct, dwell, be enriched, rejoice, gladness, obey, obedience, free, freedom

Enjoy Perpetual Spiritual Springtime | Video version recorded 140424 Psalm 1:1-3
30:16 / 49:44 M0000360 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 190415-A - blessed, Psalm 1, flee, feed, flourish, meditate, ungodly, fleeing, fled, feeding, fed, flourishing, spring, springtime, fruit, fruition, fruit of the Spirit, law of God, Word of God, meditation |
Video Tags: #blessed #Psalm1 #flee #feed #flourish #meditate #meditation #WordOfGod #lawofGod #HolyBible #ungodly

Enriched By Christ | John 1:16
43:45 / 46:45 M0000149 Cornerstone 231011-A incarnation, tabernacle, tabernacled, Feast of Tabernacles, Feast of Booths, grace for grace, grace upon grace, anti, trusteeship, treasure, testimony | #incarnation #tabernacle #tabernacled #FeastOfTabernacles #FeastOfBooths #graceforgrace #graceupongrace #anti #trusteeship #treasure #testimony

Escape From Falsehood --- Psalm 144:7-10
53:12 / 59:27 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000443Cornerstone 120317-P lying, lies, imaginary, world, rescue, salvation, truth, fake news, transgenderism, evolution, apostles, prophets, prophecies, signs, wonders, the beast, the Antichrist, the false prophet, prophecies, prophets, miracles, healing, healings, miracle

Escape From Hell | Mark 9:42-49, Matthew 18:8-9
50:06 M0000087 Cornerstone 121210-A cut off, foot, hand, pluck out, eye, crucifixion, obey, protect, hell, sin | #cutoff #foot #hand #pluck out #eye #crucifixion #obey #protect #hell #sin

Essentials For Battle |Video Version recorded 130322 Isaiah 21:5
48:27 / 52:23 M0000305 Cornerstone 060414-P - tower, watchtower, table, fellowship, discern, discernment, discerning, shield, faith, oil, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, hear, listen, spiritual warfare, darts
Video Tags: #fellowship #tower #watchtower #discernment #shield #faith #oil #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #spiritualwarfare

Eternal Choices For Your Soul | 1 John 2:15-17
51:36 / 57:21 M0000423 Cornerstone 091016-P lust, pride, flesh, eyes, Father God, loving God, love, world, command, commands, delight, delights, warn, warning, warnings, pass away, will of God, abide, abideth, abides, dwell, dwells, Aurora, grave, Cambridge MD | #lust #pride #flesh #eyes #FatherGod #lovingGod #love #world #command #commands #delight #delights #warn #warning #warnings #passaway #willofGod #abide #abideth #abides #dwell #dwells #Aurora #grave #Cambridge_MD

Evacuation Route From Hell | Recorded Video Version Proverbs 15:24
55:02 / 56:47 M0000258 Cornerstone 140713-P - life, upward, wise, escape, hell, entrapment, sin, bondage | #life #upward #wise #escape #hell #entrapment #sin #bondage

Every Christian Ought To Have A Mighty Big Nose | Recorded Video Version Song Of Solomon 7:4g-i
51:45 / 47:44 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000437Cornerstone 220117-P judge, judging, discern, discerning, discernment, discerning of spirits, voice of God, Holy Spirit, tower, towers, tower of Lebanon, Syria, danger, spiritual danger, prophet, prophets, false prophets, antichrist, antichrists
#judge #judging #discern #discerning #discernment #discerningofspirits #voiceofGod #HolySpirit #tower #towers #towerofLebanon #Syria #danger #spiritualdanger #prophet #prophets #falseprophets #antichrist #antichrists

Facets Of Godly Repentance | Video Version recorded February 26, 2023 Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrews 12:5-6 and 12-15
56:42 / 49:44 M0000236 Cornerstone 240213-A repent, repentance, repenting, correction, discipline, chasten, chastening, chastise, chastisement, scourge, love, affection, loving, caring, direction, directions, godly, despise, weary, faint
Video Tags: #repent #correction #discipline #chastening #chastisement #scourge #love

Facets Of Joy | Psalm 33:1-5
38:08 M0000207 Cornerstone 190812-A joy, rejoice, command, praise, joyful, joyfulness, commanded, commandment, directive, praising, praiseworthy, joyous, comely, beautiful, upright, Sovereign Citizen (21:56), Sovereign Citizens (21:56), creative, creating, cause, reason | #joy #rejoice #command #praise #joyful #joyfulness #commanded #commandment #directive #praising #praiseworthy #joyous #comely #beautiful #upright #SovereignCitizen #SovereignCitizens #creative #creating #cause #reason

Facets Of Triumph - Luke 13:32
42:42 / 46:27 M0000538 Cornerstone 140419-P proclaim, proclamation, victory, victorious, power, powerful, perfect, perfection, politics, political, politically incorrect, Spirit led, truth, truthfulness

Faces Of The Holy Spirit | John 14:16-18
51:48 / 52:50 M0000197 Chart Comparing The Greek Words Allos and Heteros Cornerstone 240612-A adoption, Holy Spirit, Comforter, pneuma, Holy Ghost, spirits, demons, paraklete, guide, guidance, Spirit of Truth, third person of the Trinity, Godhead, Trinity, trichotomy, wind, force, advocate, R. C. Cunningham |
#adoption #HolySpirit #Comforter #pneuma #HolyGhost #spirits #demons #paraklete #guide #guidance #SpiritOfTruth #Godhead #Trinity #trichotomy #thirdpersonoftheTrinity #wind #force #advocate #R_C_Cunningham

Faith In Action --- Acts 19:18-20
50:30 / 57:14 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000462 Cornerstone 300717-P dedication, purging, cleansing, demonstration of faith, Word of God, Holy Bible, written Word, magic, deception, false translations, bad translations, Message Bible, Canaanites

Faith of Deliverance, Hebrews 11:7
33:15 / 40:56 M0000024 210410- Noah, ark, rain, trust, favor | #Noah #ark #rain #trust #favor

Faith Rewarded | Video Version Recorded 210321 Psalm 37:3
46:36 / 59:10M0000217 Cornerstone 141012-A faith, faithfulness, faithful, trust, trusting, good, goodness, abide in Christ, dwell in Christ, be fed, feed, blessed, God |
#faith #faithfulness #faithful #trust #trusting #good #goodness #abideinChrist #dwellinChrist #befed #feed #blessed #God

Faith Walk | Video Version recorded 170722 Job 23:8-12
28:25 / 55:40 M0000336 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 051014-A - Job, trouble, trial, test, testing, perception, perceive, perfect, perfection, perpetuate, perpetuation, keep, kept, personal responsibility, gold
Video Tags: #trouble #trial #test #testing #perception #perfection

Fatherly Highlights Of Joseph | Matthew 1:19-20, 24-25, 2:13-14, 19, 22-23
27:45 / 32:44 M0000320 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 150614-A - dad, daddy, godly, Fathers Day, submissive, receptive, sensitive, sensitivity, contemplative, pensive, protect, protective, protector, protection, perceive, perceptive, receive, voice of God, Mary, Jesus Christ, virgin birth, marriage, marry, children, family, families, men, man, household
#dad #daddy #godly #FathersDay #submissive #receptive #sensitive #sensitivity #contemplative #pensive #protect #protective #protector #protection #perceive #perceptive #receive #voiceofGod #Mary #JesusChrist #virginbirth #marriage #marry #children #family #families #men #man #household

Feast Of Freedom | Deuteronomy 31:10-13
35:09 / 37:35 M0000377 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay Nursing Home 270915-A - fear of God, revelation, release, liberation, revere, free, revealing, releasing, revealing, liberating, freeing, reverence, Holy Bible, spoken Word, Word of God, obey, obedience, obey, obeying, fear, fearful, love, loving |
#fearofGod #revelation #release #liberation #revere #free #revealing #releasing #revealing #liberating #freeing #reverence #HolyBible #spokenWord #WordofGod #obey #obedience #obey #obeying #fear #fearful #love #loving

Fellowship of Victory | Video Version recorded 170324 Psalm 118 (video) Psalm 118:27-29 (mp3)
36:01 / 49:08 M0000016 Cornerstone 300310- victorious, triumph, spotless Lamb of God, self, sin, sin nature, life | #victorious #triumph #spotlessLambofGod #self #sin #sinnature #life

Fighting Steps | Video Version recorded 260622 1 Peter 5:6-10
52:36 / 55:11 M0000275 Cornerstone 300913-P - humility, humble, vigilant, sober, casting your care, cast your care, resist, grace, peace, trouble, trials, persecution, care, cares, anxiety, anxieties
Video Tags: #humility #vigilance #castyourcare #resist #grace #peace #trouble #trials #persecution #cares

Fight The Wind | Isaiah 7:1-9
51:45 / 55:51 M0000390 Cornerstone 100116-P fear, faith, scary, frightful, frightening, trouble, faithfulness, trust, trusting, believe, believing, believed, belief, fearing, fearful, fearfulness, scared, scaring, fright, frightened, troubled, troubling, tribulation, win, winning, victory, human, man, pass away, world, earth, wisdom, warn, warning, warnings, Immanuel, Jesus Christ, vex, vexing, vexed, tree, trees, wind, force, Psalm 1 |
#fear #faith #scary #frightful #frightening #trouble #faithfulness #trust #trusting #believe #believing #believed #belief #fearing #fearful #fearfulness #scared #scaring #fright #frightened #troubled #troubling #tribulation #win #winning #victory #human #man #passaway #world #earth #wisdom #warn #warning #warnings #Immanuel #JesusChrist #vex #vexing #vexed #tree #trees #wind #force #Psalm1

Five Aspects Of A Godly Mother | Video Version Recorded 090521 Luke 1 selected
45:26 / 54:45M0000120 Cornerstone 080510- Mothers Day, Elisabeth, faith, faithful, faithfulness, spirit filled, obedient, joy, joyous
Video Tags: #faithful #faithfulness #spiritfilled #obedience #obedient #MothersDay

Five Directives For Eternal Life, | Video Version recorded 070123 2 Corinthians 7:1
45:26 / 48:04M0000058 Cornerstone 0810- salvation, sin, rise, risen, forsake | #salvation #sin #rise #risen #forsake
Video Tags: #salvation #sin #purify #prevail #persevere #hell #damnation #promisesofGod #fearofGod

Five Elements Of Worship, | Psalm 63
33:32 M0000084 Bradford House 281110- worship, desire, effort, praise | #worship #desire #effort #praise

Five Ingredients For A Loving Attitude Toward God | Psalm 19:13a, 14
36:07 / 43:52 M0000171 Cornerstone 050212-P secret sins, secret fault, hold back, acceptable, pleasing to God, words, meditation, thinking, thanksgiving, thank God, glorify God, glorifying God, the Word of God, the Holy Bible |
#secretsins #secretfault #holdback #acceptable #pleasingtoGod #words #meditation #thinking #thanksgiving #thankGod #glorifyGod #glorifyingGod #theWordofGod #theHolyBible

Five Nutrients for Spiritual Health Colossians 3:14-17
41:15 / 49:47 M0000163 Cornerstone 181211-P risen with Christ, growing in Christ, love, loving God, peace, peaceful, peacefulness, thanksgiving, thank God, glorify God, glorifying God, the Word of God, the Holy Bible | #risenwithChrist #growinginChrist #love #lovingGod #peace #peaceful #peacefulness #thanksgiving #thankGod #glorifyGod #glorifyingGod #WordOfGod #HolyBible

Five Places You Need To Be In | Video version recorded 020225 Psalm 61:2-4
43:04 / 49:42 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000439 Cornerstone 050217-P under His wings, wings of God, shelter, refuge, secret place, covert, dwell, abide, rock, tower, towers, tabernacle, tabernacled, bird, birds, deity of Christ, Christ is God, hen, chicks, Jerusalem | #underHiswings #wingsofGod #shelter #refuge #secretplace #covert #dwell #abide #rock #tower #deityofChrist #tabernacle #towers #birds #hens #chicks #tabernacled #bird #ChristisGod #Jerusalem

Five Powerful Steps For The Promised Land --- Deuteronomy 4:1-2
52:43 / 57:06 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000479 Cornerstone 031217-P obedience, listen, fear of God, victory, victorious, life, Eternal Life, word of God, hearken, obey, prophets, translations, versions

Five Things Our Spirit Should Desire | Video Version recorded 121123 Psalm 143:8-12
27:05 / 52:13 M0000065 Bradford House 190910- presence, God, love, peace, salvation | #presence #God #love #peace #salvation
Video Tags: #refreshing #reviving #quickening #deliverance #sin #world #sinnature #discipleship #spiritled #victory

Fix It! | Video Version Recorded 010821 Topical
45:40 / 54:03 M0000253 Cornerstone 160613-P - devotion, Christ, close, closeness, crucify, crucified, commission, commissioned, agenda, captivate, captivated, prayer, worship, praise, adoration, God, prayerful | #devotion #Christ #close #closeness #crucify #crucified #commission #commissioned #agenda #captivate #captivated #prayer #worship #praise #adoration #God #prayerful

Focus Your Faith | Recorded Video Version This video contains the testimony of someone healed of cancer! — Matthew 6:33-34
59:43 / 1:10:53 M0000143 Cornerstone 250911-A trust, pressure, trials, needs, wants, money, mammon, salvation, seek first the kingdom of God, worry, worrying about tomorrow, fear, anxiety, scared, anxious |
#trust #pressure #trials #needs #wants #money #mammon #salvation #seekfirstthekingdomofGod #worry #worryingabouttomorrow #fear #anxiety #scared #anxious

Focus Your Gratefulness To God | Psalm 22:22-25
48:51 / 51:16 M0000385 Cornerstone 291115-A - thanksgiving, grateful, Christ, God, salvation, sin, praise, praising, thank, thanks, thanking, glorify, glorifying, fear, fear of God, antichrist, Obama, Trump, judgment of God | #thanksgiving #grateful #Christ #God #salvation #sin #praise #praising #thank #thanks #thanking #glorify #glorifying #fear #fearofGod #antichrist #Obama #Trump #judgmentofGod

Follow — Don't Fall | Psalm 17:4-6
45:15 / 52:00 M0000138 Cornerstone 210811-A world, look to, guard, protect, works, salvation |
#world #lookto #guard #protect #works #salvation

Foundational Elements Of Divine Guidance - Topical - Psalm 119:89, Daniel 4:35b-e, John 3:8, Galatians 2:20e-j, 2 Timothy 3:16, 1 John 1:26-27
52:23 / 59:48 M0000497 Cornerstone 160418-P Holy Bible, Word of God, Spirit led, discernment, divine providence, will of God, Holy Spirit, obedience, subordination, insubordination, The Assemblies Of God, AOG

Four Dimensions Of Faith | Luke 5:18-20a
25:58 / 29:27 Find link to sermon outline with brief comments here. M0000348 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 180115-A - faith, determination, perseverance, love, trust, diligence | #faith #determination #perseverance #love #trust #diligence

Four Dimensions Of Godly Growth | Video Version Romans 5:3-5
40:30 / 51:43 M0000224 Cornerstone 021212-P character, perseverance, trouble, hope, troubles, tribulation, experience, trial, trials, proven, proof | #character #perseverance #trouble #hope #troubles #tribulation #experience #trial #trials #proven #proof

Four Dimensions Of Relating To God | Topical
59:18 / 1:00:39 M0000161 Cornerstone 111211-P religion, relationship, servant, servants, minster, ministers, son, sonship, sons, friend, friends, friendship, bride of Christ | #religion #relationship #servant #servants #minster #ministers #son #sonship #sons #friend #friends #friendship #brideofChrist

Four Dimensions Of The Horror Of The Cross | Psalm 22:1-3
37:36 M0000215 Cornerstone at Redeemer Presbyterian Church 051012-P repentance, sacrifice of Christ, cross of Christ, passion of Christ, death of Christ, sin, sin nature, death, forsaken, my God, imputation, atonement, propitiation, holiness of God, wrath of God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, cup, bread, wine, juice, David, true sorrow, repent, repenting, true repentance, true repenting, sinful, sinfulness, death on the cross, Trinity, Godhead, curse, cursed, cursedness, accursed
#repentance #sacrificeofChrist #crossofChrist #passionofChrist #deathofChrist #sin #sinnature #death #forsaken #myGod #imputation #atonement #propitiation #holinessofGod #wrathofGod #Father #Son #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #cup #bread #wine #juice #David #truesorrow #repent #repenting #truerepentance #truerepenting #sinful #sinfulness #deathonthecross #Trinity #Godhead #curse #cursed #cursedness #accursed

Four Elements Of Spiritual Maturity | Recorded Online On Version Colossians 3:1-4
33:22 / 56:05 M0000302 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 160314-A - seek, seeking, set, setting, soul, affection, affections, slay, crucify, kill, mortify, surpass, surpassing, slaying, killing, mortifying, self, sin | #seek #seeking #set #setting #soul #affection #affections #slay #crucify #kill #mortify #surpass #surpassing #slaying #killing #mortifying #self #sin

Four Elements of Strength | Psalm 86:11-17
55:13 / M0000154 Cornerstone 061111-P request, revere, resort, receive, trust, supplication, prayer, worship, praise | #request #revere #resort #receive #trust #supplication #prayer #worship #praise

Four End Time Directives, | Video Version recorded 300723, Titus 2:11-14
54:10 / 56:02 M0000079 Cornerstone 071110-P guard, protect, works, salvation | #guard #protect #works #salvation
Video Tags: #training #discipleship #disciple #trust #trusting #hope #faithful #faithfulness #true #triumph #triumphant #lastdays #salvation #works

Fourfold Gift | Video Version recorded 241223 Luke 2:30-32
51:03 / 46:39 M0000290 Cornerstone At Mallard Bay 151213-A - incarnation, Simeon, Christmas, salvation, Christ, Messiah, birth of Christ, storehouse, shining, sharing, plumb, plumbline
Video Tags: #incarnation #Christmas #salvation #Christ #Messiah #birthofChrist #plumbline #Jews #Gentiles #life #EternalLife

Four Ingredients For Christians | Philippians 2:1-4
37:58 / 48:03 M0000230 Cornerstone 270113-A bearing, building, blessing, consolation, peace, unity, fellowship of the Spirit, mercy, mercies, mind of Christ, bear, bless, build, beseech, beseeching | #bearing #building #blessing #consolation #peace #unity #fellowshipoftheSpirit #mercy #mercies #mindofChrist #bear #bless #build #beseech #beseeching

Four Positive Steps, Isaiah 44:9-28
28:42 M0000035 Bradford House 0610- trust, obey, faith, hear, Holy Spirit, follow | #trust #obey #faith #hear #HolySpirit #follow

Four Reasons To Be In The Word | Video Version recorded 221023 Psalm 119:89-96
30:07 M0000062 Bradford House 120910- strength, protection, power, salvation, grace, growth, knowledge | #strength #protection #power #salvation #grace #growth #knowledge
Video Tags: #WordOfGod #HolyBible #salvation #perfection #safety #solution #literaltranslation

Four Resurrection Delights, John 20:26-29
28:55 M0000020 Bradford House 080410- rise, power, victory, salvation, everlasting life | #rise #power #victory #salvation #everlastinglife

Four Steps To Final Victory | Revelation 2:10
46:35 / 49:08 M0000181 Cornerstone 010412-A victorious, persecution, persecuted, temptation, tribulation, tried, tested, tempted, trial, victory, future, fortitude, perseverance, persevere, attain, attainment, fine, finest |
#victorious #persecution #persecuted #temptation #tribulation #tried #tested #tempted #trial #victory #future #fortitude #perseverance #persevere #attain #attainment #fine #finest

Four Things To Experience In Christ | Hebrews 13:20-21
34:49 M0000088 Bradford House 121210- peace, shepherd, victory, complete, completeness | #peace #shepherd #victory #complete #completeness

Four Tools For Giant Killing, | 1 Samuel 17:40
46:23 / 49:58 M0000185 Cornerstone 150412-A satan, intimidation, bullying, giant, spiritual warfare, authority, sonship, Holy Bible, Word of God, heart, faith, faithful, experience, intimidate, worry, fear, temptation, devil | #satan #intimidation #bullying #giant #spiritualwarfare #authority #sonship #HolyBible #WordOfGod #heart #faith #faithful #experience #intimidate #worry #fear #temptation #devil

Four Verses To Foster Godly Sorrow For True Repentance | Recorded Video Version on 2/21/21 53:47 Topical: 2 Corinthians 7:10, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 3:18, Philippians 2:5-8, and Galatians 3:13
41:00 / 53:47 M0000395 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 060316-A repent, sin, sorrowful, remorse, imputation, shame, curse, suffering, pain, agony, physical, spiritual, soul, cross, cursed, accursed, imputation, despise | #repent #sin #sorrowful #remorse #imputation #shame #curse #suffering #pain #agony #physical #spiritual #soul #cross #cursed #accursed #imputation #despise

Four Views Of The Cross |
34:18 / 39:47 M0000182 Cornerstone 050412-T cleansing blood, cross of Christ, cure, caution, curing, cleanse, cover, covering, Passover, lintel, doorposts | #cleansingblood #crossofChrist #cure #caution #curing #cleanse #cover #covering #Passover #lintel #doorposts

From Knowledge To Power | Psalm 89:11-18
50:34 / 54:52 M0000064 Cornerstone 190910-A pleasing God, hearing God’s voice, sovereignty of God, sovereign, attributes of God, qualities of God, Name of God, grow, growing, show, showing, know, knowing, knowledge, power, authority, obey, obedience, peace |
#pleasingGod #hearingGod’svoice #sovereigntyofGod #sovereign #attributesofGod #qualitiesofGod #NameofGod #grow #growing #show #showing #know #knowing #knowledge #power #authority #obey #obedience #peace

From Trouble To Treasure | Video Version Part 1 recorded 071121 | Video Version Part 2 recorded 141121 Nehemiah 4:7-23
57:20 / 1:08:00 Part 1, 56:08 Part 2 M0000257 Cornerstone 070713-A - trust, pray, watch, watching, discern, discernment, praying, prayerfulness, God, Christ, Word of God, Holy Spirit, triumph, victory, vigilance, vigilant, righteous, righteousness, cleansing, wisdom, dedication
Video part 1 tags: #trustGod #trustingGod #pray #watch #watching #discern #discernment #praying #prayer
Video part 2 tags: #trustGod #trustingGod #walls #wisdom #dedication #armorofGod

From Wilderness To Wonder | Matthew 3:3c-e
30:07 / 33:25 M0000405 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay150516-A kingdom of heaven, kingdom of God, decision, hell, remedy, power, cure, John The Baptist, wrath, The Great Tribulation | #kingdomofheaven #kingdomofGod #decision #hell #remedy #power #cure #JohnTheBaptist #wrath #TheGreatTribulation

From Worry To Worship | Recorded Video Version Habakkuk
52:36 / 53:41 M0000266 Cornerstone 180813-P - worship, worshiping, praise, praising, worry, worries, complain, complaining, complaints, watch, wait, watching, watches, listen, listening | #worship #worshiping #praise #praising #worry #worries #complain #complaining #complaints #watch #wait #watching #watches #listen #listening

Garden Encounter | Genesis 3:8, 9 & 11, 15, 21
53:23 / 58:00 M0000464 Cornerstone 130817-P sin, sin nature, Godhead, Trinity, provision, probing, promise, presence, Adam, Eve, original sin, depraved, total depravity, Messiah, sacrifice, atonement | #sin #sinnature #Godhead #Trinity #provision #probing #promise #presence #Adam #Eve #originalsin #depraved #totaldepravity #Messiah #sacrifice #atonement

Get All Our Father's Fulness | Video Version Recorded 200621 Romans 8:14-18
54:33 / 54:23 M0000254 Cornerstone 300613-P - adoption, Spirit, led, leading, receive, achieve, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Baptism of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues, grace of God, Abba, Father, glory, glorified
#adoption #Spirit #led #leading #receive #achieve #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #BaptismoftheHolyGhost #speakingintongues #graceofGod #Abba #Father #glory #glorified

Get Into The Godly Habit Of Godly Expression | Ephesians 5:18-20
52:55 / 1:02:35 M0000419 Cornerstone 280816-P filled with the Spirit, the Church, the Body of Christ, thanks, sing, grace, grace of God, God’s grace, Christ within, thanksgiving, word order in the Greek, baptism of the Holy Spirit, baptism of the Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit baptism, Holy Ghost baptism, Pentecost, day of Pentecost, Pentecostal | #filledwiththeSpirit #theChurch #theBodyOfChrist #thanks #sing #grace #graceofGod #God_sgrace #Christwithin #thanksgiving #wordorderintheGreek #baptismoftheHolySpirit #baptismoftheHolyGhost #HolySpiritbaptism #HolyGhostbaptism #Pentecost #dayofPentecost #Pentecostal
Special note: Upon listening to the recording I noticed that I misspoke at least twice. The first occurrence is around 14:45 where I said that everyone is made righteous in Christ. I meant to say everyone is made righteous in Christ who have put their trust in Him. Next, around 29:00 I mentioned the Watchtower society will add a word to certain verses in Colossians, but then, around 29:30, I referred to John 1:1.

Get Into The Godly Habit Of Praising And Worshiping God | Topical Psalm 34:1, Psalm 29:2, Psalm 150:6, Psalm 22:3, Isaiah 61:3, Habakkuk 3:17-19
59:26 / 1:12:42 M0000411 Cornerstone 260616-P majestic presence of God, power, empowerment, heaviness, strength, strengthen, peace, attributes of God, command, commanded, praise the Lord, comely, beautiful, empowering, spiritual warfare | #majesticpresenceofGod #power #empowerment #heaviness #strength #strengthen #peace #attributesofGod #command #commanded #praisetheLord #comely #beautiful #empowering #spiritualwarfare

Get Into The Godly Habit Of Praying | Recorded Video Version Topical - Romans 12:12c, Ephesians 6:18, Luke 6:12
51:22 / 53:12 M0000422 Cornerstone 021016-P prayer, pray, without ceasing, commune with God, fellowship with God, watch, watching, watchings, prayerful, Spirit led, Spirit led prayer, supplication, supplications, breath, breathe, breathing, breathing, inspired, inspired by God, God-breathed, ask, asking, listen, listening, speak, speaking | #prayer #pray #withoutceasing #communewithGod #fellowshipwithGod #watch #watching #watchings #prayerful #Spiritled #Spiritledprayer #supplication #supplications #breath #breathe #breathing #breathing #inspired #inspiredbyGod #God_breathed #ask #asking #listen #listening #speak #speaking

Get Into The Godly Habit Of Studying God's Word | Psalm 119:97-104
54:34 / 58:22 M0000417 Cornerstone 210816-P Word of God, Holy Bible, Old Testament, wisdom, enemies, treasure, version, versions, translation, translations, prosperity gospel, universal salvation, cheap grace, shepherdism, ultra positive confession, meditate, meditation, statutes, judgment of the LORD, judgments of YHVH, study, studies, precepts, Law, Old Testament, New Testament, Israel | #WordOfGod #HolyBible #OldTestament #wisdom #enemies #treasure #version #versions #translation #translations #prosperitygospel #universalsalvation #cheapgrace #shepherdism #ultrapositiveconfession #meditate #meditation #statutes #judgmentoftheLORD #judgmentsofYHVH #study #studies #precepts #Law #OldTestament #NewTestament #Israel

Get Into The Godly Habit Of Thanking God | Topical: Leading text is 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and around fifteen more passages. Second in a series of getting into godly habits
51:37 / 56:46 M0000402 Cornerstone 240416-P thanks, thanksgiving, sacrifice of thanks, gratitude, presence of God, reward, feel, feelings, faith, praise, thanking, holy, holiness, mercy, merciful, salvation, grace, saved, reward, habits, holy habit, holy habits, godly habit, godly habits | #thanks #thanksgiving #sacrificeofthanks #gratitude #presenceofGod #reward #feel #feelings #faith #praise #thanking #holy #holiness #mercy #merciful #salvation #grace #saved #reward #habits #holyhabit #holyhabits #godlyhabit #godlyhabits

Get Into The Presence Of God | Video Version recorded 030923 Genesis 28:16-17, Jeremiah 23:24, Psalm 70:5, Psalm 139:7-10, Exodus 33:18
49:02 / 52:22 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000469 Cornerstone 170917-P omnipresent, personal, spiritual realities, throne room of God, majesty of God, fellowship, communion, worship, praise, adoration
Video Tags: #omnipresent #personal #spiritualrealities #throneroomofGod #majestyofGod #fellowship #communion #worship #praise #adoration

Get Into The Son | 1 John 1:1-5
34:56 / 39:02 M0000399 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 030416-A love, life, live, fellowship, holiness, joy, gnosticism, phantom, holy, light, darkness, Christ, Word, Word of God, Word of Life, zoe, bios, abundant life, Eternal Life | #love #life #live #fellowship #holiness #joy #gnosticism #phantom #holy #light #darkness #Christ #Word #WordOfGod #WordOfLife #zoe #bios #abundantlife #EternalLife

Get Out Of The Dust | Psalm 113:7-9
50:49 / 55:38 M0000425 Cornerstone 231016-P failure, hopeless, shame, hope, victory, purpose, rise, reign, rule, replenish, mercy, mercy of God, salvation, rescue, ash heap, dunghill, rubbish heap, poor, needy, need, dung, depression | #failure #hopeless #shame #hope #victory #purpose #rise #reign #rule #replenish #mercy #mercyofGod #salvation #rescue #ashheap #dunghill #rubbishheap #poor #needy #need #dung #depression

Get Out Of The Wilderness | Part 1, Video Version recorded 240722 | Part 2, Video Version recorded 310722 Hebrews 4:9-16
58:08 / Part one, 53:30 ; Part two, 52:54 M0000331 Cornerstone 090714-P - Jesus, Christ, God, disciple, Egypt, cease, self, stop, rest, run, obey, resort, throne of grace, the epistle to the Hebrews, resolve, Joshua, Caleb, Moses, Jews, sabbath
Part One Video Tags: #self #rest #willofGod #JesusChrist #victory
| Part 2 Video Tags: #rest #WordofGod #mercyofGod #grace #priest #priests #minister #ministers

Get Real!, | Live Stream Version recorded 061024 Matthew 4:21e-25
56:22 / 48:11 M0000097 Cornerstone 230111- Christ, listen, listening, follow, following, obey, obedience, gifts of the Spirit, operations of the Spirit, live, living, serve | #Christ #listen #listening #follow #following #obey #obedience #giftsoftheSpirit #operationsoftheSpirit #live #living #serve

Get Strong In Christ - 2 Peter 3:17-18
49:22 / 54:06 M0000499 Cornerstone 060518-P last days, scoffers, grace, knowledge of the Lord, grow, growth, growing, the day of the Lord, wrath of God, peace, spotless, without spot, without blame, unity, same sex marriage, divorce and remarriage, sabbath, marriage, whore of Revelation 17

Get The Only Really Good Life --- Psalm 16:11
49:14 / 56:27 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000458 Cornerstone 250617-P joy, fruit of the Spirit, presence of God, right hand of God, immovable, unmoveable, salvation, pleasures, authority, follow, flourish, firmly hold

Get These Now! | Video Version recorded 290522 1 Thessalonians 5:6-10
49:03 / 54:51 M0000221 Cornerstone 041112-A alert, awake, sober, vigilant, aware, away, award, awarded, active, wrath of God, sin, sinful, sober, sleep, children of the day, salvation, Christ, drunk, drunkeness, filled with the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost
Video Tags: #alert #awake #sober #vigilant #SecondComing

Get The Spirit of Victory | 2 Timothy 1:7
49:44 /57:01 M0000145 Cornerstone 021011-P Holy Spirit, fear, sound mind, love, peace, power, dunamis, life, listen, follow |
#HolySpirit #fear #soundmind #love #peace #power #dunamis #life #listen #follow

Get Wisdom's Blessings | Video Version recorded on 130621 Proverbs 8:32-36
54:02 / 50:30 M0000245 Cornerstone 070413-P wisdom, Proverbs, blessed, life, Eternal Life, obey, wisdom of God, blessing, blessings, reward, hear, hearken, listen, watch, wait, watching, waiting, guard, guarding, gates, Christ |
#wisdom #Proverbs #blessed #life #EternalLife #obey #wisdomofGod #blessing #blessings #reward #hear #hearken #listen #watch #wait #watching #waiting #guard #guarding #gates #Christ

Give Thanks To God For God | 1 Chronicles 29:11 and 13
56:06 M0000083 Cornerstone 211110-A God, blessings, thanks, thanksgiving, blesses, attributes | #God #blessings #thanks #thanksgiving #blesses #attributes

Give Thanks To The God Who Blesses | 1 Chronicles 29:12-13
31:27 M0000081 Cornerstone 211110-A God, blessings, thanks, thanksgiving, blesses | #God #blessings #thanks #thanksgiving #blesses

Go After Godliness | Video Version recorded 051123 2 Timothy 3:12-17
56:22 / 49:05 M0000076 Cornerstone 311010-A godliness, godly, persecution, perseverance, growth in Christ, Bible, deception, persecution, shame, Holy Bible, Holy Scriptures, antichrist, antichrists, shame, salvation, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Rally to Restore Sanity | #godliness #godly #persecution #perseverance #growthinChrist #Bible #deception #persecution #shame #HolyBible #HolyScriptures #antichrist #antichrists #shame #salvation
Video Tags: #godliness #godly #persecution #perseverance #HolyBible #HolyScriptures #ProtestantReformation #growthinChrist #deception

God Has Blessings For Troublesome Times | Psalm 31:5-8
49:31 / 57:35 M0000108 Cornerstone 130311-A Holy Spirit, trust, depend, worship | #HolySpirit #trust #depend #worship

God Of Mercy | Video Version Recorded 231022 Psalm 130
31:51 / 55:45 M0000327 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 030814-A - forgive, forgiveness, forgiven, redeemed, redemption, hear, hears, offer help, heal, heals, healing, Israel, salvation, plenty, plenteous, abundant, abundance, abundantly
Video Tags: #forgiveness #redemption #help #hope #abundantly

God Reaches In Mercy | Psalm 146:7c-94
32:12 / 35:45 M0000376 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 130915-A - free, liberate, loose, release, guards, preserve, frees, liberates, looses, releases, guard, preserves, keep, keeps, grace, blind, raise, raises, bowed down, heavy, trouble, troubles, problems, sin, sins, sin nature, love, loves, loving, righteous, care, caring |
#free #liberate #loose #release #guards #preserve #frees #liberates #looses #releases #guard #preserves #keep #keeps #grace #blind #raise #raises #boweddown #heavy #trouble #troubles #problems #sin #sins #sinnature #love #loves #loving #righteous #care #caring

God’s Beautiful Gifts Of Himself To Us --- 2 Corinthians 13:14
52:00 / 58:00 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000463 Cornerstone 060817-P grace, fellowship, communion, love of God, Trinity, Godhead, subordination, salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, pneuma, divorce and remarriage

God's Lessons in Love--Part 1 | Topical 1 Thessalonians 4:9 & 7, Philippians 2:1-8, John 13:1-17 & 35, Ephesians 5:25-26
50:36 M0000102 Cornerstone 130211-A salvation, agape, mind, soul, selfless, humble | #salvation #agape #mind #soul #selfless #humble

God's Merciful Messianic Spirit For You Isaiah 61:2e-3
48:05 / 53:13 M0000135 Cornerstone 310711- Messiah, oil of joy, mourning, oil, garment of praise, spirit of heaviness, glory, praise, appoint, ordain, mourning, sadness, joy, joyfulness, praise |
#Messiah #OilOfJoy #mourning #oil #garmentofpraise #spiritofheaviness #glory #praise #appoint #ordain #mourning #sadness #joy #joyfulness #praise

God's Might In Man | Video Version recorded 110623 Isaiah 25:4
34:12 / 52:36 M0000394 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 220216-A strength, wall, refuge, harbor, protection, security, shield, within, without, around, Abraham, Tyre, Sidon, Zidon, Babylon, world system, satan, demons, force, power, wind, rain, water, storm, pressure, decay, demonic, devil
Video Tags: #world #worldsystem #strength #wall #refuge #harbor #protection #security #shield #demonic #devil #pressure

God's Mother Of Pearl | Video Version recorded 101124 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. This is a sequel to Guard Your Pearls! Find link to sermon outline with brief comments here.
31:34 / 50:05M0000008 Bradford House 120210- grace of God, thorn in the flesh, trouble, ability, strength, weakness, strong, weak, ask, asking, hear, hearing, prayer, praying, prayerful, prayerfulness, trials, troubles, testing, Apostle Paul, sermon outline, message outline |
#graceofGod #thornintheflesh #trouble #ability #strength #weakness #strong #weak #ask #asking #hear #hearing #prayer #praying #prayerful #prayerfulness #trials #troubles #testing #ApostlePaul

God's Peace — Our Guard 2010 delivery, Philippians 4:2-7; | Video Version recorded 060823 Philippians 4:2-9
41:47 / 50:54 M0000067 Cornerstone 260910-P God, peace, mind, rule, direction, divine guidance
Video Tags: #anxiousness #prayer #communion #spiritualwarfare #divineguidance #thanksgiving

God's Refuge For Rough Times | Video Version Recorded 131024 Psalm 9:9-11
43:35 / 52:46 M0000105 Cornerstone 270211-A seek, worship, praise, oppressed, trouble, troubled, sing, trust, commit | #seek #worship #praise #oppressed #trouble #troubled #sing #trust #commit

God's Remedy Of Thanks | Ephesians 4:27, 5:4e
49:13 M0000157 Cornerstone 201111-P salvation, obey, avoid sin, avoid sinning, stop sinning, course jesting | #salvation #obey #avoidsin #avoidsinning #stopsinning #coursejesting

God's Will For You Now | Topical
43:49 / 48:01 M0000173 Cornerstone 120212-A occupy, transform, silence, thankful, thankfulness, salvation, obey, avoid sin, avoid sinning, stop sinning | #occupy #transform #silence #thankful #thankfulness #salvation #obey #avoidsin #avoidsinning #stopsinning

God Your Pal | Video Version recorded 190323 Topical
30:59 / 46:05 M0000314 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 080514-A - friendship, fellowship, provider, provision, provided, assure, assurance, assured, love, loving,lover, salvation, Christ
Video Tags: #friendship #fellowship #provider #provision #assure #assurance #assured #love #loving #salvation #Christ

Go On To Eternal Life | Philippians 2:14-16
46:56 M0000099 Cornerstone 300111-A salvation, works, fear, trembling, effort | #salvation #works #fear #trembling #effort

Go Straight Upstream | 1 Timothy 6:20-21, 11-12
54:14 / 58:07 M0000415 Cornerstone 240716-P grace, controversy, controversies, ability, guard, false science, Eternal Life, godliness, righteousness, faith, love, perseverance, gentleness, meekness, hermaphrodite, transgender, trangendered, cults | #grace #controversy #controversies #ability #guard #falsescience #EternalLife #godliness #righteousness #faith #love #perseverance #gentleness #meekness #hermaphrodite #transgender #trangendered #cults

Grace's Voice Of Liberty | Video Version recorded 040721 Galatians 5:13-16
26:31 / 49:25 M0000276 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 061013-A - freed, free, liberated, liberate, freedom, call, caution, care, course, grace of God, grace, fruit of the Spirit, Holy Spirit | #freed #free #liberated #liberate #freedom #call #caution #care #course #graceofGod #grace #fruitoftheSpirit #HolySpirit

Grateful Responses To God | Video version recorded 241124 Psalm 118:27-29
36:29 / 47:25 M0000287 Cornerstone 020214-P - thanks, thanksgiving, receive, revere, rejoice, reverence, exalt, mercy, love, fellowship, holy | #thanks #thanksgiving #receive #revere #rejoice #reverence #exalt #mercy #love #fellowship #holy

Great Desires Of Christ - Isaiah 42:16
45:25 / 48:58 M0000509 Cornerstone 290718-P the Way, the Life, the Truth, King, Lord, Lordship, Savior, rescue, light, darkness, bring, lead, leader, enlighten, workmanship of Christ, straighten, faithful, faithfulness, spiritually blind, Red Sea, psychiatry, psychology

Guard!, 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
44:22 M0000053 Cornerstone 010810-A sin, spirit, guard, mind, salvation, protect | #sin #spirit #guard #mind #salvation #protect

Guard Your Conscience | Video recorded on 011120, Reformation Sunday Acts 24:15-16
56:22 / 1:15:55M0000205 Cornerstone 050812-A conscience, violated, conformity, non-conformity, violate, violating, consciences, excel, exert, judgment, just, unjust, General Anthony C. McAuliffe, WWII, offend, offends, offence, offences stumbling block, Obama, U.S.A. government, Supreme Court, Obamcare, abortion |
#conscience #violated #conformity #non-conformity #violate #violating #consciences #abortion #excel #exert #judgment #just #unjust #WWII #offend #offends #offence #offences #stumblingblock

Guard Your Mouth | Video Version recorded 060621 Psalm 141:3-4
46:48 / 56:05 M0000251 Cornerstone 190513-P - speak, speaking, words, mouth, lips, saying, sayings, negative, positive, Christ, standard, heart, abundance of the heart, world, society, think, thinking |
#speak #speaking #words #mouth #lips #saying #sayings #negative #positive #Christ #standard #heart #abundanceoftheheart #world #society #think #thinking

Guard Your Pearls! | Video Version recorded 300820 Matthew 7:6 The sequel to this is God's Mother of Pearl, 2 Cor. 12:7-10.
33:33 / 48:29 M0000002 Bradford House120210 / home studio 300820 - advice, trials, trouble, unsaved, unspiritual, trial, trusting Christ, problem |
#advice #trials #trouble #unsaved #unspiritual #trial #trustingChrist #problem

Guard Your Soul | Recorded Video Version 52:50 Psalm 25:1-2
53:55 / 52:50M0000218 Cornerstone 141012-A soul, sin, sinning, iniquity, iniquities, seeking God, commit, commitment, trust, trusting | #soul #sin #sinning #iniquity #iniquities #seekingGod #commit #commitment #trust #trusting

Hagar’s Deliverance From Despair | Genesis 21:10, 14-20a
51:22 / 54:56 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000452 Cornerstone 140517-P Mothers Day, mother, Ishmael, eyes opened, desperation, parents, Arabs, Jews, Islam, public school system, revelation, consolation, wells, Christ, salvation, homosexual agenda, homosexuality, same-sex couples |
#MothersDay #mother #Ishmael #eyesopened #desperation #parents #Arabs #Jews #Islam #publicschoolsystem #revelation #consolation #wells #Christ #salvation #homosexualagenda #homosexuality #samesexcouples

Hark! The Herald!, | Video Luke 2:11-12
52:05 / 56:57 M0000164 Cornerstone 251211-A salvation, obey, avoid sin, avoid sinning, stop sinning, liberator, Lord, Life, liberation, emancipation, emancipated, freed, freedom, rescue, Christmas
Video Tags: #birthofChrist #incarnation #freedom #liberty #liberated #liberator #Lord #king #lifegiving #humble #humility #JewishLaw #lowly #meek #meekness

Have His Fire In Your Bones | Video Version recorded 271024 Jeremiah 20:7, 9, 11-12
29:17 / 47:58 M0000382 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay Nursing Home 011115-A - persuade, induce, influence, Word of God, Gospel, immovable, inflame, induce, induction, persuaded, persuasion, passion, passionate, deceive, deceived, deception, inflamed, firm, solid, stubborn, Reformation Day, persecuted, persecution
#persuade #induce #influence #WordOfGod #Gospel #immovable #inflame #induce #induction #firm #solid #ReformationDay #persecuted #persecution

Have Peace Through The Blood Of His Cross --- Colossians 1:19-23
49:33 / 53:06 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000455 Cornerstone 040617-P reconciliation, forgiveness, vengeance, fulness, soul, victimized, wisdom of God, forgiven, reconciled, injustice, desire, desires, lust, lusts, blood

Have Treasure In Trouble | Psalm 25:20-21
31:03 / 34:35 M0000403 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay010516-A trust God, refuge, integrity, upright, trials, tribulation, David, waiting on God, wait, devoted, devotion, uprightness, ashamed, shame, shamed, treasures | #trustGod #refuge #integrity #upright #trials #tribulation #David #waitingonGod #wait #devoted #devotion #uprightness #ashamed #shame #shamed #treasures

Have Simeon’s Holy Hankering | Luke 2:25
51:55 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000434Cornerstone 251216-P end times, Israel, hear God, salvation, Armageddon, Great Tribulation, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Messiah, Christ, receptive, hearken, hearkening, listen, listening, just, devout, obedience, led by the Spirit, Simeon, incarnation, Christmas, the Beast, the man of sin, antichrist, 2016 election, Donald Trump, four blood moons, Jews, Jew, prophecy, eschatology, Joel 3, arms race, Putin, Russia

#endtimes #Israel #hearGod #salvation #Armageddon #GreatTribulation #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #Messiah #Christ #receptive #hearken #hearkening #listen #listening #just #devout #obedience #ledbytheSpirit #Simeon #incarnation #Christmas #theBeast #themanofsin #antichrist #2016election #DonaldTrump #fourbloodmoons #Jews #Jew #prophecy #eschatology #Joel3 #armsrace #Putin #Russia

Healing Servant | Isaiah 42:3
37:17 / 40:26 M0000352 Cornerstone 220215-A - bruise, bruised, crush, crushed, despair, despairing, beleaguered, battle, truth, judgment, justice, Moses, Gideon, Jeremiah | #bruise #bruised #crush #crushed #despair #despairing #beleaguered #battle #truth #judgment #justice #Moses #Gideon #Jeremiah

Heavenly Rescue | Video Version Recorded 261221 John 3:13-15
51:51 / 51:26 M0000303 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 230314-A - salvation, dedication, commitment, believe, believing, divine, holy, holiness, deliver, deliverance, delivered, lifted up, exalted, spirit, spiritual realities
Video Tags: #salvation #dedication #commitment #believing #deliverance #spiritualrealities

Heed The Cry Of The Triumphant King | Luke 13:34
26:54 / 29:43 M0000397 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 200316-A perceive, receive, achieve, believe, under his wings, Christ, Jerusalem, Jebus, threshing, threshing place, peace, teaching of peace, written Word, spoken Word, Holy Bible, Holy Spirit, preachers, ministers, YHVH, Jehovah, YVWH, proof of the deity of Christ, Psalm 91, commit, obey, follow through | #perceive #receive #achieve #believe #underhiswings #Christ #Jerusalem #Jebus #threshing #threshingplace #peace #teachingofpeace #writtenWord #spokenWord #HolyBible #HolySpirit #preachers #ministers #YHVH #Jehovah #YVWH #ProofOfTheDeityOfChrist #Psalm91 #commit #obey #followthrough

He Is Worth The Price | Recorded Video Matthew 13:45-46
47:14 / 55:34 M0000247 Cornerstone 210413-P Christ, seek, sell, buy, seeking, selling, buying, reward, rewards, uniqueness, sin, burdens, trouble, troubles, tribulation, pearl of great price, merchant, forsake all, follow, only begotten |
#Christ #seek #sell #buy #seeking #selling #buying #reward #rewards #uniqueness #sin #burdens #trouble #troubles #tribulation #pearlofgreatprice #merchant #forsakeall #follow #onlybegotten

Herod’s Spirit Is Alive And Well --- Matthew 2:13
56:14 / 1:01:10 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000433Cornerstone 181216-P protect, Christ within you, growing in Christ, parable of the sower, seed, Christ Child, spiritual, Donald Trump, Temple, Jerusalem, election, antisemitism, persecution, Christmas, incarnation, RCC

He's Great, And Greatly To Be Praised | Recorded Video Version 211121 1 Chronicles 16:25 (cp Psalm 96:4), Psalm 48:1, Psalm 145:3
49:38 / 58:30 M0000211 Cornerstone 090912-A mercy of God, mercies of God, salvation, praise, praised, worship, thanks, thanksgiving, worshiped, fear of God, fear of men, fear of man, magnificent, magnificence, majesty, majestic, unsearchable, glory of God
Video Tags: #mercyofGod #merciesofGod #salvation #praise #praised #worship #worshiped #fearofGod #thanks #thanksgiving

He Will Build You Right - 1 Peter 2:6
48:25 / 51:54 M0000524 Cornerstone 060119-P compassion, compassionate, Cornerstone, Chief Cornerstone, precious, preciousness, connection, cherish, cherished, corrected, correcting, correction, committed, committed, lay down my life, lay down His life

Hidden Blessings | 2 Kings 4:8-37, 8:1-6
38:05M0000095 Bradford House 230111- trials, trouble, miracle, miracles, Elisha | #trials #trouble #miracle #miracles #Elisha

His Powerful Triumph | Psalm 98:1-3
55:15 / 57:07M0000114 Cornerstone 170411- salvation, mercy, truth, victory, holiness, cross, atonement | #salvation #mercy #truth #victory #holiness #cross #atonement

Holy Spirit Baptizer | Video Version recorded 280523 John 1:32-36
45:12 / 51:20 M0000318 Cornerstone 220614-P - receive, receiving, fill, filled, overflow, overflowing, remain, remaining, descend, descending, condescend, condescending, condescended, refresh, refreshing, refreshed, renew, renewing, renewed, release, releasing, released, dove, Jesus Christ, Trinity, Godhead, Son of God, Son of Man, obey, obedience
Video Tags: #BaptismOfTheHolySpirit #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #JesusChrist #Trinity #Godhead #SonOfGod #SonOfMan #Pentecost

Honoring The God Of Martin Luther --- Psalm 34:6
49:51 / 55:59 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000475 Cornerstone 291017-P Protestant Reformation, providence, judge, redemption, redeemer, saved, finished work of Christ, Germany, sale of indulgences, Roman Catholic Church, purgatory, forgiveness, remission of sins

Interrupt Yourself | Ephesians 5:19
46:30 / 48:27M0000101 Cornerstone 060211- thoughts, worry, worries, talking, psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, melody, worship, mind, thinking | #thoughts #worry #worries #talking #psalms #hymns #spiritualsongs #melody #worship #mind #thinking

Intervention of Mercy | Video version recorded 151224 Luke 1:35
46:54 M0000089 Cornerstone 191210- birth of Christ, virgin, virgin birth, Mary, Gabriel, salvation, Adam, sin, sin nature, second man, second Adam, last man | #birthofChrist #virgin #virginbirth #Mary #Gabriel #salvation #Adam #sin #sinnature #secondman #secondAdam #lastman
Live Stream Tags: #birthofChrist #incarnation #Mary #sinnature #virginbirth #salvation #son #HolyGhost #HolySpirit #overshadow #Greekmythology #Romanmythology

It Is Not About You Or Me, It Is All About God --- Matthew 6:13c-g
56:24 / 1:01:36 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000431Cornerstone 041216-P self, self-centeredness, self-centered, kingdom, power, glory, trusting God, vengeance, meekness, meek, trust, trusting, divorce, remarriage, cross

It's Great To Be Justified | Recorded Video Version Acts 13:35-41
43:05 / 52:02 M0000243 Cornerstone 033113-A resurrection, justification, salvation, righteous, justified, righteousness, suicide, God hater, Billy Graham, forgive, forgiveness, forgiven, imputation, Christ, cross, raised incorruptible, risen, David, Paul, despiser, despisers
Video Tags: #resurrection #justification #salvation #righteous #justified #righteousness

It Is Important To Be Baptized In The Holy Spirit | Ephesians 5:18, selected, Matthew 12:43-45
59:47 M0000112 Cornerstone 030411- Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, bread, leaven, sponge, power, filled, fill, overflow, overflowing, tongues, empty, swept, demon, demons |
#BaptismInTheHolySpirit #HolyGhost #bread #leaven #sponge #power #filled #fill #overflow #overflowing #tongues #empty #swept #demon #demons

It's Great To Be Godly | Psalm 73:25-26
38:52 M0000096 Cornerstone 230111-A fear of God, holiness, protection, humility, frailty, godliness | #fearofGod #holiness #protection #humility #frailty #godliness

It's Great To Have Jesus On Board!, Mark 6:45-52
33:44 M0000025 Bradford House 280410- trust, commit, fear, faith | #trust #commit #fear #faith

Jesus In Our Midst --- Topical Matthew 18:20, Matthew 28:19-20, Hebrews 13:5-6, Revelation 1:13-18
50:23 / 56:06 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000470 Cornerstone 240917-P fellowship, communion, spiritual reality, service, presence of Christ, salvation, Yeshua, Christ, God, Son of God, Son of Man, deity, humanity

Joseph: A Leader In Faithfulness | Video Version recorded 060322 Genesis 37 to 41
45:08 / 58:12 M0000279 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 201013-A faithful, faithfulness, faith, obey, obedient, obedience, proclaim, private, praise, glory, problem, problems, prison, pain
Video Tags: #faithful #obedient #obedience #proclaim #falseaccusations #private #problems #prison #pain

Joseph: Divinely Directed Dad, Matthew 1:18-25, 2:13-15, 2:19-23
43:13 M0000042 Bradford House 230610- Fathers Day, faith, trsut, trusting, obedience | #FathersDay #faith #trust #trusting #obedience

Joshua: Commitments To Keep | Joshua 23:6-11
26:07 / 30:15 is an article that touches upon this message. M0000364 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 170515-A - commitment, commitments, keep, observe, do, obey, perform, love, courageous, God’s Word, Word of God, faith, fear, will of God, cling, clinging, alert, watch, alertness, watchful, watchfulness | #commitment #commitments #keep #observe #do #obey #perform #love #courageous #WordOfGod #faith #fear #willofGod #cling #clinging #alert #watch #alertness #watchful #watchfulness

Joshua's Shock Of His Life | Livestream Version Recorded 160122 Joshua 5:13-15
50:19 / 51:20 M0000304 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 310314-A - presume, presumption, presumptuous, sight, steps, speech, surrender, sanity, Jericho, YHWH, Captain, hosts, Lord
Livestream tags: #presumption #presumptuous #speech #surrender #Jericho #YHWH #captain

Joyous Oil Of Power --- Psalm 45:7-8
52:32 / 55:55 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000451 Cornerstone 070517-P joy, fruit of the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, righteousness, Godhead, anointing, anointed, anoint, anoints, myrrh, cassia, aloe, aloes, cross, suffering, victory

Judah (Praise) First! | Judges 1:1-9
48:00 / 52:22 M0000178 Cornerstone 110312A- praise God, praising God, worship, spiritual warfare, spirit realm, realm of the spirit, Holy Spirit, satan, resist the devil, praise, praised, hear, heard, sin, unresolved issues |
#praiseGod #praisingGod #worship #spiritualwarfare #spiritrealm #realmofthespirit #HolySpirit #satan #resistthedevil #praise #praised #hear #heard #sin #unresolvedissues

Just Following Jesus Is Not Enough - Mark 10:32, Luke 9:23
54:43 / 57:56 M0000487 Cornerstone 110218-P deny, cross, follow, fear, trust, commitment, dedication, commit, committed, dedicate, dedicated, persecution, fearfulness

Justice. Judgment. Jesus! - John 5:24-29
50:47 / 55:06 M0000484 Cornerstone 140118-P deity of Christ, humanity of Christ, salvation, judge, Savior, substitution, resurrection, Godhead, Trinity, YHVH, YHWH, punishment, penalty, Billy Graham, salvation, saved, exclusiveness of Christ, Son of Man, sons of men, Son of God, sons of God, Adam

Keepers Will Be Kept By The Keeper | Video Version recorded 250824 Revelation 3:8d-f & 10
50:29 / 49:09 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000476 Cornerstone 051117-P Revelation, Apocalypse, church of Philadelphia, Great Tribulation, rapture, wrath of God, Word of God, patience, perseverance, little strength, mustard seed, stone cut without hands, despised, ignored | #Revelation #Apocalypse #churchofPhiladelphia #GreatTribulation #rapture #wrathofGod #WordofGod #patience #perseverance #littlestrength #mustardseed #stonecutwithouthands #despised #ignored

Keep That Helmet On! - Topical Ephesians 6:17, Matthew 22:37-38, Luke 21:14-15, Romans 8:5, 6, 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 10:5, Ephesians 4:23, Philippians 2:5-8, 4:6-7, Hebrews 8:10, 1 Peter 1:13
51:21 / 56:12 M0000520 Cornerstone 021218-P meek, meekness, humble, humility, lowliness, mind, thinking, salvation, listen, carnal mind, spiritual mind, carnally minded, spiritually minded, encourage, encouraged, encouragement

Keep The Presence, | Psalm 23:1-3
50:07 M0000073 Cornerstone 171010- worship, focus, sin, dedication, obey, obedience | #worship #focus #sin #dedication #obey #obedience

Kingdom Essentials | Recorded Video John 3:1-8
34:55 / 56:15 M0000297 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 020214-A - God, King, Christ, see, enter in, be, live, surrender, kingdoms, Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, impelled, directed, led, led by the Spirit, led by the Holy Spirit | #God #King #Christ #see #enterin #be #live #surrender #kingdoms #Spirit #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #impelled #directed #led #ledbytheSpirit #ledbytheHolySpirit

Know The Peace of God | Video Version Recorded 180421 John 14:27
43:13 / 53:53 M0000066 Cornerstone 260910-A peace, conscience, life of Christ, Holy Spirit Christ | #God #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #depression #healing

Last Days Directives | Video Version recorded 300122 Isaiah 24:13-16
47:27 / 56:20 M0000280 Cornerstone 271013-P remnant, rejoice, rejoicing, righteous, righteousness, righteous, resilient, resilience, remember, second coming of Christ
Video Tags: #shaking #remnant #testing #trials #GreatTribulation #unity

Last Days Guidance - 2 Timothy 3:14-17
49:31 / 55:39 M0000536 Cornerstone 310319-P perilous times, continue, persevere, know, knowledge, Holy Scriptures, Holy Bible, Word of God, inspired, inspiration, doctrine, doctrines, teaching, teachings, reproof, correction, training, righteousness, man of God, woman of God

Last Days Instruction | Video Version Recorded 259421 53:01 Luke 21:34-36
45:03 M0000202 Chart Comparing Zoe and Bios Cornerstone 150712-A care, worry, burdened, fear, cares, worries, burden, burden, surfeiting, weight, weights, weighed down, depressed, depression, sin, sin nature, sinfulness, indulgence, indulging, carouse, carousing, wisdom, Word of God, pit, snare, watch, watching, watchings, walk with God, walking with God

Last Days Strategy For The Body - Part 1 | Jude 20-21
41:41 M0000192 Cornerstone 270512-A eternal security, persevere, Holy Spirit, Spirit directed prayer, most holy faith, build, building, end times, perseverance, love of God, mercy, return of Christ | #eternalsecurity #persevere #HolySpirit #Spiritdirectedprayer #mostholyfaith #build #building #endtimes #perseverance #loveofGod #mercy #returnofChrist

Last Days Strategy For The Body - Part 2 | Jude 22-23
42:26 / 47:07 M0000193 Cornerstone 270512-P evangelize, evangelism, compassion, mercy, discrimination, discriminate, witness, witnessing, underwear, under garment, under garments | #evangelize #evangelism #compassion #mercy #discrimination #discriminate #witness #witnessing #underwear #undergarment #undergarments

Leave The Gods Behind | Genesis 35:1-7
58:08 M0000195 Cornerstone 100612-A God speaks, hearing God, idolatry, Jacob, Israel, idols, purify, purge, purifying, idol, worship, fellowship | #Godspeaks #hearingGod #idolatry #Jacob #Israel #idols #purify #purge #purifying #idol #worship #fellowship

Let Christ's Spirit Blossom In You | Video Version Recorded 021022 Luke 3:22, 4:1, 4:14
54:12 / 54:56 M0000259 Cornerstone 210713-P - Spirit, led, filled, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Spirit filled, Spirit led, Jesus Christ, power, dunimis, dunamis, fruit of the Holy Spirit
Video Tags: #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #Spiritfilled #Spiritled #JesusChrist #power #fruitoftheSpirit

Let King Jesus Lovingly Triumph In You --- Matthew 21:5
48:32 / 54:43 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000446 Cornerstone 090417-P meekness, burdens, mastery, majesty, mercy, prophecy, son, beast of burden, burden, sin, trouble, problem, problems, foal, Jews, Israel, Zechariah 9:9, Psalm 91

Let The Prince of Peace Rule You, Isaiah 9:6, 26:12-15
53:43 / 57:43 M0000068 Cornerstone 031010-A Christ, peace, child, rule, perfect, mind, divine guidance, conscience
| #Christ #peace #child #rule #perfect #mind #divineguidance #conscience

Liberating Love | Psalm 102:18-22
42:12 / 49:18 M00000119 Cornerstone 010511- fellowship, love, trust, commitment, prison, bondage, prisoner, praise, groan, groaning | #fellowship #love #trust #commitment #prison #bondage #prisoner #praise #groan #groaning

Life Directives From Jesus John 6:38
44:42 / 47:50 M0000168 Cornerstone 22012-A abundant life, Word of God, Holy Bible, direction, will of God, not my will | #abundantlife #WordOfGod #HolyBible #direction #willofGod #notmywill

Live Empowered Unto Triumph - Romans 12:12
49:04 / 56:21 M0000491 Cornerstone 180318-P rejoice, rejoicing, persevere, persevering, prayer, prayerfulness, strength, worship, praise, praying, pray, endure, endurance, empower, empowerment

Live High Because Of The High Price Christ Paid --- 1 Corinthians 6:20
53:23 / 56:38 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000432Cornerstone 111216-P body, spirit, redeemed, fornication, fornicate, healthy, holy, bought, paid, redeem, purchase, purchased, pay, payment, behave, behaved, behaving, belong, belonging

Live! Live! Live! Live! | John 6:53-58
51:16 / 53:55 M0000155 Cornerstone 131111- abundant life, eat my flesh, drink my blood, resurrection, new life, manna, will of Christ, Eternal Life, worship, praise, Word of God, Holy Bible | #abundantlife #eatmyflesh #drinkmyblood #resurrection #newlife #manna #willofChrist #EternalLife #worship #praise #WordofGod #HolyBible

Live With The King | Song Of Solomon 1:12-14
29:14 M0000007 Bradford House 030310- fellowship, love, trust, commitment, Christ | #fellowship #love #trust #commitment #Christ

Lord Of All |Topical
54:05 / 58:26 M0000269 Cornerstone 010913-P - leave, lean, live, learn, Lord, depend, dependence upon God | #leave #lean #live #learn #Lord #depend #dependenceuponGod

Lose It Or Lose It | Video Version recorded 250623 Matthew 16:25
50:36 / 56:10 M0000427Cornerstone 061116-P life, soul, cross, deny, self, follow Christ, manner of living, conversation, desire, desires, cling, clinging, lost, losing, gain, gaining, life of Christ, martyr, martyrdom, martyrhood, prune, pruning, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Mary, Joseph, Peter, graven image, graven images, Mother Theresa, Ghandi
Video Tags: #life #soul #cross #deny #self #self-denial #followingChrist #mannerofliving #desires

Loving Ways Of The Holy Spirit | John 16:13-15
54:50 / 1:01:30 M0000198 Image showing the flow of authority within the Godhead and why this is necessary for our salvation. Cornerstone 240612-P adoption, Holy Spirit, Comforter, pneuma, Holy Ghost, spirits, demons, paraklete, guide, guidance, Spirit of Truth, third person of the Trinity, Godhead, Trinity, trichotomy, wind, force, advocate |
#adoption #HolySpirit #Comforter #pneuma #HolyGhost #spirits #demons #paraklete #guide #guidance #SpiritOfTruth #thirdpersonoftheTrinity #Godhead #Trinity #trichotomy #wind #force #advocate

Magnificent Mercy --- Titus 2:14
30:24 / 40:10 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000447 Cornerstone 130417-P substitution, substitute, redeem, redeemed, redemption, purify, purifies purification, mercies of God, merciful, Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion

Majestic Fortress | Video Version recorded 111222 Psalm 93
33:13 / 53:10 M0000282 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 031113-A - reign, king, kingship, kingdom, kingdom of God, refuge, rest, peace, worship, peaceful, restful, worshiping, sea, restless, rumbling, rumblings
Video Tags: #kingdomofGod #refuge #rest #peace #worship #sovereigntyofGod #world

Make Fatso Fall! | Judges 3:12-30
58:41 M0000361 Cornerstone 260415-P - Christ, Word of God, carnal, sin nature, sinful, Ehud, Eglon, Moab, Judges, determine, destroy, defy, defeat, defeated, defied, destroyed, determine, crucify, dagger, stab, stabbed | #Christ #WordOfGod #carnal #sinnature #sinful #Ehud #Eglon #Moab #Judges #determine #destroy #defy #defeat #defeated #defied #destroyed #determine #crucify #dagger #stab #stabbed

Make The Connection | Mark 15:34, John 20:17, Revelation 3:12
39:14 / 42:09 M0000018 Sunnyside Alliance, Secretary, MD 070410- - true repentance, sorrow, cross of Christ, death of Christ, sin, sinfulness, curse, Christ became a curse, Christ became sin, impute, imputation, repent, repentance, repenting, remorse, repentance, resolve, resolved, Resurrection, rise, forsaken, My God, deity of Christ, Godhead, Trinity |
#truerepentance #sorrow #crossofChrist #deathofChrist #sin #sinfulness #curse #Christ becameacurse #Christbecamesin #impute #imputation #repent #repentance #repenting #remorse #repentance #resolve #resolved #Resurrection #rise #forsaken #MyGod #deityofChrist #Godhead #Trinity

Make The Connection-Cornerstone Delivery | Mark 15:34, John 20:17, Revelation 3:12
56:52 / M0000110 Cornerstone 270311- sin, filthy rags, cup, Gethsemane, agony, sorrow | #sin #filthyrags #cup #Gethsemane #agony #sorrow

Make The Connection (With The Resolve Of Christ) - Revelation 3:12
39:21 M0000498 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 010418- - resolute, resolved, determination, determine, determined, Trinity, Godhead, My God, church of Philadelphia, Revelation, keepers, keeper

Make The Connection (With The Resurrection Of Christ) - John 20:17
30:25 M0000494 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 010418- - rise, risen, subordination, Trinity, Godhead, My brethren, My God, My Father

Make The Connection (With The Sorrow Of Christ) --- Mark 15:34
51:09 (message begins at 16:10) M0000492 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 180318- - true repentance, sorrow, cross of Christ, death of Christ, sin, sinfulness, curse, Christ became a curse, Christ became sin, impute, imputation, repent, repentance, repenting, remorse, repentance, forsaken, My God, deity of Christ, Godhead

Manage Your Mind | Psalm 104:33-35
48:53 M0000103 Cornerstone 200211-P thoughts, thought, thinking, control, trust, worship | #thoughts #thought #thinking #control #trust #worship

Master's Plan | Psalm 31:14-18
42:29 / 45:58 M0000353 Cornerstone 080315-A - trust, trouble, trials, time, times, treasure, treasured, treasuring, triumph, triumphing, triumphant, victory, victorious, Word of God, Holy Spirit | #trust #trouble #trials #time #times #treasure #treasured #treasuring #triumph #triumphing #triumphant #victory #victorious #WordOfGod #HolySpirit

Meet Jesus Today | Topical - Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 5:24-30, Luke 4:16-22c, 42, 19:2-10, John 4:4-26, 12:1-3
37:42 / 41:06 M0000380 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay Nursing Home 181015-A - Jesus, personal relationship, persevere, faith, Mary, crowd, crowds, Zacchaeus, dinner, dining, work, workplace, employer, employee, employers, employees, church, churches, desert, well, water, Samaritan woman, woman at the well |
#Jesus #personalrelationship #persevere #faith #Mary #crowd #crowds #Zacchaeus #dinner #dining #work #workplace #employer #employee #employers #employees #church #churches #desert #well #water #Samaritanwoman #womanatthewell

Memorial Of Sovereignty | Genesis 9:8-17, Revelation 4:3
47:56 / 51:57 M0000345 Cornerstone 071214-P -rainbow, bow, Noah, flood, Great Deluge, Genesis, Revelation, water, wrath of God, integrity, promise, proclamation, purpose, perform, performance | #rainbow #bow #Noah #flood #GreatDeluge #Genesis #Revelation #water #wrathofGod #integrity #promise #proclamation #purpose #perform #performance

Mend-Maintain Your Cistern | Jeremiah 2:13c and Psalm 130
01:03:25 / 01:08:02 M0000246 Cornerstone 140413-P soul, sin, sinning, mend, mending, moulding, emotions, desires, redemption, mercy, mercies, forgiveness, broken cisterns, determination, defect, desires, Thresher, submarine |
#soul #sin #sinning #mend #mending #moulding #emotions #desires #redemption #mercy #mercies #forgiveness #brokencisterns #determination #defect #desires #Thresher #submarine

Merciful Love | Galatians 1:4
44:37 / 56:57 M0000424 Cornerstone 161016-P Jesus Christ, gave Himself, salvation, rescue, will of God, direction, devotion, dedication, determination, deliverance, sin, sin nature, wrath of God, sinner, sinners, The Lord's Supper, Holy Communion | #JesusChrist #gaveHimself #salvation #rescue #willofGod #direction #devotion #dedication #determination #deliverance #sin #sinnature #wrathofGod #sinner #sinners #TheLordsSupper #HolyCommunion

Merciful Loving Answer | OPTION TWO - Merciful Loving Answer (WITH COMMUNION SERVICE) | Psalm 40:6-8, Hebrews 10:5-6
42:05 / 59:38 M0000272 Cornerstone at Redeemer Presbyterian Church 190913-P - sacrifice, offering, tribute, work, works, salvation, Christ, David, sin offering, burnt offering, merit, want, desire, require, requirements, incarnation | sacrifice #offering #tribute #work #works #salvation #Christ #David #sinoffering #burntoffering #merit #want #desire #require #requirements #incarnation

Merciful Loving Growth | Luke 2:39-41
46:36 / 51:37 M0000273 Cornerstone 220913-P incarnation, Christ, child, foundation, foundations, Jewish Law, flourish, flourishing, fulfill, fulfilling, fulfillment | #incarnation #Christ #child #foundation #foundations #JewishLaw #flourish #flourishing #fulfill #fulfilling #fulfillment

Mercifully And Lovingly Overshadowed | Video Version recorded 181222 Luke 1:35, Mark 9:1-8, Acts 5:15
54:26 / 50:51 M0000271 Cornerstone 150913-P - incarnation, overshadow, overshadowed, conception, Christ Child, Holy Spirit, virgin, conceive, conceived, Mary, sex with Mary
Video Tags: #incarnation #overshadow #overshadowed #conception #ChristChild #HolySpirit #virgin #conceive #conceived #Mary #HolyGhost

Mercy For Marriage | Recorded Video Version March 11, 2021 57:21 Matthew 19:8
59:58 / 57:21 M0000050 Outline for this message, | Chart about hardness Cornerstone 230308-A marriage, marry, mercy, forgive, forgiving, forgiveness, merciful, Jesus Christ, Moses, divorce, divorcement, remarriage, husband, wife, one flesh, sermon outline, message outline
Video Tags: #marriage #divorce #divorceandremarriage #adultery #husband #wife #oneflesh

Minister In Power, --- Acts 6:1-7, 8:4-8, 8:26-40
48:43 / 53:45 M0000027 Cornerstone 050510- Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, service, serve, dedication | #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #service #serve #dedication

Miracle Kingdom | Matthew 13:31-32 – also see Salvation Seed
46:25 / 51:55 M0000537 Cornerstone 070419-P mustard seed, Jesus Christ, Messiah, parable, peace, peace of God, salvation, shelter, nations, power, powerful, tree, trees

Mom Made The Difference | 2 Chronicles 28:1-4 plus more
37:30 / 39:59 M0000189 Cornerstone 130512-A Mothers Day, mom, mother, motherhood, good influence, godly influence, Abi, Abijah, Hezekiah, Kings, Chronicles | #MothersDay #mom #mother #motherhood #goodinfluence #godlyinfluence #Abi #Abijah #Hezekiah #Kings #Chronicles

Moses' Prayer of Power, Numbers 14:11-24
30:34 M0000012 Bradford House 150310- surrender, submission, sacrifice, selfless, intercession | #surrender #submission #sacrifice #selfless #intercession

Most Blessed State Of Being For Now | Galatians 2:20
54:17 / 58:52 M0000349 Cornerstone 290315-P - crucified, crucify, crucifixion, death to self, cross, Christ lives, living, works, faith, faithfulness, love, loved me, existence, condition | #crucified #crucify #crucifixion #deathtoself #cross #Christlives #living #works #faith #faithfulness #love #lovedme #existence #condition

No Soul Left Behind, | Ephesians 2:11-18
58:17 / 1:04:12 M0000085Cornerstone 281110-P evangelism, souls, salvation, hell, mercy, forgiveness, unity | #evangelism #souls #salvation #hell #mercy #forgiveness #unity

Not Feelings But Faith | 1 Samuel 22:2, 23:3, 2 Samuel 23:8-21
58:52 / M0000409 Cornerstone 120616-A David, mighty men, fear, King, faith, feeling, feelings, emotion, emotions, acts, action, exploits, bravery | #David #mightymen #fear #King #faith #feeling #feelings #emotion #emotions #acts #action #exploits #bravery

Not Of This Earth | Philippians 3:20-21
30:40 / 33:41 M0000386 Cornerstone 061215-A - Savior, standing, salvation, submission, citizen, citizenship, power of God, energy, sin, sin nature, Lord Jesus Christ, inhabitant of the earth, inhabitants of the earth, snare | #Savior #standing #salvation #submission #citizen #citizenship #powerofGod #energy #sin #sinnature #LordJesusChrist #inhabitantoftheearth #inhabitantsoftheearth #snare

Nowhere Else To Go --- John 6:68
49:13 / 55:24 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000444Cornerstone 190317-P religions, life, Word of God, words of God, words of life, Living God, Christ, zoe, bios, provision, person, Messiah, Godhead, trinity, trichotomy

Oh What Wondrous Grace That Links That Lovely Name With Mine! | Matthew 1:21-23
53:53 / 57:58 M0000523 Cornerstone 231218-P YHVH, YHWH, Jehovah, I AM THAT I AM, The Exiting One, free from sin, sins, incarnation, Immanuel, Emmanuel, God with us, virgin, Joseph, Mary, Jesus, Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, grace, grace of God, liberation, freed, hell, damnation, victory, power, fulfillment, Jehovah is salvation, Yahweh is salvation, Yahveh is salvation, Yahvah, Yavah iw salvation, virgin birth, shame, shameful, glory
#YHVH #YHWH #Jehovah #I_AM_THAT_I_ AM #TheExitingOne #freefromsin #sins #incarnation #Immanuel #Emmanuel #Godwithus #virgin #Joseph #Mary #Jesus #Christ #God #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #grace #graceofGod #liberation #freed #hell #damnation #victory #power #fulfillment #JehovahIsSalvation #YahwehIsSalvation #YahvehIsSalvation #YahvahIsSalavation #Yahwah #Yahvah #virginbirth #shame #shameful #glory

Only Jesus Christ Is Worthy | Video Version recorded 140822 Revelation 5:5-6, 9-10
51:31 / 54:20 M0000307 Cornerstone 130414-A - salvation, redemption, blood, personal, relationship, Lion of Judah, root of David, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, redeem, honor, qualify, qualified, qualifications, unique, uniqueness, restoration, restorative
Video Tags: #salvation #redemption #blood #personal #relationship #TheRevelationofJesusChrist #Revelation #unique #uniqueness

Only The Best For The Highest --- Malachi 1:6-8, 14g-i
50:07 / 58:06 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000440Cornerstone 190217-P Fatherhood of God, Father, Master, Lord of Hosts, perfection, grace, reverence, acceptable, blind, sick, lame, balance, cheap grace, perfect, Ab, Abba

Our All Sufficient Lord | Video Version Recorded 260721 Hebrews 2:17
50:07 / 52:26 M0000249 Cornerstone 280413-P pure, loving, effectual, Christ, obedience, submission, submissiveness, submitted, subordination, obeyed, redemption, mercy, faithful, faithfulness, tempted, temptations, victory, victories, victorious |
#pure #loving #effectual #Christ #obedience #submissiveness #subordination #obeyed #redemption #mercy #faithful #faithfulness #tempted #temptations #victory #victories #victorious

Our Creator's Heart | Video Version Recorded 261123 Hebrews 2:10
44:13 / 49:29 M0000213 Cornerstone 011012-A suicide, foreclosure, salvation, love of God, Christ is the answer, Christ is the Way, life, suicide prevention, regeneration, creation, Creator, responsibility, compulsion, commission, compassion, incarnation, feast of tabernacles, feast of booths, mercy, pity, mercies, merciful, redeem, redeemed, redemption, responsible, lovingkindness, holy, holiness, deity of Christ, Trinity, Godhead, sermon outline, message outline
Video Tags: #hope #salvation #creation #Creator #life #EternalLife #redeem #redeemed #redemption #childofGod #sonsofGod #sin #hell #damnation #Adam #doesGodcare

Our Four Dimensional Power in Christ | Romans 8:29
44:07 / 47:04 M0000186 Cornerstone 220412-A Holy Bible, baptism, worship, pray, witness, study, serve, church, mind of God, image of Christ, conforming, spiritual growth, emotional needs, mental, love of God, grace, Jewish Law, predestine, predestined, predestinate, predestinated, foreknowledge |
#HolyBible #baptism #worship #pray #witness #study #serve #church #mindofGod #imageofChrist #conforming #spiritualgrowth #emotionalneeds #mental #loveofGod #grace #JewishLaw #predestine #predestined #predestinate #predestinated #foreknowledge

Our Health | Recorded Video Version Proverbs 4:20-22
51:10 / 54:05 M0000229 Cornerstone 270113-A proverbs, wisdom, Word of God, Holy Bible, wisdom of God, health, vitality, vigil, vigilance, voice of God, life, everlasting life, Eternal Life, наше здоровье |
Video Tags: #proverbs #wisdom #WordofGod #HolyBible #wisdomofGod #health #vitality #vigil #vigilance #voiceofGod #life #everlastinglife #EternalLife #наше_здоровье

Our Merciful Condescending God | Psalm 18:35e-f
35:28 / 38:07 M0000378 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay Nursing Home 041015-A - condescend, stoop, humble, humility, meekness, rescue, help, rescuer, helper, save, saving, salvation, victory, security, shield, protection, wrath of God, mercy, merciful, mercifully, kindness, gentleness, kind, gentle, condescended, condescending, lower, transcend, transcending, transcendent |
#condescend #stoop #humble #humility #meekness #rescue #help #rescuer #helper #save #saving #salvation #victory #security #shield #protection #wrathofGod #mercy #merciful #mercifully #kindness #gentleness #kind #gentle #condescended #condescending #lower #transcend #transcending #transcendent

Our Peculiar Thanks | Video Version recorded 201122 Hebrews 13:12-15
42:50 / 53:00 M0000222 Cornerstone 181112-A thanksgiving, praise, thanks, sacrificial, sacrifice of praise, Jesus Christ, resolve, reproach, remove, reward, rejoicing, rejoice
Video Tags: #thanksgiving #praise #sacrificeofpraise #JesusChrist #resolve #rejoice

Our Priest, Our Privilege - Hebrews 4:15-16
49:26 / 54:55 M0000527 Cornerstone 270119-P sin, sinner, sinners, sinning, child molestation, child molester, pedophile, pedophiles, abortion, abortionist, murder, shame, Roman Catholic, clergy, grace, mercy, help, forgiveness, boldness, Jesus Christ, King Manasseh, confession, confessional, purgatory

Our Savior's Heart | Video Version recorded 031223 Hebrews 2:14-16
44:13 / 49:47M0000214 Cornerstone 011012-P suicide, suicide prevention, foreclosure, society, salvation, work of Christ, redemption, regeneration, redeemed, regenerated, incarnation, feast of tabernacles, feast of booths, death, sin, bondage, desire, destroy, deliver, demonstrate, satan, devil, second death, fellowship, restoration, restored, Christ the Answer
Video Tags: #salvation #mercy #Christ #fulldeliverance #destruction #satan #redemption #regeneration #workofChrist

Out From The Shadow Of Death | Video Version Isaiah 8:22-9:6a
45:38 / 50:00 M0000225 Cornerstone 161212-P sin, death, light, Christ, shadow, shadow of death, Isaiah, bondage, victory, shine, shining, share, sharing, shatter
Video Tags: #death #light #life #Christ #Isaiah #bondage #victory #Hanukkah #FestivalOfLights

Patmos Blessings | Video Version recorded 050524 Revelation 1:9-11
32:55 / 48:05 M0000040 Bradford House 160610- faith, endurance, persecution, tribulation, trials, trouble | #faith #endurance #persecution #tribulation #trials #trouble

Peace In Refuge And Reality - John 16:33
44:07 / 49:39 M0000501 Cornerstone 200518-P meekness, trust, peace of God, world, written Word, incarnate Word, spoken Word, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, legal drugs, illegal drugs, money, monetary, politics, political, physical, medicine, worry, overcome, overcomer, victory, victorious

Peace In The Powerful - Psalm 27:1-3
37:24 / 45:01 M0000508 Cornerstone 220718-P salvation, light, strength, fear, enemies, seeking God, God speaking, voice of God, life, Holy Spirit, purpose

Pearls And Gold | Video Version recorded 120123 Revelation 21:21
30:39 / 50:54 Outline to this message with brief comments. M0000340 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 021114-A - pure, purest, grace, Christ, irritant, irritants, parasite, parasites, trouble, trial, test, testing, tempt, temptation, Job, Jacob, Peter, persecution, fire
Video Tags: #trials #troubles #perseverance #trustGod #salvation #irritants #graceofGod #salvation #grace #Revelation

Perform Your Calling | Revelation 1:6
56:31 / 58:10 M0000121 Cornerstone 150511-A teach, evangelize, witness, teacher, priest, minister, intercede | #teach #evangelize #witness #teacher #priest #minister #intercede

Pick The Best | Video Version recorded 240923 Matthew 6:19-21
51:02 / 50:53 M0000430Cornerstone 131116-P treasure, where your treasure is, material, spiritual, excellent, earnestness, earthliness, earthly, excellence, reward, rewards
Video Tags: #choice #treasure #whereyourtreasureis #material #spiritual #excellent #earnestness #earthliness #earthly #excellence #reward #rewards

Pinnacles Of Praise | Topical - Psalm 7:17, Psalm 9:1, Psalm 147:1, Psalm 146:10, Psalm 145:2
30:31 / 33:26 M0000374 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 160815-A - fulness, faithfulness, sure, firm, fervency, worship, adoration, grace | #fulness #faithfulness #sure #firm #fervency #worship #adoration #grace

Potent Aspects Of God's Kingdom | Video Version Recorded 300521 Romans 14:17-19
45:38 / 54:19 M0000239 Cornerstone 031013-A righteousness, peace, joy, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, kingdom, kingdom of God, meat and drinking, happiness, mock, mockers, actual, actuality, acceptable, acceptability, action, active, activity
Video Tags: #righteousness #peace #joy #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #kingdom #kingdomofGod #mockers #actuality #acceptable #acceptability #action #active #activity

Power Blessings From God --- Daniel 2:22
50:11 / 55:03 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000480 Cornerstone 101217-P revelation, reveal, examination, examine, illumination, illuminate, light, mercy, merciful, love, loving, revealing, protect, protection, protecting, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Babylon, Babylonian captivity, dream

Powerful Facets Of Forgiveness | Genesis 42:25-28, 43:18-22, 44, 45:5,7-8, 50:15-21
28:41 / 34:37 M0000392 Cornerstone 310116-A forgive, forgiven, grudge, vengeance, Joseph, admonish, remove, release, removes, releases, realize, realizes, realization, reality, Jacob, Egypt | #forgive #forgiven #grudge #vengeance #Joseph #admonish #remove #release #removes #releases #realize #realizes #realization #reality #Jacob #Egypt

Powerful Loving Rescue --- Hebrews 5:8-10
42:05 / 48:29 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000449 Cornerstone 230417-P subordination of Christ, Son, sonship, salvation, Trinity, Godhead, Father, emptied, mercy, merciful, royalty, rich, richness, submissive, submissiveness, Spirit, complete, completeness, perfect, perfected, utmost, uttermost, ultimate, eternal aid

Powers Of Joy | John 17:13
32:45 / 36:24 M0000383 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay Nursing Home 151115-A - foundation, force, fulfillment, joy, happiness, fulfilled, ascension, praise, worship, presence of God, life, everyday life, everyday living | #foundation #force #fulfillment #joy #happiness #fulfilled #ascension #praise #worship #presenceofGod #life #everydaylife #everydayliving

Powers Of Prayer | Video Version recorded 290821 Ephesians 6:18
45:41 / 55:10 M0000250 Cornerstone 050513-P - prayer, fellowship, power, constancy, continual, pray, praying, prayerful, content, conduction, consciousness, complete, completeness, perseverance, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, spirit led, supplication
Video Tags: #constancy #consciousness #completeness #perseverance #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #SpiritLed

Powers Of The Keepers | Video Version Recorded 080924 Revelation 3:12
52:33 / 59:01 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000477 Cornerstone 121117-P meekness, dependency upon God, faithfulness, submission, expectation, purity, resignation, Word of God, logos, rhema, church of Philadelphia | #meekness #dependencyuponGod #faithfulness #submission #expectation #purity #WordOfGod #logos #ChurchOfPhiladelphia

Powers Of The Pierced | Video version recorded 240324 John 19:31-37
39:09 / 49:18 M0000338 Cornerstone 191014-P - blood, washing, wash, fellowship, truth, word, Word of God, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, prophecy, precision, accuracy, Psalm 34, Zechariah, heal, healing, remedy, comfort, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost
Video Tags: #blood #washing #wash #fellowship #truth #word #WordofGod #crucifixion #resurrection #prophecy #accuracy #Exodus #Zechariah #heal #healing #remedy #comfort #HolySpirit #HolyGhost

Powers Of The Son - Hebrews 1:3
45:26 / 48:52 M0000534 Cornerstone 170319-P purify, purifies, purification, purge, sacrifice of Christ, Godhead, Trinity, One God, salvation, holy, holiness, purity, light, darkness, regulate, regulation, reign, reigns, victory, victorious, overcome, overcomer, power, crucify, crucified, sin, sinfulness

Pray Anyhow! | Daniel 6:10
25:06 / 55:10 M0000006 Bradford House 220210- Daniel, faithful, faithfulness, breaking the law, man's laws, preserved | #Daniel #faithful #faithfulness #breakingthelaw #preserved

Prayer: Powerful And Purposeful | Recorded Video Version 54:48 Colossians 4:12b
47:15 / 54:48 M0000216 Cornerstone 051012-A will of God, prayer, God’s will, pray, praying, faith, grow, growth, growing, fill, filled, filling, know, knowing, knowledge, power, powerful, purpose, purposeful, labor, labour, labor, laboring, agonize, strive, endeavor, striving, agonizing, Arab babies |
Video Tags: #willofGod #prayer #Godswill #pray #praying #faith #spiritualgrowth #knowledg #power

Prayer's Powerhouse - Mark 9:29
50:13 / 55:09 M0000505 Cornerstone 240618-P praying, fellowship, focus, fasting, feasting, forgiving, freeing, fervent, forceful, demons, demonic, salvation, mercy, pray, pray without ceasing, manuscripts

Precious Blood | Video Version recorded 280321 Psalm 72:14 and 1 Peter 1:19
47:58 / 53:30 M0000261 Cornerstone 280713-P - redeemed, redemption, sin, sins, wrath, offering, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, sacrifice, sacrificial, God, salvation | #redeemed #redemption #sin #sins #wrath #offering #Father #Son #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #sacrifice #sacrificial #God #salvation

Precious Principles Of The Peace Of God - Topical Romans 5:1, Psalm 119:165, Isaiah 48:18, Philippians 4:6-7, Galatians 5:16-17, Galatians 5:22-25
51:34 / 54:55 M0000486 Cornerstone 040218-P justified, righteousness, Word of God, law of God, thanksgiving, obedience, trust, justification, salvation, wrath of God, eternal damnation, assurance, endurance, calmness, meekness, grace, resurrection, Holy Bible, law of God, Word of God, dependence, walk in the Spirit

Priceless Treasures - Hebrews 4:14-16
47:01 / 50:51 M0000540 Cornerstone 280419-P grace, throne of grace, High Priest, possession, privilege, profession, peace, intercession, intercessor, victory

Prince Of Peace | Isaiah 9:6k
46:11 / 52:05 M0000481 Cornerstone 171217-P Messiah, shalom, Christ, incarnation, Beast of Revelation, Daniel, millennial reign, Antichrist, Jerusalem, Trump, Muslims, Arabs, United Nations, UN
#Messiah #shalom #Christ #incarnation #BeastOfRevelation #Daniel #millennialreign #Antichrist #Jerusalem #Trump #Muslims #Arabs #UnitedNations #UN

Principles Of Holiness | Video Version recorded 050223 Ephesians 4:22-24
51:15 / 50:50 M0000277 Cornerstone 131013-A - holiness, holy, sanctification, peace, positiveness, providence, walk, direction, patience, longsuffering, perfection, purity, mind, renewal of the mind, Holy Spirit
Video Tags: #holiness #sanctification #peace #positiveness #patience #longsuffering #perfection #purity #mind #renewalofthemind

Priorities Of Holiness | Video version recorded 020624 1 Peter 1:13-16
54:04 / 50:46 M0000330 Cornerstone 240814-A - alert, active, anticipate, anticipation, anticipating, awake, hope, hoping, sober, return of Christ, apocalypse, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, body, mind, heart, spirit, strength, soul |
#alert #active #anticipate #anticipation #anticipating #awake #hope #hoping #sober #returnofChrist #apocalypse #theRevelationOfJesusChrist #body #mind #heart #spirit #strength #soul

Prophetic Insights And Evangelistic Directives From John 3:1-8 and Ezekiel 36 - Ezekiel 36, John 3:1-8
52:16 / 55:45 M0000528 Cornerstone 030219-P water, water and Spirit, born again, regeneration, Jews, age of the Gentiles, salvation, prophecy, Internet, Word of God, Great Tribulation, night, Gospel, Nicodemus, prophetic, evangelize, evangelism

Protecting Your Spirit --- Psalm 31:4-5
50:56 / 53:17 M0000026 Cornerstone 280410-P Christ, eternity, God, spirit, trust, guard, shun, sin, draw near, satan, snare, truth, true, lie, lies | #Christ #eternity #God #spirit #trust #guard #shun #sin #drawnear #satan #snare #truth #true #lie #lies

Providentially Empowered And Purposed --- Esther 4:14
58:42 / 1:04:17 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000474 Cornerstone 221017-P providence, happenstance, Israel, Esther, Mordecai, Vashti, Ahasuerus, Haman, empowerment, guidance, happenstance, Israel, Martin Luther, Protestant Reformation, guidance, Chaim Weizmann, Arthur Balfour, locusts, scorpions, Billy Graham, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Martin O’Malley, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Middle East Peace, end of the Ages, Armageddon, all Israel shall be saved, Zechariah 12 to 14, Joel 3, United Nations, law enforcement officer, police, policeman, policemen, cop, cops, law enforcement

Provision In A Wilderness | Part 1 Video Version recorded 050323 | Part 2 Video Vesion recorded 120323 Psalm 63
59:35 / 50:27 (Part 1) / 51:46 (Part 2) M0000333 Cornerstone 091414-A - priority, priorities, persevere, perseverance, pleasure, pleasures, peace, fowl, God, Christ, spirit, soul, body, praise, worship
Video Tags (Part 1): #priority #priorities #Godhead #Christ #spirit #soul #body #praise #worship #fellowship #lovingGod
Video Tags (Part 2): #rejoice #follow #trust #underHiswings #perseverance

Psalm 14: It's Not Just About Atheists | Video Version recorded 070321 Psalm 14
53:19 / 51:02 M0000265 Cornerstone 180813-A - fool, fools, atheist, atheists, atheism, godless, flounder, floundering, folly, foolishness, David, Israel | #fool #fools #atheist #atheists #atheism #godless #flounder #floundering #folly #foolishness #David #Israel

Psalm 32's Vitamin B | Psalm 32:8-11
46:18 M0000219 Cornerstone 211012-A Holy Spirit, guidance, guided, directed, direction, teach, instruct, guide, direct, teaching, instruction, instructed, Holy Ghost, Christ, grow, growing, spiritual growth, glad, gladness, rejoice, rejoicing, shout, shouting, guard, guarded, protect, mercies of God, surrounded by mercy |
#HolySpirit #guidance #guided #directed #direction #teach #instruct #guide #direct #teaching #instruction #instructed #HolyGhost #Christ #grow #growing #spiritualgrowth #glad #gladness #rejoice #rejoicing #shout #shouting #guard #guarded #protect #merciesofGod #surroundedbymercy

Quest For The Best --- Song Of Solomon 1:7-10
48:13 / 55:39 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000460 Cornerstone 160717-P God’s love, relationship, born again, Bride of Christ, Song Of Solomon, The Church, The Body Of Christ

Quintet Of Thanks | Topical: Jeremiah 23:24, Hebrews 4:13, Revelation 1:8 and 19:6, Malachi 3:6
27:49 / 33:38 M0000285 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 171113-A - thank, thanking, thankful, thankfulness, grateful, gratefulness, unchanging, unchangeable, immutable, immutability, omnipotence, omniscience, eternal, omnipresence, omnipresent, omnipotent, timeless, God, attributes of God |
#thank #thanking #thankful #thankfulness #thanksgiving #grateful #gratefulness #unchanging #unchangeable #immutable #immutability #omnipotence #omniscience #eternal #omnipresence #omnipresent #omnipotent #timeless #God #attributesofGod

Reaching That Goal In Christ | Video Version recorded 040922 1 Peter 2:2
29:44 / 53:05 M0000294 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 050114-A - race, realize, recognize, resort, realizing, recognizing, resorting, run, achieve, achievement, Word of God, pure milk of the Word, babes in Christ, babies in Christ, child, spiritual growth, fruit, growing, mature, maturity
Video Tags: #WordofGod #puremilkoftheWord #babesinChrist #spiritualgrowth #mature #maturity

Reach To The Resurrected Savior | Video Version recorded 090423 John 20:27
37:59 / 54:40 M0000308 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 200414-A - Christ, Savior, rescue, rescuer, Thomas, heart, hands, side, soul, spirit, fellowship, love, commitment, dedication, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost
Video Tags: #Christ #Savior #deityofChrist #dedication #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #Resurrection #commitment

Realities Self Must Face | Ecclesiastes 2:3-11, 12:13-14
45:50 / 50:28 M0000375 Cornerstone 230815-A - Ecclesiastes, King Solomon, vanity of vanities, vexation, self centered, selfishness, selfish, death, material goods, pleasures, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life, fear of God, obey, obedience, duty, surrender, surrendered | #Ecclesiastes #KingSolomon #vanityofvanities #vexation #selfcentered #selfishness #selfish #death #materialgoods #pleasures #lustoftheflesh #lustoftheeyes #prideoflife #fearofGod #obey #obedience #duty #surrender #surrendered

Realize Four Dynamics Of The Sacrifice Of Christ - Isaiah 50:4-7
47:57 / 54:41 M0000493 Cornerstone 250318-P meekness, discipleship, disciple, determination, perseverance, Holy Spirit led, dependence upon God, sacrifice, crucifixion, crucified, crucify, self-denial, deny self, deny one’s self, cross, prophecy, Christ, Messiah

Realize Peace | Video Version recorded 010522
John 14:18-27, Philippians 4:4-9, 12; Psalm 3:5; Isaiah 26:3; 2 Peter 3:14 | Video adds Proverbs 3:1-6
46:52 / 51:58 M0000208 Cornerstone 190812-P peace, peace of God, fruit of the Holy Spirit, trust, trusting, praise, praising, entrust, accept, meekness, concentrate, fixed, stayed, mind, emulate, be an example
Video Tags: #peaceofGod #peacefulness #trust #meekness #concentration #focus #HolySpirit

Reasons For The King's Child To Rejoice | Recorded Video Version Psalm 149:1-6
49:20 / 58:08 M0000241 Cornerstone 031713-P king, sovereign, child, children, child of the King, King’s child, praise, worship, sing, singing, God, Christ, redemption, redeemed, blood of Christ, new creation |
#king #sovereign #child #children #childoftheKing #Kingschild #praise #worship #sing #singing #God #Christ #redemption #redeemed #bloodofChrist #newcreation

Reasons To Be Close To Him | Recorded Video Version Isaiah 40:11
49:14 / 58:01 M0000263 Cornerstone 040813-A - guard, comfort, comforts, gather, guide, gentle, gentleness, shepherd, Good Shepherd, Christ, YHWH, lamb, flock, feed, snare, snare of the fowler, fowler | #guard #comfort #comforts #gather #guide #gentle #gentleness #shepherd #GoodShepherd #Christ #YHWH #lamb #flock #feed #snare #snareofthefowler #fowler

Receive God's Rescue --- Psalm 146:7
51:12 / 55:05 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000428Cornerstone 131116-P liberated, freed, liberty, oppressed, oppression, free, favor, favored, feed, fed, food, bread, judge, judgment, penalty, Christ paid our penalty, fill, filling, filled, liberate, drugs, heroin, porn, cocaine, fear, despair, depress, depressing, depression, depressed, despairing, despaired, faint, mens hearts will faint, fearing, fearful

Release! | Luke 13:16
36:35 / 39:45 M0000379 Cornerstone 111015-A - bound, bondage, free, freed, liberate, relieve, human, humanity, helpless, helplessness, heritage, heal, healing, healings, healed, bent, bent over, image of God, synagogue, Torah, Law, ruler, sabbath, rest | #bound #bondage #free #freed #liberate #relieve #human #humanity #helpless #helplessness #heritage #heal #healing #healings #healed #bent #bentover #imageofGod #synagogue #Torah #Law #ruler #sabbath #rest

Release From The Enemy | Isaiah 14:24-27
26:13 / 30:03 M0000370 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 050715-A - sin, bondage, victory, power, plan, purpose, prevailing, problem, prevail, oppression, obsession, sinning, relief, satan, sin nature, sinful nature, Assyria, Assyrian | #bondage #victory #power #plan #purpose #prevailing #problem #prevail #oppression #obsession #sinning #relief #satan #sinnature #sinfulnature #Assyria #Assyrian

Relish His Word | Video Version recorded 220123 Psalm 119:173-176
50:24 / 50:59 M0000316 Cornerstone 010614-P - Holy Bible, choose, cherish, champion, check, stray, astray, law, commandment, commandments, testimony, testimonies, statute, statutes, precept, precepts
Video Tags: #HolyBible #WordOfGod #HolyScriptures #Scriptures #choose #choice #cherish #commandments

Remedy For Rebellion | Topical
54:13 / 59:06 M0000301 Cornerstone 090314-P - disobey, disobedience, obey, obedience, desire, destruction, deliverance, deliver, sacrifice, propitiation, revolt, sin, iniquity, idols, idolatry, witch, witches, witchcraft, necromancer, necromancy | #disobey #disobedience #obey #obedience #desire #destruction #deliverance #deliver #sacrifice #propitiation #revolt #sin #iniquity #idols #idolatry #witch #witches #witchcraft #necromancer #necromancy

Resort To The Fortress Of God - Psalm 16:7-8
47:11 / 54:30 M0000488 Cornerstone 180218-P worship, praise, secure, security, night, unmovable, trust, salvation, holiness, end times, night seasons, heart, Spirit led

Resurrection Directives --- Matthew 28:5-7
44:45 / 49:00 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000448 Cornerstone 160417-P fear not, go ye, come see, empty tomb, risen, arose, grave, death, Messiah, Jesus Christ, trust, fear, afraid, scared

Resurrection Realities | Acts 24:15-16
34:07 / 36:44 M0000116 Cornerstone 240411- Paul, just, unjust, evil, rise, raise, judgment, offense, hope, Felix | #Paul #just #unjust #evil #rise #raise #judgment #offense #hope #Felix

Resurrection Riches Of The Godhead - Topical John 2:19-22, Romans 8:11, Romans10:9-10, Galatians 1:1
47:09 / 51:14 M0000495 Cornerstone 010418-P salvation, Father, fatherhood, Trinity, Godhead, rise, Son, subordination, rise, risen, power, authority, YHVH

Resurrection Treasures | John 20:19-23
56:57 / 58:42 M0000398 Cornerstone 270316-P peace, power, purpose, presence, perfection, resurrected, resurrection, Christ, resurrection day, evening, fear of the Jews, peacefulness, trust, perfectness | #peace #power #purpose #presence #perfection #resurrected #resurrection #Christ #resurrectionday #evening #fearoftheJews #peacefulness #trust #perfectness

Revelation of Redemptive Love | Revelation 1:5b
38:52 / 49:40 M0000115 Cornerstone at Redeemer Presbyterian 210411- salvation, protection, love, mercy, eternal life | #salvation #protection #love #mercy #eternallife

Rewards Of Waiting On God --- Isaiah 40:31
49:09 / 52:54 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000465 I would like to make something clear. Just over 36 minutes into the message I said “they take tree branches and make booths” — not booze! ::: Cornerstone 200817-P endurance, hope, trust, wait, run, walk, renewal, eagles, renewed, renewing, YHVH, YHWH, Jehovah, Feast of Tabernacles, Feast of Booths, Zechariah, Millennial Reign Of Christ, thousand year reign of Christ, first resurrection, rapture, rapture of the Church, endurance, longsuffering of God, patience with yourself

Riches In The Son, 1 John 5:20
41:13 M0000052 Cornerstone 270710- salvation, protection, love, mercy, eternal life | #salvation #protection #love #mercy #eternallife

Riches of Meekness | Psalm 25:8-11
55;27 / 1:00:18 M0000118 Cornerstone 010511- humble, humbleness, humility, good, upright, mercy, truth, taught of the Lord, taught by God, teach, sin, sinners, iniquity, covenant | #humble #humbleness #humility #good #upright #mercy #truth #taughtoftheLord #taughtbyGod #teach #sin #sinners #iniquity #covenant

Riches Of Rebekah --- , Genesis 24-selected
38:35 / 43:51 M0000030 Cornerstone 130510 - Mothers Day, love, trust, commitment | #MothersDay #love #trust #commitment

Riches Of Ruth | Video Version recorded 080522 Ruth, selected
56:02 / 53:47 M0000313 Cornerstone 110514-P - Bethlehem, Christ, Jesus, rescue, rescued, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, commitment, commit, dedicate, dedicated, dedication, submission to authority, hard worker, hard working, workfare, welfare, self-control, self-controlled, unselfish, cares, caring, sharing, obedient, obedience, rewarded, reward, Mothers Day
Video Tags: #dedication #submissive #obedient #trusting #faithful #loving #caring #MothersDay

Rightly Rejoice In Redemption | Luke 17:15-16
32:43 / 38:31 M0000384 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay Nursing Home 151115-A - thanks, thanksgiving, ten lepers, Samaritan, see, salvation, behold, behave, God, redemption, redeemed, appreciate, appreciation, woman who anointed Jesus, Christ, alabaster, wiped His feet with her hair, value, Germany, V E Day, Hitler, Nazis, Duren, Dorchester, WWII | #thanks #thanksgiving #tenlepers #Samaritan #see #salvation #behold #behave #God #redemption #redeemed #appreciate #appreciation #womanwhoanointedJesus #Christ #alabaster #wipedHisfeetwithherhair #value #Germany #V-E-Day #Hitler #Nazis #Duren #Dorchester #WWII

Rise Above! --- Colossians 3:1-4
48:45 / 55:09 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000459 Cornerstone 090717-P seek, seeking, resurrected, mindset, thinking, Christ seated, right hand of God, condition your mind, think, thinking, meditate, meditation, meditating, appearing of Jesus Christ, the return of Jesus Christ

Risen One | Video recorded 310324 Revelation 1:17d-18
43:20 / 45:40 M0000358 Cornerstone 050415-P - resurrection, life, living, loving, lifting, liberating, YHVH, liberty, life, death |
Video Tags: #resurrection #life #living #loving #lifting #liberating #YHVH #liberty #life #death #hell #grave #seconddeath #damnation

Risen With Healing | Video Version Recorded On 949421 Malachi 4:2-3
44:12 / 50:50 M0000244 Cornerstone 310313-P risen, healing, resurrection, reverence, wings, healing in His wings, grace, spiritual growth, remembers, remembrance, birds striking side of house, spiritual, emotional, physical, angels, demon |
#risen #healing #resurrection #reverence #wings #healinginHiswings #grace #spiritualgrowth #remembers #remembrance #birdsstrikingsideofhouse #spiritual #emotional #physical #angels #demon

Rock Solid Building, Luke 6:46-49
27:52 M0000023 Bradford House 130410- trust, words of Christ, sand, sayings, truth | #trust #wordsofChrist #sand #sayings #truth

Rule Your Spirit Or Be Ruined | Proverbs 25:28, 14:29, 15:4, 15:13, 16:18, 17:22, 18:14
47:22 M0000060 Cornerstone 050910- anger, depression, despair, hurt, pride, Holy Spirit, person, spirit, sin, Christ, Holy Ghost |
#anger #depression #despair #hurt #pride #HolySpirit #person #spirit #sin #Christ #HolyGhost

Sacred Dynamics Of Holy Communion --- 1 Corinthians 11:23-32
46:10 / 52:45 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000472 Cornerstone 081017-P The Lord’s Supper, transubstantiation, Roman Catholic Church, Word of God, symbolism, Passover meal, Exodus, Jews, fellowship, church history, Middle Ages, damned, damnation, bread, wine, grape juice, soul, life, desire, deeds, death, resurrection, return, second coming

Sacrifices God Desires, | Psalm 51:17
18:33 M0000070 Cornerstone at Redeemer Presbyterian, in observance of the Lord's Supper 071010- Holy Spirit, person, spirit, sin, Christ, David, Bathsheba, adultery, broken spirit, contrite | #HolySpirit #person #spirit #sin #Christ #David #Bathsheba #adultery #brokenspirit #contrite

Salvation Seed | Video Version recorded 210124 Video subtitle: Was Jesus wrong about the mustard seed? – Matthew 13:31-32 – Also see Miracle Kingdom
28:09 / 51:54 M0000366 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 070615-A - mustard seed, smallest, size, parable, Jesus Christ, seeds, sow, sower, sown, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven, salvation, redemption, tree, trees, seeds, insignificant
Video Tags: #salvation #mustardseed #JesusChrist #Christ #KingdomOfGod #KingdomOfHeaven #tree #mustardtree #insignificant #insignificance

Salvation Treasures | Video Version recorded 140124 Titus 3:3-8
46:05 / 53:40 M0000075 Cornerstone 241010-P justification, mercy, love, Eternal Life, hell, sin, good works | #justification #mercy #love #EternalLife #hell #sin #goodworks

Satan Wants A Piece Of You! (And Even More!) | Recorded Video Version 1:01:52 - Advance the recording to 1:45 because I forgot to turn on the audio! Topical: 1 Peter 5:8, James 4:7
1:00:06 M0000128 Cornerstone 260611- heart, mind, body, soul, spirit, salvation, relationship, protect, guard, sin, Christ | #heart #mind #body #soul #spirit #salvation #relationship #protect #guard #sin #Christ

Secure!, 2 Timothy 2:19
47:53 M0000054 Cornerstone 010810-P protect, guard, sin, Christ | #protect #guard #sin #Christ

Secure The Victory, 1 Samuel 17:31-40
28:29 M0000032 Bradford House 0610- trust, remove, sin | #trust #remove #sin

Seeing Men As Walking Trees | Video Version recorded 110922 Mark 8:22-25
52:44 / 50:13 Go here for the outline to this message with brief comments. M0000283 Cornerstone 101113-A - blind, blurred, blur, blessed, focus, see, sight, out of focus, Caesar, governmental influence on the Church, church, prophecy, prophetic
Video Tags: #salvation #churchandstate #governmentalinfluenceontheChurch #church #prophecy #prophetic

Seek These Three Blessings | Psalm 18:28-30
35:32 / 42:21 M0000188 Cornerstone 060512-P praying the Scriptures, prayer, enrichment, empowerment, enlighten, enlightenment, empower, enrich, the Holy Bible, God’s Word, praying, prayerful, prayerfulness | #prayingtheScriptures #prayer #enrichment #empowerment #enlighten #enlightenment #empower #enrich #HolyBible #GodsWord #praying #prayerful #prayerfulness

Separated For Service |Part 1, Video Version recorded on 200322 / Part 2, Video Version recorded on 270322 1 Chronicles 23:13
30:05 / 56:36 (video, part 1), 54:45 (video, part 2, time is shorter - forgot to stop recording! - more like 53:45 or less) M0000289 Cornerstone At Mallard Bay 011213-A - sanctify, impart, intercede, minister, ministry, make holy, declare holy, bless, intercession,marriage, Word of God, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, priest, priesthood, Melchizedek, Aaron, Aaronic, Levitical
Video part 1 tags: #sanctify #impart #priesthoodofbelievers #foundations #WordofGod #exclusivenessofChrist #marriage #sanctification #impartation
Video part 2 tags: #intercede #intercession #prayer #praying #serving #blessing

Seven Blessings Of Motherhood --- , Matthew 8:14-15
28:59 M0000029 Bradford House 130510, - Peter's mother-in-law, touch, hands, serve, service, Mothers Day | #Petersmother-in-law #touch #hands #serve #service #MothersDay

Seven Directives For Our Time | Video Version recorded 151023 Romans 13:10-14
48:09 / 49:14 M0000111 Cornerstone 270311- directive, awake, cast off sin, put on Christ, armor of God, armor of Light, holy, holiness, righteous, righteousness, sin, sinful, sin nature, sinful nature, behead, beheading, flesh, works of the flesh, obey, obey Christ, keep His commandments, sermon outline, darkness, Israel, angry, anger, do no harm
Video Tags: #prophecy #HolyBibleprophecy #secondcoming #returnofChrist #sin #darkness #light #awake #MillennialReign #armorofGod #salvation

Seven Directives For The King's Children - Psalm 97:10-12
44:17 / 47:15 M0000529 Cornerstone 100219-P hate, evil, saint, saints, deliverance, light, righteous, righteousness, upright, joy, gladness, son, sonship, Godhead, Trinity

Seven Resurrection Goals | Colossians 3:1-17
47:52 / 53:50 M0000117 Cornerstone 240411- Christ, obey, life, mortify, kill, throw, sins, wear, put on, things above, affection, fix, glorify, Word of God, peace, love, charity | #Christ #obey #life #mortify #kill #throw #sins #wear #puton #thingsabove #affection #fix #glorify #WordOfGod #peace #love #charity

Seven Rewards For Obedience, Topical: Psalm 1; Psalm 25:10; Proverbs 29:18; 1 John 3:22, :24; Revelation 22:14
34:05 M0000039 Cornerstone 160610- obey, life, love | #obey #life #love

Seven Roots For Growth in Christ, Topical
17:30 / 17:47 M0000037 Office 030610- Holy Bible, Word of God, baptism, worship, pray, witness, study, serve, church | #HolyBible #WordOfGod #baptism #worship #pray #witness #study #serve #church

Seven Treasures of the Atonement | 1 Peter 1:2
45:45 M0000113 Cornerstone at Redeemer Presbyterian 210411- salvation, justify, justification, portion, placement, peace, purge, purging, cleansing, removal of sin | #salvation #justify #justification #portion #placement #peace #purge #purging #cleansing #removalofsin

Seven Treasures Of The Blood - Part 1 | Video Version Recorded 260323 Hebrews 9:14
48:37/47:58 M0000200
Video Tags for part 1: #religion #relationshipwithGodthroughChrist #HolySpirit #Godhead #Trinity #cleansing . . .
Seven Treasures Of The Blood - Part 2 | Video Version Recorded 020423 Hebrews 9:14
Video Tags for part 2: #passionofChrist #powerintheblood #cross #curses #generationalcurses #religion #relationshipwithGodthroughChrist
Cornerstone 080712-A and P The blood of Christ, generational curse, salvation, cleansing, generational curses, power, passion, purity, curse, cursed, cursing, purge, purging, proportion, perfection, peace of God, the price Christ paid, crucifixion, better, Mosaic Law, rabbinical teaching, rabbinical doctrine, word of God, Holy Bible

Seven Treasures Of Thanks | Psalm 111:7-10
51:14 / 56:21 M0000343 Cornerstone 231114-P -thanksgiving, praise, thankfulness, praising, God, Christ, redemption, redeemed, Word of God, Holy Bible, blessing, blessings, wisdom, Name of God, Jesus Christ, Yeshua, good, goodness, covenants | #thanksgiving #praise #thankfulness #praising #God #Christ #redemption #redeemed #WordofGod #HolyBible #blessing #blessings #wisdom #NameofGod #JesusChrist #Yeshua #good #goodness #covenants

Seven Victorious Steps, Hebrews 11:24-29
31:27 M0000080 Bradford House 141110- trust, obey, faith, guard | #trust #obey #faith #guard

Shepherd Blessings | Video Version recorded 291224 Luke 2:8-20
31:21 / 46:39 M0000090 Cornerstone 191210- incarnation, birth of Christ, Bethlehem, joy | #Incarnation #Christ #prophetic #oppression #duty #desire #Bethlehem #joy #peace #devotion #declaration

Sin Can Affect Your Body | Video, recorded 100324 John 5:1-14
44:22 / 53:13 M0000206 Cornerstone 120812-A sickness, infirmity, can sin cause sickness, illness, disease, diseases, go and sin no more, weak, weakness, power of Christ, heal, healing, health, healthy, problem, problems, probe, probes, power, portent, portents, warning, warnings
Video Tags: #sickness #infirmity #illness #disease #diseases #weak #weakness #powerofChrist #heal #healing #health #probe #power #portent #faith #believe

Six Qualities of Godly Faith | 1 John 3:16-24
41:56 / 46:45 M0000176 Office 160212- pure faith, belief, believing, commitment, heart, hearts, obedient, obedience, submissive, selfless, Holy Spirit filled, Holy Spirit led, test, tested, testing, active, action |
#purefaith #belief #believing #commitment #heart #hearts #obedient #obedience #submissive #selfless #HolySpiritfilled #HolySpiritled #test #tested #testing #active #action

Spiritual Essentials | Psalm 104:15
30:43 / 37:23 M0000350 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 010215-A - salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Word of God, Holy Bible, bread, wine, oil, joy, strength, body, soul, heart | #salvation #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #WordofGod #HolyBible #bread #wine #oil #joy #strength #body #soul #heart

Spiritual Robbery - Isaiah 8:19-20
48:10 / 52:09 M0000525 Cornerstone 200119-P satan, satanic, demonic, diversion, diversions, occult, false prophets, false apostles, Word of God, Holy Bible, Holy Scriptures, the Law, the Testimony, dawn, dawning, light, mystery of iniquity

Stand Against These Four End Times Evils --- 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 1John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, 2 John 7, Revelation 13
57:04 / 1:02:05 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000435Cornerstone 010117-P Antichrist, antichrists, the Beast, false prophets, the False Prophet, the man of sin, son of perdition, Christ, Revelation 13, end time, end times, Armageddon, time of Jacob’s trouble, Great Tribulation, Age of the Gentiles, Age of the Church, Trump, Pence, gnosticism

Stand Out! | Luke 7:24-28
47:53 / 50:48 Outline to this message with brief comments. M0000341 Cornerstone 091114-P - unwavering, solid, firm, Spirit led, committed, dedicated, Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, divorce, divorce and remarriage, Herod, Herods | #unwavering #solid #firm #Spiritled #committed #dedicated #HolySpirit #JohntheBaptist #divorce #divorceandremarriage #Herod #Herods

Stand Up! | Video Version recorded 301022 Romans 1:16-17
52:47 / 53:35 M0000220 Cornerstone 111112-A faithfulness, faith, salvation, belief, believing, righteousness of God, obedience, suicide, suicidal, compromise, wrath of God |
Video Tags: #faithfulness #faith #salvation #believing #righteousnessofGod #obedience #compromise

Stay On Course | Recorded Video Version John 6:15-21
56:53 / 54:34 M0000232 Cornerstone 030213-P Galilee, sea, tempest, fear, Christ, task, time, temptation, triumph, current, wind, world, tumult, Captain, salvation | #Galilee #sea #tempest #fear #Christ #task #time #temptation #triumph #current #wind #world #tumult #Captain #salvation

Steps Of Enduring Power --- Colossians 1:23a-d
47:46 / 51:03 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000467 Cornerstone 030917-P testing, troubles, steadfast, grounded, faith, discern, discernment, judge, judging, discerning, determined, determination, steadfastness

Steps To Fulness Of Life - Luke 5:27-29
49:15 / 54:12 M0000535 Cornerstone 240319-P focus, forsake, rise, risen, risen with Christ, raised with Christ, follow, feast, feasts, fill, fills, Levi, Matthew, tax collector, tax collectors, real life

Steps To Safety | Psalm 61:1-4
48:18 / 52:41 M0000396 Cornerstone 130316-P secure, safe, trust, abide, cry out, persevere, tower, shelter, satan, world system, tide, storm, storms, storm surge, height, knowledge of future events, rock that is higher than I, a rock too high for me, feebleness of heart, overwhelmed, overwhelm, overwhelming, under His wings, abide, abiding, home, security, safety, safe, sheltered | #secure #safe #trust #abide #cryout #persevere #tower #shelter #satan #worldsystem #tide #storm #storms #stormsurge #height #knowledgeoffutureevents #rockthatishigherthanI #arocktoohighforme #feeblenessofheart #overwhelmed #overwhelm #overwhelming #underHiswings #abide #abiding #home #security #safety #safe #sheltered

Steps To Stability | Video Version Recorded 220522 Psalm 17:4-6
38:31 / 54:31 M0000306 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 060414-A - flee, follow, flow, fleeing, following, flowing, hear from God, choice, responsible, responsibility
Video Tags: #flee #followChrist #hearfromGod #choice #responsibility #Spiritled

Steps To Victory | Romans 6:15-18
48:49 / 52:56 M0000413 Cornerstone 100716-P spiritual reality, will, willing, thinking, grace, cheap grace, warning, think, thoughts, warn, death, second death | #spiritualreality #will #willing #thinking #grace #cheapgrace #warning #think #thoughts #warn #death #seconddeath

Stop The Musick (Music) | Daniel 3:1-18
47:53 M0000124 Cornerstone unknown date- satan, worship, puppets, will, music, determination, dedication, golden faith | #satan #worship #puppets #will #music #determination #dedication #goldenfaith

Survive The Deadly Epidemic | Video Version recorded 081023 Deuteronomy 24:8
51:06 / 55:32 M0000420 Cornerstone 180916-P sin, iniquity, sinfulness, world, influence, leprosy, worldliness, leprous, take heed, exceedingly much, diligently heed, heed, distraction, distractions, distracted, attention, focus, Word of God, balanced Gospel, balanced message, cheap grace, translation, translations, plague, second death, hell, death | #sin #iniquity #sinfulness #world #influence #leprosy #worldliness #leprous #takeheed #exceedinglymuch #diligentlyheed #heed #distraction #distractions #distracted #attention #focus #WordOfGod #balancedGospel #balancedmessage #cheapgrace #translation #translations #plague #seconddeath #hell #death
Video Tags: #sin #iniquity #sinfulness #sinnature #WordOfGod #balancedGospel #balancedmessage #cheapgrace #seconddeath #hell #death #lakeoffire #damnation

Sustaining Love | 1 John 4:17
28:21 / 32:14 M0000351 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 010315-A - perfect, perfection, complete, completed, completeness, perfected, peace, peaceful, power, powerful, judgment, 1 John | #perfect #perfection #complete #completed #completeness #perfected #peace #peaceful #power #powerful #judgment

Take A Stand Like Shiphrah And Puah | Video Version recorded 140523 Exodus 1:15-21
45:08 / 51:18 M0000363 Cornerstone 100515-A - Mothers Day, fear God, obedience, disobedience, midwife, midwives, afraid, Pharaoh, Exodus, favor of God, pro-life, protect, protection |
#MothersDay #fearGod #obedience #disobedience #midwife #midwives #afraid #Pharaoh #Exodus #favorofGod #pro-life #protect #protection
Video Tags: #MothersDay #fearGod #fearoftheLord #obedience #disobedience #favorofGod #pro-life #antisemitism #Christ #Messiah #world #worldsystem

Take God's Word Seriously | Video Version (Part 1) Recorded 150821 58:05 and Video Version (Part 2) Recorded 220821 51:45 Psalm 119:109-112
54:59 M0000252 Cornerstone 260513-P - Bible, Scripture, Word of God, Holy Bible, choice, choose, choosing, decide, decision, snare, trap, danger, evil, accountable, responsible, alert, aware, avid, ardent, passionate, abide, abiding, joy, rejoice, strength, omnipotence, God, transgendered, trans-gendered
Video Part 1 tags: #Scripture #WordOfGod #HolyBible #choice #accountability #omnipotence #salvation #transgendered #deliverance #snare
Video Part 2 tags: #Scripture #WordofGod #HolyBible #accountability #responsibility #commitment

Take Refuge In God's Word | Psalm 119:161-165
40:32 / 45:43 M0000187 Cornerstone 060512-A Word of God, Holy Bible, Jesus Christ, peace, lie, lying, lies, truth, trust, enduring for ever, satan the devil | #WordOfGod #HolyBible #JesusChrist #peace #lie #lying #lies #truth #trust #enduringforever #satan #thedevil

Taking God's Name In Vain Without Words --- Topical - Exodus 20:7, Psalm 106:47, Psalm 139:20, Proverbs 30:9g
46:13 / 53:46 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000442Cornerstone 050317-P Jesus Christ, Anointed One, Jehovah is salvation, Messiah, Yeshua, conduct, manner of living, swearing, cursing, Existing One, profane, profanity

Taste The Tree Of Life Today | Video Version recorded 190622 Proverbs - selected
52:18 / 53:05 M0000268 Cornerstone 0080913-P - seek, find, desire, apply, cultivate, tongue, Holy Spirit, wholesome, healthy
Video Tags: #HolyGhost #HolySpirit #wholesome #salvation #WisdomOfGod

Tender Spirit Love |Video Version recorded 101021 Isaiah 44:2-3
49:09 / 53:27 M0000260 Cornerstone 270713-A - Spirit, formed, made, created, fashioned, fortified, edified, flourish, flourishing, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Spirit filled, Spirit of God | #Spirit #formed #made #created #fashioned #fortified #edified #flourish #flourishing #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #Spiritfilled #SpiritofGod

Thank God He Reigns - Revelation 19:6d
44:55 / 50:39 M0000518 Cornerstone 181118-P thanks, thanksgiving, Godhead, person of God, person, spirit, holy, righteous, judge, personal, omnipotent, almighty, omnipotence, sovereign, king, rule, ruling, forgiveness, mercy, Trinity

The Best Possible Walk | Video Version recorded 030422 Topical
28:59 / 34:00 M0000311 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 040514-A - fellowship, communion, communing, obey, obedience, holy, holiness, perfect, perfection, sanctify, sanctification, Enoch, Abram, Abraham, Josiah, Judah, YHWH, YHVH, godly, godliness, grace of God
Video Tags: #fellowship #communion #communing #obedience #holiness #perfection

The Bethel Blessing | Video Version recorded 190922 Genesis 28:10-22
26:46 / 53:55 M0000339 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 201014-A - Jacob, son, sons, Abraham, Isaac, Jews, Hebrews, fear, afraid, faith, flee, fleeing, fled, stone pillow, father, flight, YHWH, YHVH, ladder, angels, dream
Video Tags: #Jacob #Abraham #Isaac #Jews #Hebrews #fear #faith #presenceofGod

The Blessing of Building, 2 Chronicles 14:1-8
40:07 M0000005 Cornerstone 220110- teaching, teachings, words of Christ, trust, obey | #teaching #teachings #wordsofChrist #trust #obey

The Christ Of Compassion | Video Version recorded 061122 Mark 1:41
30:00 / 51:53 M0000334 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 210914-A - salvation, healing, heal, heals, healed, cleansing, leper, leprosy, beg, beseech, desire, High Priest
Video Tags: #salvation #healing #cleansing #leprosy #sin #sinnature #HighPriest

The Cost Of Compromise | Part 1, Video Version Recorded 051221 | Part 2, Video Version Recorded 121221 2 Chronicles 18:1-3, 18:28-19:3, and 20:35-21:4 (Part 2 video goes to verse 6),
53:53 / 53:59 Part 1 / 53:28 Part 2 M0000231 Cornerstone 030213-A Ahab, compromise, Jehoshaphat, rebuke, rebuked, repercussion, repercussions, retribution, reversion, unity, false prophets
Part 1 Video Tags: #unity #compromise #ecumenicism #Pentecostalism #prophets #spirit #spirits
Part 2 Video Tags: #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #prophets #WordofGod #willofGod #unity

The Deadly, The Dead, The Diseased, And The Devoted | Recorded Video Version 45:20 --- Matthew 2:1-6
37:49 / 40:16 M0000226 Cornerstone 231212-A Christ, incarnation, Magi, devotion, devoted, Herod the Great, murder, slaughter, deadly, dead, diseased, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Herod The Great

The Deliverance | Isaiah 53:6
41:42 / 44:36 M0000148 Cornerstone 131011- Holy Communion, The Lord's Supper, sin, confess, confession, cleansing, sheep, shepherd, danger, delusion, mercy of God | #sin #confess #confession #cleansing #sheep #shepherd #danger #delusion #mercyofGod #HolyCommunion #TheLord'sSupper

The Double Blessing of God's Word | Psalm 19:11
52:58 / 59:05 M0000122 Cornerstone 150511- Holy Bible, Word of God, protection , growth | #HolyBible #WordOfGod #protection #growth

The Emmaus Sensation: Christ's Revelation | Luke 24:27 and 30
35:55 / 38:54 M0000183 Cornerstone 080412-A resurrection of Christ, Holy Scriptures, Old Testament, Word of God, presence of God, fellowship, love of God, breaking bread, walking with Christ, walk with Christ |
#resurrectionofChrist #HolyScriptures #OldTestament #WordOfGod #presenceofGod #fellowship #loveofGod #breakingbread #walkingwithChrist #walkwithChrist

The Emmaus Sensation: Our Recognition of Christ's Revelation | Luke 24:31_32, 35
38:37 / 43:45 M0000184 Cornerstone 080412-A resurrection of Christ, eyes opened, hearts burned, Emmaus road, walking with Christ, fellowship, revealed, mind, minds, witness, evangelize |
#resurrectionofChrist #eyesopened #heartsburned #Emmausroad #walkingwithChrist #fellowship #revealed #mind #minds #witness #evangelize

The Faithfulness Of Christ | Video Version recorded 010123 2 Thessalonians 3:3-5
28:06 / 48:07 M0000323 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 060714-A - guard, keep, God, love, endure, endurance, patient, patience, shame, ashamed, power, empower
Video Tags: #guard #keep #endurance #patience #shame #ashamed #power #empowerment #loveofGod

The Freshness Of Christ | Video Version recorded 070523 Hosea 14:4-8
28:41 / 53:34 M0000324 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 200714-A - remedy, refreshing, revive, reviving, restore, restoring, restoration, renew, renewing, YHVH, Yahweh, grace, mercy, backsliding, backslid, backslidden, sin, iniquity, Israel, merciful
Video Tags: #remedy #refreshing #revive #reviving #restore #restoring #restoration #renew #renewing #YHVH #Yahweh #grace #mercy #merciful #sin #iniquity

The Goal And Gumption | Psalm 27:4
52:47 /1:00:52 M0000150 Cornerstone- praise, will, desire, seek, behold, the beauty of the Lord, Yahweh, Jehovah, JHVH, YHWH, worship, enquire | #praise #will #desire #seek #behold #thebeautyofthe Lord #Yahweh #Jehovah #JHVH #YHWH #worship #enquire

The God of Merciful Forgiveness, | Psalm 103:8-18
50:51 / M0000158 Cornerstone 271111- forgiving, mercy, mercies, merciful, forgiven, forgiveness, pity, father, child, son, abundant, abundance | #forgiving #mercy #mercies #merciful #forgiven #forgiveness #pity #father #child #son #abundant #abundance

The Important You | Topical: 2 Corinthians 9:9a, Mark 14:13-16, Luke 17:11-19, John 6:5-13, Genesis 37:13-17, 1 Kings 20:35-43, 2 Kings 5:1-3, Acts 3:1-8
34:59 / 38:19 M0000371 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 190715-A - insignificant, worthless, unknown, ignored, providence of God, used by God, verbal abuse, disability, healing, duty, duties, lame man, leprosy, Naaman, Ben-Hadad, provisions |#insignificant #worthless #unknown #ignored #providenceofGod #usedbyGod #verbalabuse #disability #healing #duty #duties #lameman #leprosy #Naaman #Ben-Hadad #provisions

The Incarnation in Prophecy and Carol, | Topical, Musical — Genesis 3:15, 5:28-29, 49:8-11, Isaiah 7:4, 9:6-7, Daniel 2:31-44, Micah 5:2, Malachi 3:1
50:29 / 55:58 M0000165 Cornerstone 251211-P sin, bondage, deliverance, second Adam, second man, last Adam, last man, phrohecy, Bethlehem, virgin birth, incarnation, Messiah, Christ | #sin #bondage #deliverance #secondAdam #secondman #lastAdam #lastman #phrohecy #Bethlehem #virginbirth #incarnation #Messiah #Christ

The Inner Working | Psalm 65:1-4
50:56 M0000190 praising God, worship, reverence, devotion, prayer, praying, prayerful, prayerfulness, adoration, purging, cleansing, atonement, David, sin, sins, forgiveness, cleanse | #praisingGod #worship #reverence #devotion #prayer #praying #prayerful #prayerfulness #adoration #purging #cleansing #atonement #David #sin #sins #forgiveness #cleanse

The Last Glimpse Of Grace - 2 Peter 3:8-18
Related: The Last Two Time Periods (image) |
53:47 / 57:08 M0000502 Cornerstone 270518-P Holy Bible prophecy, prophecy, end time, end times, last judgment, earth destroyed, Great Tribulation, Millennial Reign Of Christ, 1,000 year reign of Christ, holy, holiness, godly, godliness, manner of living, time, times, time periods, judgment, the Flood, Gog and Magog, grace, grace of God, Hell, Lake of Fire, the Beast, the false prophet, Antichrist

The Lord's Path To Liberty, Isaiah 42:16
21:26 M0000046 Bradford House 040710- freedom, sin, salvation | #freedom #sin #salvation

The Lord's Victory Address, Luke 13:32-33
25:39 M0000017 Bradford House 300310- triumph | #triumph #victory #victorious #victor

The Loving Repentance | Video Version recorded 270222 1 Peter 2:24
30:23 / 55:18 M0000300 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 020314-A - godliness, godly, sorrow, remorse, sin, godly sorrow, price, purpose, perfect, perfection, perfecting, Isaiah, Peter
Video Tags: #godliness #godly #sorrow #remorse #sin #godlysorrow #Lent #price #purpose

The Penny | Topical
59:08 / 1:07:22 M0000267 Cornerstone 250813-A - salvation, Christ, cross, condescending, condescend, condescension, mercy, clean, cleanse, value, need, serve, service, use, used, stooped down, stoop down, sin, sinful, corrupt | #salvation #Christ #cross #condescending #condescend #condescension #mercy #clean #cleanse #value #need #serve #service #use #used #stoopeddown #stoopdown #sin #sinful #corrupt

The Power of Pentecost | Luke 24:46-49. Also read Leviticus 23:9-22, and, of course, Acts 2:1-4. This can be considered a sequel to Three Things Our Spirit Should Desire
51:35 / 55:14 M0000034 Cornerstone 260510-P Holy Spirit, baptism of the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Baptism of the Holy Ghost | #HolySpirit #baptismoftheHolySpirit #HolyGhost #baptismoftheHolyGhost

The Price of Pride | Hosea 5:5
39:54 / 46:06 M0000106 Cornerstone 270211- sin, bondage, deliverance | #sin #bondage #deliverance

The Priorities Of Jesus | Video Version Recorded 311223 John 12:20-28
46:28 / 49:44 M0000228 Cornerstone 301212-A life, holiness, witness, godly, godliness, holy, real life, flesh, soul, serve, minister, surrender
Vido Tags: #soul #life #reallife #EternalLife #holiness #witness #godly #godliness #serve #service #surrender #sin #sinfulnature

The Snare—An Apocalyptic Warning | Video, Isaiah 24:17-18
Related Items: Futuristic Holy Bible Prophecy At A Glance
52:48 / 58:53 M0000175 Cornerstone 290112-A end times, last days, fear, fearfulness, Antichrist, enforcement, enforce, defile, defilement, defiled, destruction, worry, salvation, Great Tribulation, False Prophet |
#endtimes #lastdays #fear #fearfulness #Antichrist #enforcement #enforce #defile #defilement #defiled #destruction #worry #salvation #GreatTribulation #FalseProphet

The Supremacy of the Holy Bible | Video 50:08 2 Peter 1:16, 20-21
Related Items:
46:01 / 50:08 M0000170 Cornerstone 290112-A inspiration, inspired by God, interpretation, Word of God, prophets, apostles, prophecy |
Video tags: #inspiration #inspiredbyGod #GodBreathed #interpretation #WordOfGod #prophets #apostles #prophecy

The Tender Shepherd | Revelation 3:19-22
49:40 / M0000153 Cornerstone 061111-A sin, bondage, deliverance, rebuke, chasten, disciplines, discipline, love, directs, desires, desire | #sin #bondage #deliverance #rebuke #chasten #disciplines #discipline #love #directs #desires #desire

The Tested Man - Daniel 1:8-21
39:12 / 45:23 M0000510 Cornerstone 050818-P love of the world, compromise, purpose, purposed, Word of God, the Holy Bible, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego, Abednego, Babylon, committed, dedicated, commitment, dedication, trials, testings, testing, ten days

The Trial That Teaches | Video Version recorded 210523 Exodus 15:22-26
32:02 / 47:00 M0000332 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 070914-A - trouble, troubles, test, testing, tire, tiring, weary, instruction, Word of God, Christ, trust, trusting, crucified, crucifixion, crucify
Video Tags: #troubles #trials #test #testing #instruction #WordOfGod #Christ #trust #crucified #crucifixion #crucify

The Triumph Of Godly Habits | Psalm 103:15-18 — First in a series of getting into godly habits
1:02:36 / 1:06:00 M0000400 Cornerstone 100416-P habitual, manner, triumphant, will of God, Word of God, thoughts, think, thinking, mind, imagination, imaginations, thanks, thanksgiving, give thanks, praise, praising, praise the Lord, worship, worshiping, pray, prayer, praying, filled, filled with the Holy Spirit, filled with the Holy Ghost, tongues, Word of God, Holy Bible, study, read, Bible study, godly expression, church, attend church, go to church, habits, holy habit, holy habits, godly habit, godly habits | #habitual #manner #triumphant #willofGod #WordOfGod #thoughts #think #thinking #mind #imagination #imaginations #thanks #thanksgiving #givethanks #praise #praising #praisetheLord #worship #worshiping #pray #prayer #praying #filled #filledwiththeHolySpirit #filledwiththeHolyGhost #tongues #WordOfGod #HolyBible #study #read #Biblestudy #godlyexpression #church #attendchurch #gotochurch #habits #holyhabit #holyhabits #godlyhabit #godlyhabits

The Untouchables | Psalm 91:1-4
48:34 / 53:09 M0000177 Cornerstone 040312-A secret place, deliverance, delivered, shadow of the Almighty, dwell, dwells, dwelleth, abide, abides, abideth, wings, snare, fowl, fowler, buckler, shield, truth
| #secretplace #deliverance #delivered #shadowoftheAlmighty #dwell #dwells #dwelleth #abide #abides #abideth #wings #snare #fowl #fowler #buckler #shield #truth

The Way Of The Children Of The Day | Recorded Livestream Version 1 Thessalonians 5:4-7
54:03 / 54:28 M0000238 Cornerstone 030313-P children, millennial, Christ, reign, millennial reign of Christ, children of the day, children of light, awake, sleep, slumber, night, sober, watch, wary, aware, alert, age of the Gentiles |
#children #millennial #Christ #reign #millennialreignofChrist #childrenoftheday #childrenoflight #awake #sleep #slumber #night #sober #watch #wary #aware #alert #ageoftheGentiles

The Widow's Might | 1 Kings 17:8-16
49:03 / 51:29 M0000140 Cornerstone 110911- - meekness, faith, oil, Elijah, cruse of oil, oil, oil multiplied, meal, barrel, ravens, Zarephath, Zarepath, Cherith, famine, drought |
#meekness #faith #oil #Elijah #cruseofoil #oil #oilmultiplied #meal #barrel #ravens #Zarephath #Zarepath #Cherith #famine #drought

The Witnesses |Livestream Version recorded 260921 Hebrews 11:32-12:2
1:00:54 / 57:18 M0000264 Cornerstone 110813-A - faith, faithful, faithfulness, witness, witnesses, better, extraordinary, excruciating, exclude, excluded, expect, expected, race
Livestream tags: #faithfulness #persevere #perseverance #lifeofChrist #victory #victorious

The Woven Crown | Matthew 27:27-31
43:31 M0000356 Cornerstone 020415-P - Christ, cross, crucifixion, thorns, thorny, humiliation, humiliate, humiliated, mock,mockery, mocked, mocking, hurt, hurtful, hope, sin, Genesis, salvation | #Christ #cross #crucifixion #thorns #thorny #humiliation #humiliate #humiliated #mock #mockery #mocked #mocking #hurt #hurtful #hope #sin #Genesis #salvation

This Could Be Your Last Thanksgiving | Psalm 6:4-5
36:26 / tba M0000288 Office 271113-A - mercy, deliverance, deliver, free, hell, death, God's presence, presence of God, merciful | #mercy #deliverance #deliver #free #hell #death #presenceofGod #merciful

Three Aspects of Eternity, Daniel 12:9-10
30:50 M0000015Bradford House 240310- salvation, judgment, reconciliation, purify, purified, wise, obedience | #salvation #judgment #reconciliation #purify #purified #wise #obedience

Three Calls To Victory | Isaiah 51:1-3
45:53 / 49:40 M0000162 Cornerstone 181211-A listen, look, live, looking, obey, obeying | #listen #look #live #looking #obey #obeying

Three Dimensions In Dedication - Micah 7:8
45:29 / 49:38 M0000530 Cornerstone 170219-P satan, arrogance, demand, determination, determine, destiny, accuser, persecution, trouble, backslidden, backsliding, fell from grace, fallen from grace, rise, risen, arise, light, darkness

Three Directives From Matthew 2, | Matthew 2
55:30 / 58:13 M0000093 Cornerstone 020111-A Herod, Christ, Magi, world, obey, compromise, satan | #Herod #Christ #Magi #world #obey #compromise #satan

Three Dynamics Of Discipleship | Video Version recorded 220515 Luke 14:25-33
53:03 / 53:30 M0000299 Cornerstone 230214-A - hate, prefer, disciple, disciples, Jesus Christ, focus, fix, fixate, establish, established, forfeit, forfeited, forfeiting, follow, following, followed, family, friends, society, dedicated, committed, hatred, self
Video Tags: #family #friends #disciple #commitment #focus #fixate #forfeit

Three Elements Of The Resurrected Life |Romans 7:14
41:25 M0000059 Cornerstone 0810- rise, resurrected, Christ, victory, Christ, sin | #rise #resurrected #Christ #victory #Christ #sin

Three Facets Of Praise | Psalm 47
45:19 / 50:54 M0000156 Cornerstone 201111-A power, powerful, empower, precious, preciousness, purpose, purposeful, worship | #power #powerful #empower #precious #preciousness #purpose #purposeful #worship

Three Gems of Salvation | Colossians 1:12-13
32:22 M0000055Bradford House 0810- Eternal Life, protection, love, fellowship, Shepherd | #EternalLife #protection #love #fellowship #Shepherd

Three Godly Goals | Psalm 107:8-9
45:38 / 53:14 M0000152 Cornerstone-P rejoice, rejoicing, reverence, respect, respectful, receive, receiving, renew, renewed, renewing, John Philpot, Reformation Day | #rejoice #rejoicing #reverence #respect #respectful #receive #receiving #renew #renewed #renewing #JohnPhilpot #ReformationDay

Three Joys Of The Resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:54-58
45:45 / 49:45 M0000539 Cornerstone 210419-P hope, help, honor, life, Eternal Life, joy, justified, justification, Christ, risen, salvation, damnation

Three Progressive Endtime Directives | Video Version recorded 081120. Advance the video to 4:30 for actual start of message. 1 Peter 4:7, Hebrews 10:24-25
15:30 / 58:15 (53:45 from the start) M0000293 The #podcast is a Cornerstone message presented at a private home. 311213-P prudent, prudence, pray, prayer, prayerfulness, provoke, provoking, love, good works, church, assembly, day, return of Christ | #prudent #prudence #pray #prayer #prayerfulness #provoke #provoking #love #goodworks #church #assembly #day #returnofChrist
Video Tags: #latterdays #Armageddon #UnitedNations #Israel #watch #pray #provoke

Three Things Our Spirit Should Desire, Psalm 143:9-10. The sequel to this is The Power of Pentecost
41:20 / 43:27 M0000033 Cornerstone 260510- Holy Spirit, fellowship, salvation | #HolySpirit #fellowship #salvation

Three Who Shortchanged Themselves --- 2 Samuel 11:1, 2 Kings 2:2, 2 Kings 13:14-19, John 20:24-25
49:01 / 52:04 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000466 Cornerstone 270817-P protection of God, presence of God, power of God, Christ, determination, victory, faithfulness, risen Christ, David, Thomas, Joash, Elisha, Elijah

To Be Part Of The Solution | Esther 4:1-17
48:34 / 58:12 M0000326 Cornerstone 270714-P - providence, providential, guidance, choice, destiny, daze, dazed, dazing, dilemma, problem, rescue, intercede, intercession | #providence #providential #guidance #choice #destiny #daze #dazed #dazing #dilemma #problem #rescue #intercede #intercession

To Love Christ | Video Version recorded 060222 John 14:21
40:53 / 53:02 M0000233 Cornerstone 100213-A love, agape, obey, obedience, observe, commandments, YHWH, Christ, proof, power, peace, wrath of God, cross of Christ, salvation
Video Tags: #love #agape #obey #power #peace #wrathofGod #crossofChrist #salvation

To Hear The Voice Of God | John 10:27
41:29 / 45:31 M0000421 Cornerstone 250916-P way, J-pole, J-pole antenna, subordination of Christ, Trinity, salvation, Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, submission, subordination, subordination of the Son, the deity of Christ, follow, sheep, wave, waves, wavelength, frequency, frequencies, band | #way #J_pole #J_poleantenna #subordinationofChrist #Trinity #salvation #Spirit #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #submission #subordination #subordinationoftheSon #thedeityofChrist #follow #sheep #wave #waves #wavelength #frequency #frequencies #band

To Love Your Fellow Disciples | Video Version recorded 130222 1 John 5:1-5
41:00 / 53:02 M0000234 Cornerstone 100213-P love, agape, obey, obedience, observe, commandments, brothers, brethren, sisters, Body of Christ, Christ, victory, validation, vitality, virtue
Video Tags: #love #agape #obey #obedience #commandments #BodyofChrist #Christ #victory

To Love The Lost, Stay Salty | Video Version recorded 220220 Matthew 5:13
49:04 / 52:48 M0000235 Cornerstone 170213-P salt, savor, thirst, water, thirsty, salty, watch, watchful, watchfulness, warn, warning, love, evangelism, evangelize, witness, witnessing
Video Tags: #evangelism #goodworks #fruitoftheHolySpirit #convict #warning #salvation

Tornado Warning (From God) | Part 1 Video Version recorded 230423 ; Part 2 Video Version recorded 300423 Jeremiah 30:23-24
49:43 / Part 1 51:00, Part 2 54:55 Outline to this message with brief comments.
Related Items: Futuristic Holy Bible Prophecy At A Glance
M0000325 Cornerstone 130714-A - whirlwind, Apocalypse, Great Tribulation, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, devastation, wicked, sin, transgression, iniquity, return of Christ, Messiah, destiny, decision, direction
Video Tags, Part 1: #secondcoming #Christ #Messiah #Israel #Noah #flood #Sodom #GreatTribulation #timeofJacobstrouble #TempleMount #AbrahamAccords #endtimes #lastdays
Video Tags, Part 2: #secondcoming #Christ #Messiah #Israel #Jerusalem #GreatTribulation #TempleMount #Revelation #watchandpray #prayer #salvation

Totality In Salvation | Video Version recorded 230723 Leviticus 4:3-12
40:41 / 49:39 M0000344 Cornerstone 211214-A - redemption, reconcile, reconciliation, salvation, reconciled, resignation, resign, resigned, blood, blood of Christ, sacrifice, sacrifices, sin, sins, sin nature, Holy Place, Most Holy Place, tabernacle, tabernacle of meeting
Video Tags: #redemption #reconciliation #salvation #resignation #resigned #blood #bloodofChrist #sacrifice #sevenspiritsofGod #sacrifices #sin #sins

Touched By The Holy Spirit | Video Version recorded 160521 Topical
47:07 / 54:05 M0000204 Cornerstone 050812-P Holy Spirit, adoption, regeneration, guidance, adopting, freeing, freedom, guiding, guidance, lead, leading, led, speak, speaking, indwell, indwelling, Holy Ghost, refresh, refreshing, refreshment, empower, empowerment, empowering | #HolySpirit #adoption #regeneration #guidance #adopting #freeing #freedom #guiding #guidance #lead #leading #led #speak #speaking #indwell #indwelling #HolyGhost #refresh #refreshing #refreshment #empower #empowerment #empowering

Trap Or Triumph | Recorded Video 51:44 --- Proverbs 29:25
56:29 / 1:02:31 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000450 Cornerstone 300417-P fear, afraid, trust, snare, safe, Great Tribulation, mark of the Beast, snares, apocalypse, shame, ridicule, homophobia, islamaphobia, mock, mocking, mockery, compromise

Trash Or Treasure?, Isaiah 65:2-5
47:53 M0000078 Cornerstone 071110-A worship, fellowship, commitment | #worship #fellowship #commitment

Treasure Truth - Psalm 119:150-152
48:45 / 54:16 M0000512 Cornerstone 190818-P Word of God, Holy Bible, God's law, presence of God, meditation, wickedness, danger, lawlessness, wicked, deception, false prophets, false prophecies, apostles, son, free, indeed, know the Truth

Triple Restoration | Video Version recorded 271122 Isaiah 54:1-8
30:40 / 52:25 - M0000342 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 161114-A - joy, hope, purpose, mercy, mercies, sin, salvation, barren, fruit, fruitful, fruitfulness, peace, guilt, shame, disgrace, failure, suicide
Video Tags: #joy #hope #purpose #mercy #sin #salvation #shame #disgrace

Triumph By Trusting God, Psalm18:20-31
50:16 M0000051 270710- commit, commitment, obey, surrender, victory, trust | #commit #commitment #obey #surrender #victory #trust

Triumphant Thanks | Revelation 11:15-19
32:04 M0000082 Bradford House 211110- praise, thanks, triumph, victory | #praise #thanks #triumph #victory

Troubled Or Triumphant | Matthew 2:3-6
33:19 / 37:26 M0000389 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 030116-A - troubles, peace, victory, victorious, Herod, Wise Men, trial, trials, tribulation, trouble, troubled, triumph, triumphant, Magi, Bethlehem, Ephratah, king, Judea, Judah, Christ, Messiah, Psalm 2 | #troubles #peace #victory #victorious #Herod #WiseMen #trial #trials #tribulation #trouble #troubled #triumph #triumphant #Magi #Bethlehem #Ephratah #king #Judea #Judah #Christ #Messiah #Psalm2

True Freedom |Judges 17:1-13 and John 8:31-36
55:19 / 56:05 M0000130 030711- commit, commitment, obey, surrender, victory, sin, slave, slavery, free, freedom, liberty, liberated, freed | #commit #commitment #obey #surrender #victory #sin #slave #slavery #free #freedom #liberty #liberated #freed

True Godsend | Isaiah 9:6a-c
50:05 M0000346 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 211214-P -Christ, incarnation, Christmas, Messiah, birth, prophecy, prophecies, Old Testament, life, Eternal Life, liberty, liberation, leader, leadership, Isaiah | #Christ #incarnation #Christmas #Messiah #birth #prophecy #prophecies #OldTestament #life #EternalLife #liberty #liberation #leader #leadership #Isaiah

Trust Blessing, Not Luck | Isaiah 65:8-12, 17-25
50:46 / 52:57 M0000240 Cornerstone 031713-A blessing, providence, provision, fortune, protection, prevailing, prosperity, purpose, promise, predestined, predestination, luck, charms, superstition, fate, destiny, Northeast Bible Institute, NBI, date, dating, girls, girlfriends |
#blessing #providence #provision #fortune #protection #prevailing #prosperity #purpose #promise #predestined #predestination #luck #charms #superstition #fate #destiny #NortheastBibleInstitute #NBI #date #dating #girls #girlfriends

Trust The Eternal Word | Isaiah 40:8
51:06 / 53:16 M0000406 Cornerstone 220516-A Holy Bible, secure, security, truth, standards, sure, written Word of God, unchanging, prophecy, prophetic, prophecies, life, Christian growth, translations, versions, translation, version | #HolyBible #secure #security #truth #standards #sure #writtenWordOfGod #unchanging #prophecy #prophetic #prophecies #life #Christiangrowth #translations #versions #translation #version

Trust Unto Triumph | Livestream Version Recorded 120921
Topical - Psalm 81:7, Psalm 131:2, Psalm 119:97-104, Psalm 91:1-5, Psalm 92:1-4 and 12-15
58:48 / 57:37 M0000256 Cornerstone 300613-A - trust, faith, rest, understanding, stay, remain, dwell, abide, trusting, test, testing, trouble, troubles, tribulation, triumph, victory, trust in God, Christ, Psalms, psalm
Livestream tags: #faithfulness #resting #understanding #remaining #trouble #tribulation #victory

Two Great Prayer Requests | Exodus 33:12-19
53:02 M0000134 Cornerstone 240711-P glory, way, show, presence, Moses, face, faces | #glory #way #show #presence #Moses #face #faces

Two Sides Of Patience | James 5:7-8
48:03 / 51:30 M0000359 Cornerstone 120415-A - endure, endurance, enduring, expect, expecting, expectation, hope, return of Christ, coming of the Lord, perseverance | #endure #endurance #enduring #expect #expecting #expectation #hope #returnofChrist #comingoftheLord #perseverance

Two Voices From Beyond | Video Version recorded 041222 Luke 16:19-31
31:57 / 53:05 M0000329 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 030814-A - Abraham, death, life, hell, Paradise, Abraham’s bosom, Lazarus, rich man, flame, fire, Word of God, Holy Bible, listen, obey, obedience
Video Tags: #hell #grave #lakeoffire #WordofGod #HolyBible #listen #obey #obedience

Ultimate Love For You | 2 Corinthians 5:21
51:02 / 57:28 M0000414 Cornerstone 170716-P imputation, perfection, holiness, grace, growth, sin, righteousness, righteousness of God, faith, faithfulness, faith to faith, total depravity, defile, defilement, defiled, immaculate, pure, purity, presence of God, love of God | #imputation #perfection #holiness #grace #growth #sin #righteousness #righteousnessofGod #faith #faithfulness #faithtofaith #totaldepravity #defile #defilement #defiled #immaculate #pure #purity #presenceofGod #loveofGod

Upon Whom Do You Depend?, | Psalm 115:1-11
51:04 / 54:32 M0000071 Cornerstone 101010-A God, Christ, trust, secure, world, friends, society | #God #Christ #trust #secure #world #friends #society

Value The Voice of God | Psalm 95:6-11
52:14 M0000094 Cornerstone 090111-P Holy Spirit, listen, Sabbath, rest, obey, obedience, worship | #HolySpirit #listen #Sabbath #rest #obey #obedience #worship

Vexed or Vigorous? 1 Corinthians 15:56-58
52:47 / 56:47 M0000019 Cornerstone 080410-A sin, victory, dedication, remove
#sin #victory #dedication #remove

Vibrant Victorious Words Of Life --- Psalm 119:49-56
50:07 / 55:33 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000445 Cornerstone 260317-P religions, life, Word of God, words of God, words of life, Living God, Christ, zoe, bios, provision, person, Messiah, Godhead, trinity, trichotomy

Victor's Vineyard |Isaiah 27:2-5
45:35 / 52:09 M0000169 Cornerstone 220112-P sin, victory, dedication, wrath of God, safety, make peace with God | #sin #victory #dedication #wrathofGod #safety #makepeacewithGod

Victory Directives - 1 John 5:18-21
45:56 / 50:29 M0000533 Cornerstone 100319-P chaste, pure, purify, bride of Christ, children of God, child of God, champs, champion, conquerors, triumph, triumphant, victories, victorious, charge, idols, cheap grace, wimpy grace, second coming, world, satan, evil

Victory From Meekness | Video Version recorded 100422 Matthew 26:52-54
54:44 / 59:01 M0000242 Cornerstone 032413-A meek, meekness, trust, resigned, resignation, dependent, reserved, mind, victory, victorious, obey, obedience, man, Joe Biden, Paul Ryan, Pope Benedict, Pope Francis, homosexuals, homosexual marriage, hour of darkness, drunkards, chld abusers, drug dealers
Video Tags: #meek #trust #resigned #resignation #victorious #obedience #HolySpirit

Victory In Your Vessel - 2 Corinthians 4:6-15
50:15 / 55:54 M0000490 Cornerstone 110318-P mercy, salvation, Jesus Christ, triumph, victory, trust, endure, endurance, persevere, perseverance, triumphant, spiritual troubleshooting, light, merciful

Visible Christianity | 1 Peter 2:11-16
52:28 M0000194 Cornerstone 030612-P abstain, abstaining, fleshly lusts, obeying human government, submissiveness, submit, submission, persecuted, persecution, serve, service, serving, servant, servants | #abstain #abstaining #fleshlylusts #obeyinghumangovernment #submissiveness #submit #submission #persecuted #persecution #serve #service #serving #servant #servants

Visits With Gabriel --- Topical - Musical
1:04:32 M0000227 Cornerstone 231212-P Gabriel, Christ, incarnation, virgin birth, advent, overshadowed, The Church, John the Baptist, The Antichrist, The Beast, Daniel, Luke, second coming, Messiah, seventy weeks

Wake Up And Die Right! --- 1 Corinthians 15:33-34
46:28 / 53:18 Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000438Cornerstone 290117-P spiritually alert, sober, holiness, resurrection, glory of God, Word of God, the Holy Bible, awake, stupor, sin, spiritual soberness, spiritually sleepy, spiritual sleepiness, on guard, do not be deceived, awaken, spiritual contagion, manner, manners, good manners, moral, morals, shame, shamefulness, poison, poisons, deception, delusion

Walk Brightly - Ephesians 5:8
49:42 / 52:50 M0000521 Cornerstone 091218-P light, light of the world, children of the Light, darkness, shame, shameful, shamefulness, expose, exposing, exposed, shamed, molded, promising future, past, present, future, Hanukkah, Festival of Lights, Temple, antichrist, man of sin, the Beast, birth, end of the age, end of the ages, purpose

Walk Like John | Video Version Recorded 020521 Topical
44:19 / 51:04M0000203 Cornerstone 290712-A - lean on Christ, understand, trust, depend upon, learn, leaning, understanding, learning, lead, love, labor, take a stand, taking a stand | #leanonChrist #understand #trust #dependupon #learn #leaning #understanding #learning #lead #love #labor #takeastand #takingastand

What About YOUR Resurrection? | Video Version recorded 170422 Topical
55:29 / 53:06 M0000309 Cornerstone 200414-P - death, dead, life, living, Everlasting Life, believe, behave, beware, talent, talents, salvation, sin, responsibility
Video Tags: #EverlastingLife #believe #behave #beware #talents #salvation #responsibility

What Is On Your Neck? | Topical
46:27 / 56:07 M0000104 Cornerstone 200211-P sin, victory, dedication, remove, obsession, oppression, possession, demon, demons, freedom, liberty, yoke |
#sin #victory #dedication #remove #obsession #oppression #possession #demon #demons #freedom #liberty #yoke

What In The World Is Going On? - Genesis 6 to Genesis 21 selected
51:15 / 54:00 M0000522 Cornerstone 161218-P end time, end times, Noah, flood, tower of Babel, Sodom, Sodom and Gomorrah, Abram, Abraham, Church, Body Of Christ, rapture, the Beast, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, violence, corrupt, corruption, apostasy, prophetic, prophecy

What To Do With Yourself | Video Version recorded 270621 Topical
55:14 / 53:12 M0000262 Cornerstone 040813-P - self, self-control, temperance, deny, delight, self-centered, Christ-centered, Christ, selfish, selfishness, judgment, righteous, righteousness | #self #selfcontrol #temperance #deny #delight #selfcentered #Christcentered #Christ #selfish #selfishness #judgment #righteous #righteousness

What Will You Do With The Hand Of God? | Psalm 16:11
42:45 / 49:24 M0000381 Cornerstone 251015-A - peace, joy, presence of God, love, the Way, path, presence, pleasures, pleasure, glorious | #peace #joy #presenceofGod #love #theWay #path #presence #pleasures #pleasure #glorious

When A Real Christian Dies | Topical
51:41 / 1:00:15 M0000144 Cornerstone 250911-P death, heaven, hell, judgment, conscious, soul sleep, Paradise, soul, souls under the altar, rapture, resurrection, rise, raised, dead raised, Millennial reign, 1,000 years, Revelation 20, spirit, spirits, ghost, ghosts, presence, seance
| #death #heaven #hell #judgment #conscious #soul sleep #Paradise #soul #rapture #resurrection #rise #raised #dead raised #MillennialReign #spirit #spirits #ghost #ghosts #presence #seance

When Strength Is Weakness | Recorded Video Version Luke 22:31-32
44:34 / 51:00 M0000212 Cornerstone 230912-A power, might, self-confidence, weakness, weak, strong, strong willed, Simon Peter, Apostle Peter, denies Christ, intercession, intercede, mediator, strengthen, sermon outline, message outline
Video Tags: #selfcontrol #meekness #HolySpirit #forgiveness #advocate #HolyGhost #Spiritled

When The Enemy Strikes |Recorded Video Version Psalm 5:7-8
45:05 / 47:05 M0000199 Cornerstone 010712-A worship, worshiping, praise, King David, mercy, mercies, Psalm 5, Psalms, thy way straight, enemy, enemies, trials, testings, temptation, temptations, test, trial, tribulation, fear, reverence, spiritual warfare | #worship #worshiping #praise #KingDavid #mercy #mercies #Psalm5 #Psalms #thywaystraight #enemy #enemies #trials #testings #temptation #temptations #test #trial #tribulation #fear #reverence #spiritualwarfare

Why You Need The Baptism In The Holy Spirit | Video Version recorded 230521 Topical Joel 2:28-29, Luke 24:49, Acts 1:7-8, Romans 8:26, Ephesians 5:18
45:08 / 56:05 M0000278 Cornerstone 131013-P Pentecost, Pentecostal, Spirit, tongues, power, promise, purpose, proclamation, protect, protection, proclaim, prayer, Baptism in the Holy Spirit | #Pentecost #Pentecostal #Spirit #tongues #power #promise #purpose #proclamation #protect #protection #proclaim #prayer #BaptismInTheHolySpirit

Wise Men Follow His Star | Matthew 2:1-11, 2 Peter 1:19
30:07 / 35:00 M0000388 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 201215-A - birth of Christ, wise men, Magi, Bethlehem, Christmas, incarnation, prophecy, prophetic, exit, endure, endurance, exceedingly rejoice, enter, expect, star |#birthofChrist #wisemen #Magi #Bethlehem #Christmas #incarnation #prophecy #prophetic #exit #endure #endurance #exceedinglyrejoice #enter #expect #star

Wise Ways Of Wise Men | Matthew 2:2
49:24 / 51:39 M0000482 Cornerstone 311217-P look, seek, leave, love, worship, Magi, incarnation, material goods, prestige, prophecy, power, world, worldly, keep, keeper, Daniel, prophesy, Messiah, Christ, Herod, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, proskuneo, deity of Christ
#look #seek #leave #love #worship #Magi #incarnation #materialgoods #prestige #prophecy #power #world #worldly #keep #keeper #Daniel #prophesy #Messiah #Christ #Herod #Jerusalem #Bethlehem #proskuneo #deityofChrist

Withstand The Storms | Video Version recorded 041121, Acts 27:23-24
46:59 / 54:17M0000141 Cornerstone 180911-A Crete, Paul, Malta, shipwreck, shipwrecked, angel of God, serve, serve God, serving God, commitment, persuaded, King, Caesar |
#Paul #Malta #shipwreck #shipwrecked #angelofGod #serve #serveGod #servingGod #commitment #almostpersuaded #King #Caesar

Women Of Faith In Christ | 2 Timothy 1:5, 3:14-15
40:46 / 44:17 M0000404 Cornerstone 080516-A Mothers Day, faith, Word of God, Holy Bible, discipleship, genuine, sincere, Lois, Eunice, Timothy, genuine faith, dwell, dwelling, dwelling faith, dwelt, dynamic, power, powerful, discipling, disciple, real |
#MothersDay #faith #faithfulness #WordofGod #HolyBible #discipleship #genuine #sincere #Lois #Eunice #Timothy #genuinefaith #dwell #dwelling #dwellingfaith #dwelt #dynamic #power #powerful #discipling #disciple #real

Words Of Life From The Not Really Dead | Topical Ephesians 6:10, Ephesians 6:13, Matthew 5:11-12
1:17:05 / ((56:41)) Outline for this message with brief comments. M0000426 Cornerstone 301016-P stand firm, firmly stand, rejoice, endure, persecution, endurance, power of God, take a stand, Reformation, Reformation Day, Leonard Bernkop, Catharine, Anna of Frieburg, drown, drowned, burned at the stake, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, spirit of delusion, persecutions, praise, worship, praising, worshiping, power, Martyrs Mirror, 2016 General Election, primary, primaries | #standfirm #firmlystand #rejoice #endure #persecution #endurance #powerofGod #takeastand #Reformation #ReformationDay #LeonardBernkop #Catharine #AnnaofFrieburg #drown #drowned #burnedatthestake #HillaryClinton #DonaldTrump #spiritofdelusion #persecutions #praise #worship #praising #worshiping #power #MartyrsMirror #2016GeneralElection #primary #primaries

You And The Agape Love Of God | Video Version recorded on 050921 Topical John 3:16-18, Jude 20-21, Romans 5:1-5, 2 Thessalonians 3:5, and Deuteronomy 6:5 (Mark 12:30 on the recorded Video)
46:17 / 51:00 M0000274 Cornerstone 290913-A - love, holy, holiness, save, saved, stay, love of God, constant, equal, directed, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, live, walk, be strong
Video Tags: #love #agape #loveofGod #conditions #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #steadfastness #endurance

You CAN Choose—Choose Wisely | Video Version recorded 160723 Proverbs 9:1-6
47:33 / 52:01 M0000367 Cornerstone 260715-A - choice, homosexual, transgendered, alcoholic, drug addict, wisdom, able, ability, chose, choose, power, science, false science, choice, drunkard, retard, retarded, mentally challenged, mentally disabled, disability
Video Tags: #wisdom #choice #ability #choose #power #homosexual #transgendered #alcoholic #drugaddict #drunkard #retarded #mentallychallenged #mentallydisabled #disability #imbecile

Your Cut In A Kingdom | Video Version recorded 200823 Romans 14:17
52:44 / 52:32 M0000416 Cornerstone 070816-P kingdom of God, righteousness, peace, joy, Christ, peacefulness, righteous, joyful, joyfulness, peaceful, conscience, world, blameless joy
Video Tags: #kingdomofGod #righteousness #peace #joy #Christ #peacefulness #righteous #joyful #joyfulness #peaceful #conscience #world #blamelessjoy

Your Mission | Leviticus 24:2-4
31:07 (entire service)M0000010 Cornerstone 090310- evangelism, prayer, pray, service, serve | #evangelism #prayer #pray #service #serve

Your Personal Passover | Exodus 12:1-10
32:58 / 38:13 M0000354 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 150315-A - lamb, blood, Exodus, Egypt, doorpost, doorposts, door, lintel, death angel, death of the firstborn, commit, crucify, cover, consume | #lamb #blood #Exodus #Egypt #doorpost #doorposts #door #lintel #deathangel #deathofthefirstborn #commit #crucify #cover #consume

Your Sacred Service | Romans 12:2
44:29 / 46:58 M0000126 Cornerstone 050611- grow, growth, mind, transformed, change, renovate, renovation | #grow #growth #mind #transformed #change #renovate #renovation

Your Saving Service | Romans 12:1
49:16 / 58:45 M0000125 Cornerstone 290511- evangelism, prayer, pray, service, serve | #evangelism #prayer #pray #service #serve

Yours To Keep | Video Version Recorded 090122 Topical: 1 Peter 1:3-5; Jude 1-2, 21-22; 1 John 2:3-6, 5:2-3; Psalm 17:4-5, 18:21-23, 119:41-45
51:32 / 44:47 M0000296 Cornerstone 160314-P - preserve, reserve, guard, obey, preserved, reserved, guarded, obedience, reward, rewarded, responsible, responsibility, watch, protect
Video Tags: #preserve #reserve #guard #reward #rewarded #responsibility #protect

Your Value | Matthew 10:28-33
30:17 / 33:56 M0000362 Cornerstone at Mallard Bay 030515-A - sparrow, sparrows, fall, persecution, eternal, loving, priceless, hairs, numbered, death, resurrection, salvation, redemption, cross, Christ | #sparrow #sparrows #fall #persecution #eternal #loving #priceless #hairs #numbered #death #resurrection #salvation #redemption #cross #Christ

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