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Messages (Sermons) - page 2 (messages recorded from May 1, 2019 to present)

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This is a new page which began on May 6, 2019. There are over 400 messages listed on page 1. Unless otherwise noted, these messages (sermons) are in MP3 or video format, or both.

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Posting format is as follows: Title, Text, Comments (if any) Times (Message (sermon)/entire recording including music, prayer, etc.), Reference Code, location of recording, date of (or approximate) recording date (or / and in some cases, date of Internet publication), supportive links in parenthesis, keywords. Supportive links may include charts, pictures and other helpful information.

SEARCH TIPS: Dates of recordings are now listed as day-month-year (ddmmyy) and a dash for easier searching. You can find the latest messages by using find (ctrl + f, or ctr + f) and using the last four digits of a composite date. For example, for messages in January 2011 use 0111-. A dash needs to be added to distinguish the search from the reference code (used for my purposes) that precedes the location in the event a portion of the code ever mimics a date. Also search by keyword. Background colors exist only for fun and to distinguish each item. Some dates will have a letter after the dash. It usually denotes either a morning (A for AM) or evening (P for PM).

Abundant Holy Spirit Outpouring | Joel 2:28-29
51:10 / 54:47 M0000546 Cornerstone 090619-P Pentecost, Pentecostal, gifts of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, tongues, power, spirit, Armageddon, last days, second coming |
#Pentecost #Pentecostal #giftsoftheHolySpirit #giftsoftheSpirit #tongues #power #spirit #Armageddon #lastdays #secondcoming
Abundant Strength Now - Video version recorded 171124 | Ephesians 3:16-17
/ 49:55 M0000636 Cornerstone 201024-A Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, inner man, heart, spirit, soul, troubles, trials, weariness | #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #innerman #heart #spirit #soul #troubles #trials #weariness
Alive! | Revelation 1:17-18
40:21 / 42:09 M0000604 Cornerstone 190720-P peace, perfect, perfection, resurrection, end times, Revelation, power, salvation, mercy |
#peace #perfect #perfection #resurrection #endtimes #Revelation #power #salvation #mercy
Alive With Power! - Video version recorded 201024 | Ephesians 1:19-23
/ 50:00 M0000635 Cornerstone 201024-A power, authority, The Church, The Body Of Christ, spiritual realm, spiritual reality, miracles | #power #authority #TheChurch #TheBodyOfChrist #spiritualrealm #spiritualreality #miracles
Answer The Knock Of Hope And True Life - Video version recorded 011224 | Revelation 3:20-22
/ 51:15 M0000638 Cornerstone 081224-A Christ, salvation, hopelessness, hopeless, suicide, receive, receptive, fellowship, strength, victory | #Christ #salvation #hopelessness #hopeless #suicide #receive #receptive #fellowship #strength #victory
Apostate Versus Believer, part 1 | Jude
51:22 / 55:27 M0000551 Cornerstone 210719-P apostasy, falling away, last days, prophecy, prophecy of Enoch, splitters, sensual, selfish, selfishness, spiritless, sneaky
Apostate Versus Believer, part 2 | Jude
49:09 / 52:18 M0000552 Cornerstone 280719-P apostasy, Jude, last days, keep, guard, contend for the faith, agonize, strive, return of Christ, edify, edification
Are You Born Again? Receive The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit | Video only Topical Matthew 12:43-45, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:16-22, Acts, 1 Corinthians 12-14
/ 53:22 M0000597 Cornerstone 310520-P Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Baptism of the Holy Ghost, tongues, charisma, dorea, glossolalia, filled with the Spirit, filled to overflowing |
#HolySpirit #HolyGhost #BaptismoftheHolyGhost #tongues #charisma #dorea #glossolalia #filledwiththeSpirit #filledtooverflowing
Baptism Of Fire | Acts 2:1-4
47:00 / 47:50 M0000596 Cornerstone 310520-P Baptism Of The Holy Spirit, Baptism Of The Holy Ghost, purge, cleanse, purify, fill, filling, flow, flowing, service, evangelism |
#BaptismOfTheHolySpirit #BaptismOfTheHolyGhost #purge #cleanse #purify #fill #filling #flow #flowing #service #evangelism
Be Blessed With Mercy And Truth | Topical Genesis 24:27, 2 Samuel 15:20, Psalm 25:10, Psalm 61:7, Psalm 85:10, Psalm 86:15, Psalm 89:14, Proverbs 3:3, Proverbs 14:22, Proverbs 20:28, Proverbs 16:6
47:45 / 51:38 M0000543 Cornerstone 190519-P salvation, judgment, damnation, Word of God, Word of Life, Jesus Christ, cross, king, kings, royal law, Ark of the Covenant, David |
#salvation #judgment #damnation #WordOfGod #WordOfLife #JesusChrist #cross #king #kings #royallaw #ArkOfTheCovenant #David
Because He Lives We Can Have Intimate Fellowship With God | Luke 24:29-30
45:42 / 48:13 M0000589 Cornerstone 120420-P resurrection, Christ, earnestness, sincerity, eating His flesh, drinking His blood, Word of God, soul |
#resurrection #Christ #earnestness #sincerity #eatingHisflesh #drinkingHisblood #WordOfGod #soul
Best Ways To Receive Guidance From God - Video version recorded 030324 | 1 Peter 4:1-2, Psalm 119:105, Romans 8:13-14, Psalm 17:5
/ 48:51 M0000621 Cornerstone 030324-A salvation, divine guidance, Jesus Christ, Holy Bible, Word Of God, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, providence, will of God | #salvation #divineguidance #JesusChrist #HolyBible #WordOfGod #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #providence #willofGod
Be Thankful For Prophetic Insight | Daniel 2:23
47:03 / 49:27 M0000570 Cornerstone 241119-P end times, end time, Armageddon, return of Christ, persecution, wisdom, ability, Messiah, Christ, Thanksgiving, thanks, praise, credit, revelation, Israel, provision, prophecy |
#endtimes #endtime #Armageddon #returnofChrist #persecution #wisdom #ability #Messiah #Christ #Thanksgiving #thanks #praise #credit #revelation #Israel #provision #prophecy
Be The Wilderness Beacon | Luke 7:24-28
47:56 / 51:29 M0000565 Cornerstone 271019-P faithful, faithfulness, firm, proclaim, Gospel, strong in Christ, purpose, feeble, effeminate, fickle, John The Baptist, Reformation, remnant
Be Trans-, God's Way! - Video version recorded 050125 | Topical: Colossians 1:13-14, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Hebrews 11:5
/ 52:16 M0000640 Cornerstone 190125-A transgression, salvation, darkness, light, spiritual growth, death, rapture, judgment of God, mind, thinking, thoughts | #transgression #salvation #darkness #light #spiritualgrowth #death #rapture #judgmentofGod #mind #thinking #thoughts
Christ Is Sufficient! | Colossians 2:8-15
51:21 / 53:59 M0000545 Cornerstone 020619-P unity, false prophets, cheap grace, Godhead, Trinity, psychiatry, necromancy, drugs, politics, music |
#unity #falseprophets #cheapgrace #Godhead #Trinity #psychiatry #necromancy #drugs #politics #music
Conquest Of Mercy | Matthew 3:1-4:11
43:53 / 47:11 M0000605 Cornerstone 090820-P merciful, life of Christ, son, sonship, temptation, will of God, obey, obedience, salvation, baptism |
#merciful #lifeofChrist #son #sonship #temptation #willofGod #obey #obedience #salvation #baptism
Contaminated! - Video version recorded 040224 | Zephaniah 1:4-6
/ 51:35 M0000619 Cornerstone 040224-A idols, idolatry, irresolution, indifference, sin, backsliding, grace, fall from grace, denying Christ, cheap grace, sex, pro-choice, abortion, Roman Catholicism |
Video Tags: #idols #idolatry #irresolution #indifference #sin #backsliding #grace #fallfromgrace #denyingChrist #cheapgrace #sex #pro_choice #abortion #RomanCatholicism
Do Not Deny The Son Of Man | 2 John 6-9
48:42 / 52:47 M0000563 Cornerstone 131019-P Feast Of Booths, Feast Of Tabernacles, incarnation, incarnation of Christ, human, grace, gnostic, gnosticism, cheap grace, deceiver, antichrist, antichrists, deceivers, deception | #FeastOfBooths #FeastOfTabernacles #incarnation #incarnationofChrist #human #grace #gnostic #gnosticism #cheap grace #deceiver #antichrist #antichrists #deceivers #deception
Eating His Flesh | Psalm 119:57-64
50:45 / 55:32 M0000558 Cornerstone 080919-P portion, partake, obey, consider, repent, rise, remember, teachable, Word of God, Word of Life, Bread of Heaven
Elements Of Eternal Life Insurance | 2 Peter 3:14
46:09 / 47:20 M0000571 Cornerstone 081219-P foresight, diligent, diligence, complete, completeness, pure, purity, peace, peace of God, blameless, end times, holiness, godliness
Elements Of Victory In The King | Psalm 44:4-8
40:53 / 44:22 M0000560 Cornerstone 220919-P commitment, commit, strength, trust, trusting, faith, glory, boast, sovereign, sovereignty of God
Empower Your Praise – Video Version recorded 100923 | Psalm 44:4-8
40:53 / 44:22 M000616 Cornerstone 230910-A spiritual warfare, Satan, attributes of God, praise, worship, prayer | #spiritualwarfare #Satan #attributesofGod #praise #worship #prayer
Essentials Of True Christianity - Video version recorded 110824 | Topical with numerous Holy Scriptures.
/ 50:21 M0000631 Cornerstone 110824-A God, One God, Trinity, Godhead, Holy Bible, Christ, salvation, mediator, intercessor, Catholic Church, grace, salvation, works, holiness, godliness, beliefs | #God #OneGod #Trinity #Godhead #HolyBible #Christ #salvation #mediator #intercessor #CatholicChurch #grace #salvation #works #holiness #godliness #beliefs
Face The Enemy - Video Version recorded 180721 | Exodus 17:8-16, Deuteronomy 25:17-18
To be produced / 51:05 M0000608 Cornerstone 110721-A prayer, intercessory prayer, intercede, authority, Christ, satan, demons |
#prayer #intercessoryprayer #intercede #authority #Christ #satan #demons
Facets Of Saving Light | John 1:1-14
48:09 / 50:24 M0000573 Cornerstone 221219-P incarnation, birth of Christ, witness, Light of the World, Church, Body of Christ, children of God, sons of God, glory, Chanukah, Hanukkah, Festival Of Lights, Christmas | #incarnation #birthofChrist #witness #LightoftheWorld #Church #BodyofChrist #childrenofGod #sonsofGod #glory #Chanukah #Hanukkah #FestivalOfLights #Christmas
Five Elements Of Futuristic Bible Prophecy - Video version recorded 180224 | 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, Daniel 9:24-27, Revelation 11:1-2, Revelation 13:1-2, Revelation 19:11-20
/ 51:00 M0000620 Cornerstone 180224-A prophecy, Revelation, rapture of the Church, second coming of Christ, Temple, Great Tribulation, time of Jacob's trouble, seven years, The Beast, The Antichrist, the man of sin, end of the age, end of the world, Jerusalem, Armageddon |
Video Tags: #prophecy #Revelation #raptureoftheChurch #secondcomingofChrist #Temple #GreatTribulation #timeofJacobstrouble #sevenyears #TheBeast #TheAntichrist #themanofsin #endoftheage #endoftheworld #Jerusalem #Armageddon
Five Foundations For Spiritual Repair - Video version recorded 260524 | Nehemiah 2:11-20
/ 49:37 M0000625 Cornerstone 090624-A walls, holiness, grace, personal conviction, private, protect, inspect, inspection, direct, spirit, soul, body | #walls #holiness #grace #personalconviction #private #protect #inspect #inspection #direct #spirit #soul #body
Five Gems Of Christ's Incarnation - Video Version recorded 190921 | Leviticus 23:40
To be produced / 55:20 M0000610 Cornerstone 190921-A Feast Of Tabernacles, Feast Of Booths, Sukkot, fruitfulness, uprightness, victory, endurance, protection |
#FeastOfTabernacles #FeastOf Booths #Sukkot #fruitfulness #uprightness #victory #endurance #protection
Focus! | Matthew 6:8e-f, 10, Romans 8:14-17, 1 Timothy 4:1-5, Hebrews12:1-2, Revelation 2:7, 22:17
44:32 / 47:00 M0000564 Cornerstone 201019-P Father, Son, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Spirit led, will of God, soul, Godhead, Trinity
Foundations Of Marriage | Mark 10:2-16
48:41 / 51:55 M0000555 Cornerstone 180819-P matrimony, monogamy, one flesh, one spouse, divorce, divorce and remarriage, adultery, remarry, grace, children
Four Dimensions Of God's Justice - Video version recorded 260125 | Topical: Colossians 1:13-14, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Hebrews 11:5
/ 47:11 M0000641 Cornerstone 260125-A injustice, righteousness, mercy of God, judgment of God, salvation, shame, judgment | #injustice #righteousness #mercyofGod #judgmentofGod #salvation #shame #judgment
Four “I Wills” For Godly Peace Of Mind - Video Version recorded 110721 | Psalm 119:11-16
To be produced / 55:34 M0000607 Cornerstone 110721-A meditation, meditate, muse, regard, eternal constancy in Christ |
#meditation #meditate #muse #regard #EternalConstancyInChrist
Four Joys Of The Faithful - Video version recorded 110824 | 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:1
/ 43:42 M0000632 Cornerstone 180824-A spiritual strength, honor, hope, physical decline, eternal life, resurrection | #spiritualstrength #honor #hope #physicaldecline #eternallife #resurrection
Four Questions With Eternal Value - Video version recorded 050125 | 1 John 2:3-6
/ 52:16 M0000639 Cornerstone 050125-A Christ, salvation, eternity, commandment, keep, love, obey, Savior, Lord, self, sin, hell, life, Eternal Life | #salvation #eternity #commandment #keep #love #obey #Savior #Lord #self #sin #hell #life #EternalLife
Four Riches Of Fasting | Ezra 8:21-23
47:50 / 51:05 M0000575 Cornerstone 050120-P dependency, dependence, faith, faithfulness, trust, earnestness, reward, fast
From Wood To Wonder - Video version recorded 011224 | Exodus 26:15-30
/ 47:43 M0000637 Cornerstone 011224-A common, cut, prune, purge, cover, victory of Christ, refined, consecrated, salvation, stability, strength, The Church, The Body Of Christ | #common #cut #prune #purge #cover #victoryofChrist #refined #consecrated #salvation #stability #strength #TheChurch #TheBodyOfChrist #MacintaMinistries
Get Into The Empowerment Of Thanksgiving, recorded Video video | Psalm 92:1-4
/ 51:20 M0000616 Cornerstone 191123-A thanks, thanksgiving, YHVH, Jehovah, spiritual warfare, singing, worship, triumph, victory |
#thanks #thanksgiving #YHVH #Jehovah #spiritualwarfare #singing #worship #triumph #victory #thankful #thankfulness
God's Addicts | Video Version recorded 020723 1 Corinthians 16:15-18
46:22 / 50:46 M0000557 Cornerstone 010919-P service, serving, ministry, ministries, devoted, dedicated, saint, saints, love, baptism, death, life
Video Tags: #service #serving #ministry #ministries #devoted #dedicated #saint #saints #love #baptism #death #life .
God's Gift Of The Spirit | John 14:16-18
42:11 / 45:53 M0000559 Cornerstone 150919-P Comforter, Paraclete, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, comforting, guiding, interceding, faithful, truth, Spirit Of Truth, living Spirit, orphans
God's Kingdom Comes | Daniel 2:31-35
46:20 / 46:59 M0000603 Cornerstone 120720-P Christ, Messiah, prophecy, millennial reign, mankind, failure, weakness, evil, Babylon, Israel, Armageddon |
#Messiah #prophecy #millennial reign #mankind #failure #weakness #evil #Babylon #Israel #Armageddon
God's Trusted Friends | John 15:15
42:47 / 44:50 M0000599 Cornerstone 140620-P obey, obedience, servant, servants, service, serving, hope, love, second coming of Christ |
#obey #obedience #servant #servants #service #serving #hope #love #secondcomingofChrist
God Wants To Guide You - Video version recorded 280424 | Jeremiah 10:23-24, Colossians 1:9-10, Colossians 4:12, Romans 12:1-2, Isaiah 55:6-9, 2 Corinthians 5:17
/ 46:21 M0000622 Cornerstone 280424-A divine guidance, will of God, Word of God, born again, new creation, living sacrifice, wisdom, spiritual understanding, Walter Beuttler, mind, transfiguration, obedience | #divineguidance #willofGod #WordOfGod #bornagain #newcreation #livingsacrifice #wisdom #spiritualunderstanding #WalterBeuttler #mind #transfiguration #obedience
Good Dads Can Be Even Better | Acts 16:23-34
47:40 / 49:30 M0000600 Cornerstone 210620-P noble, Fathers Day, character, dependable, responsible, determined, determination, salvation, dedication, devotion |
#FathersDay #character #dependable #responsible #determined #determination #salvation #dedication #devotion
Have The Peace Of Our Ever Present Christ | Matthew 28:20
45:38 / 48:08 M0000587 Cornerstone 220320-P Godhead, Trinity, presence of Christ, end times, end of world, end of the age |
#Godhead #Trinity #presenceofChrist #endtimes #endofworld #endoftheage
He Will Be On Time, Let Us Be On Target | 2 Peter 3:9
45:14 / 46:11 M0000606 Cornerstone 251020-P Second Coming Of Christ, rapture, judgment, punishment, reward, first resurrection, second death, salvation, holiness, godliness, promise, promises |
#SecondComingOfChrist #rapture #judgment #punishment #reward #firstresurrection #seconddeath #salvation #holiness #godliness #promise #promises
Horrors Of Hell, part 1 | topical – includes Deuteronomy 30:10, Ezekiel 25:7, Luke 12:47-48, Luke 16:23, Jude 13, Revelation 20:14-15
49:14 / 54:16 M0000549 Cornerstone 070719-P Hades, Sheol, grave, torment, torments, Lake Of Fire, damn, damnation, damned, annihilation, annihilated, annihilate, destroy, destroyed, destruction, soul, life |
#Sheol #grave #torment #torments #LakeOfFire #damn #damnation #damned #annihilation #annihilated #annihilate #destroy #destroyed #destruction #soul #life
Horrors Of Hell, part 2 | topical – includes Psalm 145:17, Daniel 12:2, Luke 16:25, 2 Corinthians 6:2, Hebrews 9:27, Revelation 20:10
50:13 / 53:22 M0000550 Cornerstone 072119-P Hades, Sheol, grave, torment, torments, Lake Of Fire, damn, damnation, damned, annihilation, annihilated, annihilate, destroy, destroyed, destruction, soul, life, salvation, Eternal Life |
#Hades #Sheol #grave #torment #torments #LakeOfFire #damn #damnation #damned #annihilation #annihilated #annihilate #destroy #destroyed #destruction #soul #life #salvation #EternalLife
How The Holidays Are Stolen | Topical Deuternonomy 8:10-14, Nehemiah 13:15-22, Hosea 2:8, Jeremiah 7:18, Luke 14:12-14
47:30 / 50:23 M0000569 Cornerstone 171119-P holy day, holy days, holiday, Easter, Resurrection, Resurrection Day, Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Incarnation Day, materialism, paganism, pagan, idolatry, self |
#holyday #holydays #holiday #Easter #Resurrection #ResurrectionDay #ThanksgivingDay #Thanksgiving #Christmas #IncarnationDay #materialism #paganism #pagan #idolatry #self
Insights Into (And Inroads Of) The Man Of Sin | 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 and 9-10
49:22 / 54:14 M0000561 Cornerstone 290919-P Antichrist, antichrists, son of perdition, son of destruction, apostasy, Word of God, ordinances of God, second coming, end times, end of the age, Great Tribulation, The Beast, The False Prophet
Insights Into The Faces Of The Four Living Creatures Of Ezekiel 1 - Video version recorded 300724 | Ezekiel 1:10
/ 51:05 M0000629 Cornerstone 300624-A Ezekiel, four living creatures, Christ, characteristics of Christ, minister, ministry, Revelation, Beuttler, WalterBeuttler | #Ezekiel #fourlivingcreatures #Christ #characteristicsofChrist #minister #ministry #Revelation #Beuttler #WalterBeuttler
Insights Into The True Christian's Connection With The Four Living Creatures - Video version recorded 040824 | Ezekiel 1:4-9
/ 53:05 M0000630 Cornerstone 040824-A holiness, wrath of God, whirlwind, salvation, sin, purge, purging, ministry, service, true unity, distinctiveness, godliness | #holiness #wrathofGod #whirlwind #salvation #sin #purge #purging #ministry #service #trueunity #distinctiveness #godliness
Is It A Sin? - Video version recorded 140724 | 1 Corinthians 10:14-33
/ 45:30 M0000627 Cornerstone 300624-A sin, communion, idolatry, protection, conscience, edify, edification, personal conviction, salvation | #sin #communion #idolatry #protection #conscience #edify #edification #personalconviction #salvation
Is It Treasure To You? - Video version recorded 160225 | Matthew 13:44
/ 47:11 M0000641 Cornerstone 160225-A Kingdom of God, Kingdom of heaven, Christ, joy, secure, safeguard, see, hidden, hide, commit, sell out, buy | #KingdomofGod #Kingdomofheaven #Christ #joy #secure #safeguard #see #hidden #hide #commit #sellout #buy
Liberation! | Zechariah 9:11-12
48:52 / 51:18 M0000556 Cornerstone 250819-P liberate, free, freedom, bondage, oppressed, oppression, obsessed, obsession, possessed, possession, Messiah, blood of Christ, sinning, sin, sinners
Lord, I Want To Be A Chicken , Video Version Recorded 070822 | Topical: 1 Corinthians 6:16-20, 1 Corinthians 10:14, 1 Timothy 6:11, 2 Timothy 2:22
/ 53:16 M0000612 Cornerstone 070822-A self, immorality, sexual immorality, desires, lusts, temple of the Holy Spirit, godliness, your body, one flesh, sex, righteousness, holiness, meekness, peace, faithfulness, patience, endurance, love, agapao agape, peace, flee
Video Tags: #self #immorality #sexualimmorality #desires #lusts #templeoftheHolySpirit #godliness
Lord Of The Lame | Psalm 41:4
43:14 / 46:40 M0000548 Cornerstone 230619-P nothing impossible with God, sin, sinner, sinners, salvation, mercy, merciful, broken heart, healing, disease, diseases, sickness, mentally ill, mental illness |
#nothingimpossiblewithGod #sin #sinner #sinners #salvation #mercy #merciful #brokenheart #healing #disease #diseases #sickness #mentallyill #mentalillness
Lydia, A Godly Leader | Acts 16:13-15, Acts 16:40
44:25 / 47:01 M0000593 Cornerstone 100520-P Mothers Day, attentive, committed, commitment, worship, worshiper, Holy Spirit, Paul, baptism, water baptism, obedience |
#MothersDay #attentive #committed #commitment #worship #worshiper #HolySpirit #Paul #baptism #waterbaptism #obedience
Make Fatso Fall! | Judges 3:12-30
50:51 / 53:13 M0000595 Cornerstone 240520-P Word of God, Holy Bible, sinful nature, kill, destroy, cut off, determine, decisiveness, control, victory |
#WordofGod #HolyBible #sinfulnature #kill #destroy #cutoff #determine #decisiveness #control #victory
Man Of Forgiveness | Genesis 50:15-21
43:08 / 47:53 M0000554 Cornerstone 110819-P grudge, grudges, unforgiveness, forgive, forgiving, peace, tender, tenderness, tenderhearted
Mighty Powers Of A Mother Of Godly Faith - Video version recorded 120524 | Matthew 15:21-28
/ 50:13 M0000623 Cornerstone 120524-A divine guidance, spiritual warfare, world system, demons, demon possession, knowledge, earnestness, sincere, persistence, perseverance, worship, wisdom, prayer, intercession, mothers, moms, Mothers Day | #spiritualwarfare #worldsystem #demons #demonpossession #knowledge #earnestness #sincere #persistence #perseverance #worship #wisdom #prayer #intercession #mothers #moms #MothersDay
More Naomis Needed | Ruth 1:6-9, 11-13, 15 & 18-19a
47:45 / 51:38 M0000542 Cornerstone 120519-P Mothers Day, mothers, moms, mother, mom, mama, dedicated, dedication, committed, commitment, gracious, graciousness, graciously, realistic, challenge, challenging, frank |
#MothersDay #mothers #moms #mother #mom #mama #dedicated #dedication #committed #commitment #gracious #graciousness #graciously #realistic #challenge #challenging #frank
Obededom: The Father Who Met The Challenge Of God's Presence | 2 Samuel 6:9-12
48:40 / 52:45 M0000547 Cornerstone 160619-P godliness, godly, faithful, faithfulness, blessed, blessings, Ark Of The Covenant, David, father, Fathers Day, house, household, salvation |
#godliness #godly #faithful #faithfulness #blessed #blessings #ArkOfTheCovenant #David #father #FathersDay #house #household #salvation
Occupy! - Video version recorded 280124 | Luke 19:13d, Hebrews 13:20-21, Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:29, Matthew 28:18-20
/ 50:07 M0000618 Cornerstone 280124-A pleasing God, loving God, edification, edify, witness, evangelism, return of Christ, second coming |
Video Tags: #darkness #salvation #GodIsLight #sonsofGod #childrenofGod #sonship #non_Jews #Jews #believe #believing
Perfect Judge, Perfect Savior | Topical Isaiah 13:11, Revelation 5:1-4, Ezekiel 18:4, 1 Peter 1:18-19
48:17 / 50:50 M0000578 Cornerstone 260120-P judgment, Judgment Day, judge, salvation, rescue, savior, righteousness, Hell, Second Death, Book of Life, last judgment |
#judgment #JudgmentDay #judge #salvation #rescue #savior #righteousness #Hell #SecondDeath #BookOfLife #lastjudgment
Persecuted Christians And Their Persecutors Contrasted | Acts 7:54-60
49:51 / 52:41 M0000566 Cornerstone 311019-P Holy Spirit, filled with the Holy Spirit, persecution, grace, forgiveness, anger, hardness of heart, rebellion, martyr, martyrdom, Reformation, Reformation Day
Persecuted Christians And Their Persecutors Need Your Prayers | Topical Matthew 5:44, 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, Revelation 1:4-6
49:36 / 54:57 M0000567 Cornerstone 031119-P prayer, praying, intercession, help, salvation, meekness, trust in God, persecution, remission of sins, Stephen, Saul, Paul, Reformation, Reformation
Places Of Peace - Video version recorded 260524 | Psalm 84:10-12
/ 49:37 M0000624 Cornerstone 120524-A peace, presence of God, YHVH, YHWH, The Existing One, spiritual realm, spiritual reality, worship, trust, upright | #peace #presenceofGod #YHVH #YHWH #TheExistingOne #spiritualrealm #spiritualreality #worship #trust #upright
Ready Servants, video version recorded 210822 Luke 12:35-36-
/ 55:05 M0000613 Cornerstone 260420-P second coming of Christ, end times, darkness, light, holiness, responsibility, service, light of the world
Video Tags: #secondcomingofChrist #endtimes #darkness #light #holiness #responsibility #service #lightoftheworld
Realities Of Worship | Revelation 4:8, Revelation 4:11, Revelation 5:9-10, Revelation 5:12-13
45:02 / 46:48 M0000591 Cornerstone 260420-P praise, protocol, worshiping, heaven, sovereignty of God, sovereign, Savior, source, superior, salvation, supreme |
#praise #protocol #worshiping #heaven #sovereigntyofGod #sovereign #Savior #source #superior #salvation #supreme
Revelation 1:3, The Foundational Apocalyptic Blessing | Revelation 1:3
37:53 / 39:44 M0000562 Cornerstone 061019-P read, reads, reading, hear, listen, distraction, distractions, heed, keep, obey, keeping, obeying, obedience, watch, watchfulness, Holy Spirit
Revelation 14:3, The Apocalyptic Blessing For The Dead In Christ | Revelation 14:13
49:36 / 54:57 M0000568 Cornerstone 101119-P reconciliation, salvation, death, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, The Revelation, The Apocalypse, rest, works, reward, Babylon, Babylon the Whore, Great Tribulation, judgment
Revelation 16:15, The Apocalyptic Blessing With Grave Warning! | Revelation 16:15
45:36 / 48:00 M0000574 Cornerstone 291219-P salvation, lies, lying, truth, untruth, deception, delusion, unity, Evangelicals, falsehood, protect, Beast, Antichrist, false miracles, lying wonders, Armageddon
Revelation 19:9, The Apocalyptic Blessing You Must Not Miss | Revelation 19:9
46:42 / 48:37 M0000577 Cornerstone 190120-P salvation, voice of God, called, fellowship with God, sup, dedicated, dedication, Lake of Fire, Hell |
#salvation #voiceofGod #called #fellowshipwithGod #sup #dedicated #dedication #LakeOfFire #Hell
Revelation 20:6, The Apocalyptic Blessing Of The First Resurrection | Revelation 20:6
46:39 / 49:23 M0000582 Cornerstone 230220-P surrender, surrendered, commit, committed, uncompromising, saved, salvation, holy, holiness, sanctified, serve, serving, behead, beheading, persecution |
#surrender #surrendered #commit #committed #uncompromising #saved #salvation #holy #holiness #sanctified #serve #serving #behead #beheading #persecution
Revelation 22:7, An Apocalyptic Blessing With A Most Important Directive | Revelation 22:7
44:43 / 47:28 M0000586 Cornerstone 220320-P obedience, obey, prophecy, sayings, blessings, guard, church, churches, seven churches, salvation, blessed |
#obedience #obey #prophecy #sayings #blessings #guard #church #churches #sevenchurches #salvation #blessed
Revelation 22:14, The Apocalyptic Blessing That Calls Us To Obedience | Revelation 22:14
45:42 / 48:13 M0000590 Cornerstone 190420-P obedience, obey, faithfulness, heaven, Tree Of Life, Eternal Life, New Jerusalem, salvation |
#obedience #obey #faithfulness #heaven #TreeOfLife #EternalLife #NewJerusalem #salvation
Soar From Hopeless To Hope With God's Help | Psalm 42:5
44:09 / 46:34 M0000598 Cornerstone 070620-P stability, stable, lasting, sure, praise, presence of God, soul, trust |
#stability #stable #lasting #sure #praise #presenceofGod #soul #trust
Survival | 1 Kings 17:2-9
44:45 / 49:33 M0000602 Cornerstone 050720-P obedience, trust, direction, provision, support, fellowship with God |
#obedience #trust #direction #provision #support #fellowshipwithGod
Sweet Sovereignty Of God | Job 40:1-14
50:05 / 54:25 M0000553 Cornerstone 040819-P Job, Almighty, omnipotent, omnipotence of God, depraved, depravity, sin nature, sinful nature, trust
The Dividing Light - Video version recorded 101223 | John 1:9-13
/ 51:41 M0000617 Cornerstone 090723-A darkness, salvation, God is light, sons of God, children of God, sonship, non-Jews, Jews, believe, believing |
Video Tags: #darkness #salvation #GodIsLight #sonsofGod #childrenofGod #sonship #non_Jews #Jews #believe #believing
The Double Blessing Of God's Word - Video version recorded 210724 | Psalm 19:11
/ 51:05 M0000628 Cornerstone 300624-A warn, warning, rewards, Word Of God, Holy Bible | #warn #warning #rewards #WordOfGod #HolyBible
The Greatest Kiss | Psalm 85
48:49 / 51:46 M0000541 Cornerstone 050519-P wrath of God, anger, judgment, mercy, rejoice, rejoicing, joy, mercy, truth, righteousness, peace, cross, blood, fruitfulness, fruit, salvation |
#wrathofGod #anger #judgment #mercy #rejoice #rejoicing #joy #mercy #truth #righteousness #peace #cross #blood #fruitfulness #fruit #salvation
The Not-So-Wise Solomon | 1 Kings 11:1-14, 23, 26
45:38 / 48:53 M0000576 Cornerstone 120120-P disobedience, disobey, displeasing, disturbed, disturbances, discipline, disappointing, sonship, satan, rebel, rebellion
The Spirit Says | Topical Acts 21:10-11, 1 Timothy 4:1, Hebrews 3:7-12, Hebrews 10:15-18, Revelation 14:13
47:55 / 49:31 M0000592 Cornerstone 030520-P salvation, voice of God, grace, power, persecution, peace, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost |
#salvation #voiceofGod #grace #power #persecution #peace #HolySpirit #HolyGhost
The Time Factor | John 9:3-5
44:08 / 47:18 M0000579 Cornerstone 020220-P night, work, light, evangelism, evangelize, witness, darkness, day of salvation, salvation, life, zoe |
#night #work #light #evangelism #evangelize #witness #darkness #dayofsalvation #salvation #life #zoe
Threefold Incarnation Blessing | Luke 2:11-12
48:20 / 49:53 M0000572 Cornerstone 151219-P liberator, liberate, free, set free, Lord, king, sovereign, life, abundant life, incarnation, salvation, Christmas | #liberator #liberate #free #setfree #Lord #king #sovereign #life #abundantlife #incarnation #salvation #Christmas
Thy Faith Can Make Thee Whole | Luke 17:11-19
46:50 / 48:53 M0000585 Cornerstone 150320-P loyal, trust, submit, admit, earnestness, healing, salvation, leprosy, sin, sin nature, thanks, thanksgiving |
#loyal #trust #submit #admit #earnestness #healing #salvation #leprosy #sin #sin nature #thanks #thanksgiving
Time To Sober Up - Video version recorded 090723 | 1 Peter 4:7
/ 49:45 M0000614 Cornerstone 090723-A Bible prophecy, prophetic, end times, Great Tribulation, mark of the beast, the second coming of Christ, mind, prayer |
Video Tags: #Bibleprophecy #prophetic #endtimes #GreatTribulation #markofthebeast #secondcomingofChrist #mind #prayer
To Stray Or To Stay | 2 John 9
46:56 / 48:43 M0000594 Cornerstone 170520-P doctrine, teaching, Christ, salvation, deceived, deception, Godhead, Trinity, son, sonship |
#doctrine #teaching #Christ #salvation #deceived #deception #Godhead #Trinity #son #sonship
Treasures From His Mirror - Video Version recorded 031021 | | James 1:22-25
To be produced / 52:14 M0000611 Cornerstone 031021-A Video keywords: Word Of God, liberty, freedom, obedience, loving God, blessing |
Video tags: #WordOfGod #liberty #freedom #obedience #lovingGod #blessing
Triple Danger | Proverbs 31:4-5
47:10 / 49:39 M0000601 Cornerstone 280620-P delusion, deluded, deviate, deviation, debase, debasement, justice, judgment, Word of God, strong drink, intoxication, drunk, drunken, drunkenness, sober |
#delusion #deluded #deviate #deviation #debase #debasement #justice #judgment #WordofGod #strongdrink #intoxication #drunk #drunken #drunkenness #sober
True Liberty | Romans 6:18
45:50 / 48:38 M0000588 Cornerstone 050420-P life, purpose, love, The Church, The Body of Christ, pure, holy, holiness, crucified, raised, sacrifice, propitiation |
#life #purpose #love #TheChurch #TheBodyOfChrist #pure #holy #holiness #crucified #raised #sacrifice #propitiation
Truth: Alive And Well! | Topical John 1:14, John 5:39, John 6:32-35, John 7:18, John 14:6, John 17:17, 1 John 5:20
42:18 / 44:32 M0000581 Cornerstone 160220-P Jesus Christ, Christ, life, way, Word of God, logos, Messiah |
#JesusChrist #Christ #life #way #WordOfGod #logos #Messiah
Truth: Written | Topical Psalm 12:6, Psalm 119:89, Psalm 119:160, Psalm 138:2, 2 Timothy 3:16
45:03 / 47:47 M0000580 Cornerstone 090220-P true, Holy Bible, Word of God, inspired, inspiration, pure, supremacy of the Holy Bible, translations, versions, fake images, fake videos, fake news, lies, deception |
#true #HolyBible #WordOfGod #inspired #inspiration #pure #supremacyoftheHolyBible #translations #versions #fakeimages #fakevideos #fakenews #lies #deception
Two Things That Are Sure - Video version recorded 220924 | Nahum 1:8, 7
/ 43:42 M0000633 Cornerstone 220924-A judgment, justice, last judgment, destruction, protection, Great Tribulation, safety, salvation, hell, lake of fire, damnation, darkness, heaven, Eternal Life | #judgment #justice #lastjudgment #destruction #protection #GreatTribulation #safety #salvation #hell #lakeoffire #damnation #darkness #heaven #EternalLife
Used! | Genesis 16:1-6, Genesis 21:8-21
48:30 / 51:32 M0000583 Cornerstone 010320-P Ishmael, Arabs, Jews, blame, abuse, hate, hatred, hope, empowered, empowerment, blessed, blessing, single parent, Hagar |
#Ishmael #Arabs #Jews #blame #abuse #hate #hatred #hope #empowered #empowerment #blessed #blessing #singleparent #Hagar
Vital Directives For God's Child - Video version recorded 260524 | Proverbs 6:20-24
/ 45:07 M0000626 Cornerstone 300624-A law of God, commandment, Word Of God, Holy Scriptures, Holy Bible, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, leading, guiding, protection, discipline | #lawofGod #commandment #WordOfGod #HolyScriptures #HolyBible #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #leading #guiding #protection #discipline
What Type Of Faith? | Topical Joshua 14:13-14, 2 Chronicles 25:1-2, 2 Chronicles 25:14-15, Mark 10:17-23, John 6:15, John 6:25-26, John 12:1-6
38:43 / 40:08 M0000584 Cornerstone 080320-P loyal, loyalty, loving God, dedicated, committed, thief, steal, materialism, cheap grace |
#loyal #loyalty #lovingGod #dedicated #committed #thief #steal #materialism #cheapgrace
Where To Find True Peace - Video version recorded 270823 | John 14:25-27, Psalm 119:161-165, Romans 8:2, Romans 8:5-6, Isaiah 26:3-4
/ 49:45 M0000615 Cornerstone 090723-A peace, peace of God, salvation, Jesus Christ, Word Of God, law, law of the Spirit of life in Christ, law of sin and death, carnal mind, spiritual mind, Holy Spirit, focus |
Video Tags: #peace #peaceofGod #salvation #JesusChrist #WordOfGod #law #lawoftheSpiritoflifeinChrist #lawofsinanddeath #carnalmind #spiritualmind #HolySpirit #focus
Whose Word? | Luke 11:27-28
48:12 / 50:25 M0000544 Cornerstone 260519-P Word Of God, Holy Bible, Mary, Mary the mother of Jesus, blessed, family, denominations, Roman Catholicism, Catholic church, purgatory, false doctrines, half truths, false prophets, Bible translations |
#WordOfGod #HolyBible #Mary #MarythemotherofJesus #blessed #family #denominations #RomanCatholicism #Catholicchurch #purgatory #falsedoctrines #halftruths #falseprophets #Bibletranslations
Why, And How, We Are To Let It Go - Video version recorded 290924 | Philemon 9-10
/ 50:00 M0000634 Cornerstone 290924-A judgment of God, justice, damnation, hell, penalty, punishment, Christ, cross, forgiveness, sacrifice, refresh | #judgmentofGod #justice #damnation #hell #penalty #punishment #Christ #cross #forgiveness #sacrifice #refresh
You Are Called - Video Version recorded 080821 | Mark 13:33-37
To be produced / 56:00 M0000609 Cornerstone 080821-A Second Coming Of Christ, prophecy, apocalypse, alertness, prayer, serve, watch |
#SecondComingOfChrist #prophecy #apocalypse #alertness #prayer #serve #watch

That is it for now but God willing this page will grow over the coming months!

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