Image for Malachi: Summonses From YHVH To Purify

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Summonses From YHVH To
An online commentary in podcast form by brother Peter Macinta
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   True Christians through the centuries have yearned for the return of Christ (Messiah) ever since He ascended to heaven. However, there are those who name the Name of Christ who fail to follow the directive of 1 John 3:3 (NKJ), And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. Add to this the forces of darkness influencing the Church with doctrines such as cheap grace, the weakening of the Word of God by the dissemination of tainted translations and versions of the Holy Bible, and the introduction of spiritually poisonous ideas like The Church has no need of the Old Testament.

   There is something within such sinister spirits that knows very well the true saving potency of the written Word of God, from Genesis to The Revelation, when coupled with the Holy Spirit will have a spiritual cleansing affect upon those whose hearts are tender with love toward God through Christ. God desires to purify people before the day arrives when the elements shall melt with fervent heat (2 Peter 3:10-12).

   The sacred book of Malachi points to the coming of the Messiah and summons God's people to be purified. One might think Malachi was written only to the Jews and has little to do with Christians. However, it must be remembered that we who trust in Christ are spiritual Jews, that grace includes the truth that we are empowered through the Spirit of Christ to obey God, and therefore we must respond to the calls for self-examination and self-purification.

   The series of indictments and the calls to purify in Malachi certainly apply to today's Church. And, because of the mercies of God, I would say they apply to those who are not regenerated, the unsaved, the lost. After all, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9 AKJV).

   These podcasts on the sacred book of Malachi comprise an audio commentary focused upon the spiritual needs of the True Church, the pseudo-church, and those that belong to neither entity because God desires all to inherit Eternal Life and avoid eternal damnation.

   Finally, I would add that we can find this timely theme in Malachi:

Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal:
The Lord knows those who are His, and,

Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
— 2 Timothy 2:19 NKJ.

 Podcast,    length,   date recorded, designation, keywords and tags:  

Malachi 1:1 With Overview  ⋄ 40:31 ⋄ 091123 ⋄ Ma00 ⋄ 
Holy Bible prophecy, minor prophets, prophetic, LORD of Hosts, YHVH of Hosts, love, return of Messiah, return of Christ, purify |
#HolyBibleprophecy #minorprophets #prophetic #LORDofHosts #YHVHofHosts #love #returnofMessiah #returnofChrist #purify

Malachi 1:2-5  ⋄ 39:44 ⋄ 161123 ⋄ Ma01 ⋄ 
Edom, Esau, love, hate, hatred, LORD of Hosts, dragons, jackals, unicorns, prophecy, Babylonian exile, judgment, spiritual blindness, hardness of heart |
#Edom #Esau #love #hate #hatred #LORDofHosts #dragons #jackals #unicorns #prophecy #Babylonianexile #judgment #spiritualblindness #hardnessofheart

Malachi 1:6-7  ⋄ 39:09 ⋄ 011223 ⋄ Ma02 ⋄ 
ministers, ministers of the Gospel, LORD of hosts, YHVH of hosts, Name of God, defile, defilement, son, love, obedience, father, fear, honor |
#ministers #ministersoftheGospel #LORDofhosts #YHVHofhosts #NameofGod #defile #defilement #son #love #obedience #father #fear #honor

Malachi 1:8-9  ⋄ 44:53 ⋄ 141223 ⋄ Ma03 ⋄ 
Old Testament Sacrifices, blind, sick, lame, without blemish, best, perfect, perfectionist, perfection, perfectionism, cheap grace, spiritual blindness, spiritual lameness, evil |
#Old_Testament_Sacrifices #blind #sick #lame #without_blemish #best #perfect #perfectionist #perfection #perfectionism #cheap_grace #spiritual_blindness #spiritual_lameness #evil

Malachi 1:10-11  ⋄ 44:53 ⋄ 211223 ⋄ Ma04 ⋄ 
greed, avarice, indictments, Name of God, great, greatness, sacrifices, prayer, intercession, intercessory prayer, worship, Jehovah, YHVH, YHWH, Jesus Christ |
#greed #avarice #indictments #NameofGod #great #greatness #sacrifices #prayer #intercession #intercessoryprayer #worship #Jehovah #YHVH #YHWH #JesusChrist

Malachi 1:12-14  ⋄ 49:52 ⋄ 040124 ⋄ Ma05 ⋄ 
profane, name of The LORD, name of YHVH, sacrifice, sacrifices, grace, heathen, righteous anger, King, Savior, Lord |
#profane #nameofTheLORD #nameofYHVH #sacrifice #sacrifices #grace #heathen #righteousanger #King #Savior #Lord

Malachi 1:14-2:4  ⋄ 42:55 ⋄ 110124 ⋄ Ma06 ⋄ 
YHVH, YHWH, Jehovah, Existing One, priests, curse, curses, cursed, Name Of God, The Name Of The LORD, obedience, glorify, honor, chastisement, punishment, Levi |
#YHVH #YHWH #Jehovah #ExistingOne #priests #curse #curses #cursed #NameOfGod #TheNameOfTheLORD #obedience #glorify #honor #chastisement #punishment #Levi

Malachi 2:4-7  ⋄ 41:03 ⋄ 180124 ⋄ Ma07 ⋄ 
covenant, Levi, life and peace, Baal of Peor, Baal-peor, Baalpeor, priest, priesthood, truth, Torah |
#covenant #Levi #lifeandpeace #BaalofPeor #Baal-peor #Baalpeor #priest #priesthood #truth #Torah

Malachi 2:7-10  ⋄ 40:53 ⋄ 250124 ⋄ Ma08 ⋄ 
priest, priesthood, minister, minster of the Gospel, teach, teaching, teachers, Word Of God, Holy Bible |
#priest #priesthood #minister #minsteroftheGospel #teach #teaching #teachers #WordOfGod #HolyBible

Malachi 2:10  ⋄ 38:20 ⋄ 080224 ⋄ Ma09 ⋄ 
love, unity, Father, family, sin, idols, idolatry, marriage, Catholic, Roman Catholic |
#love #unity #Father #family #sin #idols #idolatry #marriage #Catholic #RomanCatholic

Malachi 2:10-12  ⋄ 34:22 ⋄ 220224 ⋄ Ma10 ⋄ 
marriage, foreign wives, covenant, abomination, Judah, Israel, profaned, priests |
#marriage #foreignwives #covenant #abomination #Judah #Israel #profaned #priests

Malachi 2:13-14  ⋄ 45:40 ⋄ 290224 ⋄ Ma11 ⋄ 
marriage, divorce, divorce and remarriage, crying, weeping, polygamy, Jews, Ashkenazi, Sephardic, covenant, vow, hypocrisy, fault |
#marriage #divorce #divorceandremarriage #divorce_and_remarriage #crying #weeping #polygamy #Jews #Ashkenazi #Sephardic #covenant #vow #hypocrisy #fault

Malachi 2:15  ⋄ 36:25 ⋄ 140324 ⋄ Ma12 ⋄ 
marriage, divorce, divorce and remarriage, vows, covenant, one flesh, one, oneness, unity, sex, Adam and Eve, primal ordinance, Genesis |
#marriage #divorce #divorceandremarriage #vows #covenant #oneflesh #one #oneness #unity #sex #AdamandEve #primalordinance #Genesis

Malachi 2:16  ⋄ 41:12 ⋄ 210324 ⋄ Ma13 ⋄ 
marriage, divorce, divorce and remarriage, violence, hate, God hates divorce, watchful, spirit, Old Testament, Marcion |
#marriage #divorce #divorceandremarriage #violence #hate #Godhatesdivorce #watchful #spirit #OldTestament #Marcion

Malachi 2:17  ⋄ 37:37 ⋄ 280324 ⋄ Ma14 ⋄ 
criticizing God, delusion, evil for good, good for evil, satan, lucifer |
#criticizingGod #delusion #evilforgood #goodforevil #satan #lucifer

Malachi - Prophetic Overview  ⋄ 47:09 ⋄ 040424 ⋄ Ma15 ⋄ 
Biblical prophecy, prophecy, prophetic, Daniel, timeline, prophetic blending, first advent of Christ, second advent of Christ, Great Tribulation, The Beast, The Antichrist, prophetic harmonics, abomination that causes desolation, seventy weeks, Joel, John The Baptist |
#Biblicalprophecy #prophecy #prophetic #Daniel #timeline #propheticblending #firstadventof Christ #secondadventofChrist #GreatTribulation #TheBeast #TheAntichrist #propheticharmonics #abominationthatcausesdesolation #seventyweeks #Joel #JohnTheBaptist

Points Of Time For Topics And Subtopics:
1:01 A reading of Malachi 3:1-6; 3:25 Prophetic timelines in general; 4:07 The prophetic timeline of Daniel 2; 10:28 The prophetic timeline of Daniel 9:25-27 (see below, Special Note On Daniel 9:27); 19:31+ Prophetic Blending; 25:34 Prophetic Blending found in Joel; 32:10 Prophetic Harmonics (36:58 The Abomination That Causes Desolation); 41:19 Some purposes of Holy Bible Prophecy.
Special Note On Daniel 9:27: In regard to Daniel 9:27 a number of commentators feel that the person confirming the covenant with many (or making many strong) for one week is Christ and / or He is the one who causes the sacrifices and oblations to cease in the midst of the week. I have not read all of the material on these viewpoints but I do know that there is nothing in the New Testament that shows Christ made a covenant or made many strong for seven years. The other question that would come to my mind is why make a covenant, or make many strong, for only seven years? I have additional questions in regard to these matters but it was not the purpose of this podcast to explore the matter nor do I currently have time to do research on it.

Malachi 2:17 to 3:1  ⋄ 36:13 ⋄ 180424 ⋄ Ma16 ⋄ 
prophecy, prophetic, Christ, first advent of Christ, Temple, John The Baptist, The Church |
#prophecy #prophetic #Christ #firstadvent ofChrist #Temple #JohnTheBaptist #TheChurch

Malachi 3:2-4  ⋄ 37:00 ⋄ 250424 ⋄ Ma17 ⋄ 
prophecy, prophetic, prophetic blending, Christ, first advent of Christ, second advent of Christ, second coming, Great Tribulation, purify, refine, refining, Jews, Israel, millennial reign of Christ, ten lost tribes |
#prophecy #prophetic #propheticblending #Christ #firstadventofChrist #secondadventofChrist #SecondComing #GreatTribulation #purify #refine #refining #Jews #Israel #millennialreignofChrist #TenLostTribes

Malachi 3:5-6  ⋄ 41:55 ⋄ 020524 ⋄ Ma18 ⋄ 
sorcery, adultery, perjury, prophecy, prophetic, prophetic blending, Christ, first advent of Christ, second advent of Christ, second coming, Great Tribulation, mercy |
#sorcery #adultery #perjury #prophecy #prophetic #propheticblending #Christ #firstadventofChrist #secondadventofChrist #secondcoming #GreatTribulation #mercy

Malachi 3:6-9  ⋄ 37:11 ⋄ 160524 ⋄ Ma19 ⋄ 
ordinances of God, return, Elohim, rob, robbing God, defraud, defrauding God, tithes, offerings, curse |
#ordinancesofGod #return #Elohim #rob #robbingGod #defraud #defraudingGod #tithes #offerings #curse

Malachi 3:10-12  ⋄ 36:57 ⋄ 230524 ⋄ Ma20 ⋄ 
tithe, tithes, tithing, blessing, power of God, offerings, finances, wealth, mammon, giving, pastors, bishops |
#tithe #tithes #tithing #blessing #powerofGod #promiseofGod #offerings #finances #wealth #mammon #giving #pastors #bishops

Malachi 3:13-15  ⋄ 36:07 ⋄ 300524 ⋄ Ma21 ⋄ 
insolence, disrespect, brazen, proud, tempting God, Fatherhood Of God, speaking against God, serving God, reward, sinners |
#insolence #disrespect #brazen #proud #temptingGod #FatherhoodOfGod #speakingagainstGod #servingGod #reward #sinners

Malachi 3:16-18  ⋄ 36:05 ⋄ 130624 ⋄ Ma22 ⋄ 
fear of God, fear of the Lord, fear of YHVH, fear of Jehovah, speak, remembrance, jewels, peculiar treasure, day of the Lord, prophetic, Great Tribulation, millennial reign, second coming of Christ, discern, discernment |
#fearofGod #fearoftheLord #fearofYHVH #fearofJehovah #speak #remembrance #jewels #peculiartreasure #dayoftheLord #prophetic #GreatTribulation #millennialreign #secondcomingofChrist #discern #discernment

Malachi 3:18-4:1  ⋄ 42:10 ⋄ 200624 ⋄ Ma23 ⋄ 
discern, discernment, The Day Of The LORD, The Day Of YHVH, Great Tribulation, millennial reign, fervent heat, judgment of God, judgment, proud, wicked, destruction, damnation |
#discern #discernment #TheDayOfTheLORD #TheDayOfYHVH #GreatTribulation #millennialreign #ferventheat #judgmentofGod #judgment #proud #wicked #destruction #damnation

Malachi 4:2  ⋄ 30:07 ⋄ 270624 ⋄ Ma24 ⋄ 
Sun of righteousness, day star, morning star, dayspring, dawn, dawning, prophetic, prophesy, Bride of Christ |
#lawofGod #commandment #WordOfGod #HolyScriptures #HolyBible #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #leading #guiding #protection #discipline

Malachi 4:2-3  ⋄ 48:28 ⋄ 110724 ⋄ Ma25 ⋄ 
healing, marriage, life, zoe life, zoe, vibrant life, eternal life, everlasting life, The Four Living Creatures, Tree Of Life, The Day Of The Lord, the return of Christ, the Second Advent, resurrection, rapture, purify |
#healing #marriage #life #zoelife #zoe #vibrantlife #eternallife #everlastinglife #TheFourLivingCreatures #TreeOfLife #TheDayOfTheLord #thereturnofChrist #theSecondAdvent #resurrection #rapture #purify

Malachi 4:4  ⋄ 37:05 ⋄ 180724 ⋄ Ma26 ⋄ 
Moses, Law Of Moses, Israel, all Israel, remnant, synagogues, Antiochus, judgments, statutes, Elijah |
#Moses #LawOfMoses #Israel #allIsrael #remnant #synagogues #Antiochus #judgments #statutes #Elijah

Malachi 4:5-6  ⋄ 41:48 ⋄ 250724 ⋄ Ma27 ⋄ 
Elijah, Moses, Two Witnesses Of Revelation, unity, false unity, Great Tribulation, Millennial Reign Of Christ, Kingdom Of God, prophecy, prophetic, prophetic blend, Day Of The Lord, purify, One Hundred Forty Four Thousand |
#Elijah #Moses #TwoWitnessesOfRevelation #unity #falseunity #GreatTribulation #MillennialReignOfChrist #KingdomOfGod #prophecy #prophetic #propheticblend #DayOfTheLord #purify #OneHundredFortyFourThousand

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