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I Enjoy Energizing Soy Protein

If you read my article on B-Complex you will know that I once was nervous and depressed. I believe God has healed me through Jesus Christ and has also led me through various circumstances to take better care of my body. One of those paths was the introduction we had to certain supplements.

As I studied about depression, I came across the fact, at least back then it was a fact, that the amino acid Tryptophan was helpful.

A certain company's soy protein drinks have always contained Tryptophan and numerous other essential amino acids.

Personally, with our Lord's merciful help, I feel this company's B-Complex and Soy Protein has played a very large role in keeping my nervousness and depression away. I would definitely hate to be without either product and it's a pleasure to drink this protein mix for breakfast. I now drink it three times a day!

I would mention the name of the brand, but in 2024 the company insisted that its re-sellers do not mention any personal testimonies in regard to their products. We now sell these products and are based in Cambridge, Dorchester County, Maryland.

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