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Boycott NetFlix (I do not know why a Christian would even have NetFlix), Oreo, Cadbury, Disney, Walgreens, Target, PayPal, Campbell's Soup, Angie's List, Home Depot, Burger King, Wells Fargo, Starbucks (Starbucks does not want the business of real Christians) |
Is It Treasure To You?
Recorded Video version. View this video!
Colossians 2:2-3, Embrace Christ's Supremacy:
In this podcast we show that the Godhead (Trinity) is indicated in verse 2 and also express the wonderful truth of the inexhaustible spiritual treasures in Christ. We also relate how to bring out the treasures that we can find in the written Word of God.
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Bask In His Presence
Recorded Video version. View this video!
Colossians 2:1-2, Embrace Christ's Supremacy:
The beginning of chapter 2 of Colossians draws us closer to where, by the Holy Spirit, Paul addresses the Colossian heresy (which might be better termed the Lycus Valley Heresy). But before we get there, there is some immense spiritual treasure in verse 2, part which is seen by the choice of a word by the Holy Spirit in the first phrase of that verse which connects it with "Comforter," the Name Christ gives for the Holy Spirit, in the Gospel of John.
Special note: The number of views for the podcasts is not correctly showing.
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Five Places You Need To Be In
Recorded Video version. View this video!
Four Dimensions Of God's Justice
Recorded Video version. View this video!
Colossians 1:27-29, Embrace Christ's Supremacy:
In these final verses of Colossians 1 the Holy Spirit through Paul brings out the thoroughness of the Gospel of Christ along with how God powerfully worked through Paul and some of his associates.
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Be Trans-, God's Way!
Recorded Video version. View this video!
Colossians 1:25-27, Embrace Christ's Supremacy:
In this podcast as we look into the mystery mentioned in Colossians 1:26 to 27, why it was hidden until the first advent of Christ, and why it is still hidden to many people today as well as some of the aspects of glorious hope that it contains for those who are truly trusting in Christ.
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Four Questions With Eternal Value
Recorded Video version. View this video!
Colossians 1:23-25, Embrace Christ's Supremacy:
We now enter into the latter portion of Colossians 1 where Paul, by the Holy Spirit, speaks about himself and his ministry. Prior to this, in a number of verses, by the Holy Spirit, He wrote about the nature and work of Christ. All this was in preparation for when he would address the Colossian heresy in chapter two.
During this study we mentioned both true and false servants of Christ as well as the true Church and the pseudo-church. In regard to determining the essential teachings of the the true Church I said I would put the following link in the description of this podcast: sapphirestreams.com/bec/bec18LOYAL.html#ed
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F e a t u r e d . . .
Listen to Mercy For Marriage. Or Recorded Live Stream Version March 11, 2021 57:21.
SPECIAL NOTE!: Twelve Basic Elements Of Christianity lessons are now on Sapphirestreams. Lessons may be take in any language supported by Google Translate. Start taking our FREE course at http://sapphirestreams.com/bec/ .
The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit by Brother Hobart Grazier. Since graduation from Northeast Bible Institute (NBI) I have had the class handout notes on 1 Corinthians chapters 12 to 14 by brother Hobart Grazier who was the Greek professor at NBI. I have placed online the portion of those notes that deal specifically with the classification and his definition of each of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit at http://sapphirestreams.com/bec/HG1Co12GOHS.html .
Basic Elements In Christianity (BEC) Lesson 10:
The Holy Spirit's Baptism
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We are pleased to announce that as God and time permits this ministry is branching out into apologetics. With God's help and the services of Experts Column I have started an apologetics blog at The Sure Word (http://thesureword.sapphirestreams.com/) . Since I have other apologetic material on other servers, you will find an index to all the material at http://sapphirestreams.com/life/api.html
VIDEO!: Getting In Tune. Please view it at https://youtu.be/kjLpgO5Aa98.
A Little-known Element For Endurance In Marriage
Our children hear the term "love" applied to things that might be immensely enjoyed by some for weeks, but are soon trashed. As they grow older, they hear the term "making love" in regard to activities that should be reserved for marriage, but learn that privilege is occurring outside of . . .
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You Can Choose -- Choose Wisely We live in a time when there are many lies circulating, a number of which that can be very devastating. And there is one lie in particular that spiritually cripples a person and makes sure they remain destined for hell. However, the Truth, the Word of God presents us with a fact that foundationally can set anyone free. Read More
Strengthen A Foundation Of Marriage: The Vow
Decades ago, when a couple exchanged matrimonial vows it meant something in many of their minds.
Sadly, it is much different today, but there are things we can do to reverse this trend.
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Scientific Study Fails On Canaanites In The Holy Bible
The “word on the street” says that scientific evidence says the Holy Bible is
wrong about the Canaanites. The reality is some scientists have assumed what
the Holy Bible says. Find out the facts, right now.
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My list of news sources on Twitter
From Psalm 145...I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. 2 Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever. 3 Great is YHVH, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable. 4 One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. 5 I will speak of the glorious honor of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works. 6 And men shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts: and I will declare thy greatness. 7 They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness. 8 YHVH is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. 9 YHVH is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. 10 ¶ All thy works shall praise thee, O YHVH; and thy saints shall bless thee.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
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