not figurative (Understanding the Holy Bible-2)
Adoption, the (Holy) Spirit of (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
affected by the devil's fall (Living By Faith)
are infinite (Living By Faith)
exclusive to God (Who God Is)
moral attributes of God (Who God Is)
moral attributes of God are to be shared by us (Who God Is)
noting the attributes of God while worshiping is the highest form of praise (Worship)
authority, human:
when to disobey (Primary Loyalty)
automatic universal salvation (error of):
in lyrics of music (e.g., "Father Abraham") (Worship)
Baptism of the Holy Spirit:
an added way of worshiping God (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
announced by John the Baptist (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
as added protection (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
baptizes us into the Body of Christ, the Church (The Church)
controlling the human tongue (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
disciples miraculously spoke in languages they had not learned (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
empowers us for external ministry (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
empowers us to spread the Gospel (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
enables us to supernaturally serve our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (The Church)
endues (clothes) us with power from on high (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
flames of fire above peoples' heads is not seen today, why (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
gives power to witness (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
increases spiritual fruit (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
is for today (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
is for today shown by Peter's preaching on the day of Pentecost (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
is the promise of the Father (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
its nature (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
its necessity (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
those receiving it were yeiled to whatever the Holy Spirit wanted to do (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
misconceptions about can be cleared up by correct by Bible interpretation (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
misinformation about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit prevents one from receiving it (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
misunderstanding the Scriptures dealing with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit prevents one from receiving it (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
not a miracle of hearing, but one of speaking occurred in Acts 2 (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
one does not have to have hands laid upon them in order to receive (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
one's flesh, naturally opposed to the things of God, will prevent one from receiving it (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
power and purpose of (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
receiving the (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
some rules of 1 Corinthians 14 are not intended for (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
some wrong ideas about corrected (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
some rules of 1 Corinthians 14 are not intended for (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
speaking in tongues by a true Christian is the initial evidence that they have receieved (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
speaking in tongues during the Baptism of the Holy Spirit does not have to be interpreted (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
speaking in tongues is acceptable and should be expected in church (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
special intercessory prayer by (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
the Greek word dorea distinguishes it from the gift of tongues in 1 Cor. 12-14 (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
those receiving it desired a deeper walk (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
those receiving it were obedient to Christ (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
those receiving it were yeiled to whatever the Holy Spirit wanted to do (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
tongues can be faked (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
tongues recorded in Acts 2 were not languages the disciples already knew (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
worship often precedes receiving it (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
Baptism, Water:
1 Corinthians 15:29 (Water Baptism)
any disciple may baptize a new convert (Water Baptism)
baptismal regeneration, the view of (Water Baptism)
baptizing the dead (Water Baptism)
baptizing babies (Water Baptism)
commanded by Christ (Water Baptism)
converts who were baptized as babies (infants) ought to be baptized after their conversion (Water Baptism)
Didache, The (Water Baptism)
godparents (Water Baptism)
how it should be done (Water Baptism)
infant baptism (Water Baptism)
is a public confession of dedication to Christ (Water Baptism)
John 3:15, meaning of (Water Baptism)
meaning of (Water Baptism)
new converts are to be baptized by disicples (Water Baptism)
new converts ought to desire to be baptized in water (Water Baptism)
not a condition for salvation (Water Baptism)
not enough water for immersion (Water Baptism)
one does not have to be a pastor to baptize a new convert (Water Baptism)
only in the name of Jesus Christ, no command for (Water Baptism)
pronouncement (Water Baptism)
reinforces within the disciple the spiritual reality of being baptized into the death of Christ and being raised into newness of life (Water Baptism)
sponsors (Water Baptism)
The Didache (Water Baptism)
should be done as soon as possible after conversion (Water Baptism)
washing away sins (Water Baptism)
what public statement is made (Water Baptism)
what spiritually happens (Water Baptism)
when pouring is permissible (Water Baptism)
when sprinkling is permissible (Water Baptism)
young children, water baptism(Water Baptism)
Bible Go to Holy Bible
Body of Christ:
mutual importance of each member (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
the Body of Christ as the Church (Primary Loyalty)
term used for scroll in the Holy Bible (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
brief explanation of His subordination to the Father (Who God Is)
chose not to use prerogatives of His deity during His earthly ministry--Php. 4:7 (kenosis) (Living By Faith)
deity of (Who God Is)
deity of proven by Php. 4:6 (morphay) (Living By Faith)
deity of proven by the fact that He accepted worship (Worship)
dwells within those who are truly committed to Him (Living By Faith)
is the only Way of salvation (Living By Faith)
Sonship of (Living By Faith)
walking in Christ is a learning process (Living By Faith)
Christ, death of:
being crucified in Christ in Christ means we died with Him (Living By Faith)
"dying with Christ" is more than a figure speech (Living By Faith)
helps us to cause our flesh to enter into His death (Living By Faith)
we actually enter into it when we truly commit to Him (Living By Faith)
we actually enter into it when we truly commit to Him (Living By Faith)
Christ, victorious life of:
given to us after committing to Him (Living By Faith)
Christianity (true):
subordination of the Son to the Father (Living By Faith)
attending a local fellowship (The Church)
attending a real Holy Bible believing Pentecostal church (The Church)
defined as a gathering of believers (Primary Loyalty)
Ephesians 4:11-12 / Eph. 4:11-12 (The Church)
essential doctrines (teachings) that a local fellowship ought to have (The Church)
if dark times strike (The Church)
is to be a theocracy (The Church)
keys to the kingdom of heaven (reign of the heavens) (The Church)
much of the history of the true Church recorded in Martyr's Mirror (The Church)
must be careful not to bow to every dictate of human government (The Church)
must be ruled by the Word Of God and The Holy Spirit (The Church)
must not be influenced by the world nor by way the world conducts their matters (The Church)
must not make anyone who is unsaved an official member (The Church)
not the source of salvation (Primary Loyalty)
participation in (Primary Loyalty)
personal politics have no place in the Church (The Church)
one reason why some churches or fellowships are not officially nonprofit (The Church)
serving in a local church (fellowship) (The Church)
sound doctrine (teaching), importance of in the church (The Church)
the Church in the early centuries was corrupted by politics from human government (The Church)
there always remained a number of true disciples of Christ despite corruption in the nominal Church (The Church)
the sabbath in regard to attending church (The Church)
the term church used interchangeably with the the term "body of Christ" (The Church)
the true Church (Primary Loyalty)
the true and nominal Church (The Church)
the true Church cannot be pinpointed (Primary Loyalty)
the true Church exists by the decree of God (The Church)
the true universal Church operates every moment (The Church)
the underground church (The Church)
the written Word of God ought to be the focus of a church service (The Church)
we are to spiritually edify others (The Church)
doctrine and morals (Primary Loyalty)
"Choice" radio program (1980's) example of (Primary Loyalty)
description of (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
God speaks to our conscience while praying (Prayer)
located in our mind (Primary Loyalty)
must be clear in worship (Worship)
there can be problems with our (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
example for spiritual death (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
not the source of salvation (Primary Loyalty)
devil, the:
challenges our salvation through doubt (Primary Loyalty)
in worship (Worship)
essential ones
flee from (Primary Loyalty)
a priority due to over 6 billion people (Primary Loyalty)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
is an expression of our supreme Loyalty to God (Primary Loyalty)
is needed to please God (Living By Faith)
is not blind, but based on facts (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
not mere belief (Primary Loyalty)
not mere belief (Living By Faith)
partial Biblical definition of (Living By Faith)
true faith in God has godly action (Living By Faith)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
placing God first (Primary Loyalty)
why God subsists as (Living By Faith)
fruit of the Holy Spirit:
general discussion on (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
list of (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
necessity of (Fruit And- Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
gift of prophecy::
caution on prophecy [those claiming to be prophets] (Primary Loyalty)
approachable (Who God Is)
Christ only mediator (Who God Is)
is King (Who God Is) [see also sovereignty of God]
to be our Friend (Who God Is)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
can mean the ability through Christ within us to do what is pleasing to the Father (Living By Faith)
definitions of (Living By Faith)
certain words do not require an article (Understanding the Holy Bible-2)
guidance (divine):
accessible to every true Christian (Primary Loyalty)
meaning of (Worship)
list of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
is needed for Eternal Life (Living By Faith)
in worship (Worship)
the predominate moral attribute of God (Who God Is)
Holy Bible:
Holy Bible-Understanding (Interpreting):
For other versions besides the King James, New King James and New International Version please see versions of the Bible.
as the written instructions to our spirit (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
basic goals in studying (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
term, "bible," means "books" (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
chapter and verse numbers should not interrupt our flow of thought when reading and studying (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
chapter and verse numbers were added, when and by whom (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
comprised of Old and New Testaments (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
creating a notebook (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
cross references in (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
denying the flesh and reading it develops the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Living By Faith)
does not err in history (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
does not err in science (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
early Christians noted the inherent authority of its books (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
early Christians noted the inherent power of its books (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
formation of directed by the Holy Spirit (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
every word of it is to be believed (Living By Faith)
God's revelation of Himself and of His will to man (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
headings and subheadings, use caution on (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
inspiration of (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
is a spiritual book (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
italicized words of (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
its commands and precepts are be acted upon by us (Living By Faith)
its principles work (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
its prophecies literally come to pass (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
its study should be approached with prayer (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
its truth does not change (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
just because a cover says "Holy Bible," that does not mean it is the real thing (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
King James (Primary Loyalty)
levels of meaning of passage (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
lives are changed by it (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
marking the (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
Martin Luther's life was changed by (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
memorizing the order of its books (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
nature and purpose of (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
New International Version not preferred (Primary Loyalty)
New King James (Primary Loyalty)
not a history textbook (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
not a science textbook (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
not a work of man, but a work of God through man (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
notes / notations in (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
notes / notations in may be misleading (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
our language changes--one reason why new translations/versions are needed (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
original languages of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
paraphrases of, about (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
preferred versions (Primary Loyalty)
preferred versions (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
reading it is part of our maintenance of our salvation (Primary Loyalty)
reading it makes us stronger (Living By Faith)
reading the whole Bible within a year (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
reasons (some of the) we know it is the Word of God (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
relevant to every facet of our lives (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
reliable translations should be used (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
revisions (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
speaks as one Book though comprised of many books (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
studies, types of (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
study helps (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
study helps--caution on (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
suicide prevented by (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
suggested general reading schedule (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
supreme rule for the Christian life, the (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
translations (term explained) of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
translations, partial list of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
types of (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
versions (term explained) of (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
We should distinguish between what the Holy Bible records and what it commands (Understanding the Holy Bible-2)
will not contradict itself when godly principles of interpretation are followed (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
without error when originally written (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
Holy Spirit:
added inner cleansing (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
as the "vocal" instructions to our spirit (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
can be shamefully treated (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
Comforter, referred to as the (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
Comforter--meaning of the term (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
deity of (Who God Is)
dwells in all true Christians (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
emblems of (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
flow of may depend upon our obedience (Worship)
fruit of developed by denying the flesh and reading the Word of God (Living By Faith)
fruit of the, discussion on the (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
fruit of the, in-depth discussion (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
fruit of the, list of the (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
fruit of the, in-depth list (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
gifts of the (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
guides us in understanding/interpreting the Holy Bible (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
has intellect, sensibilities and will (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
manisfestations reduced due to to sin (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
more than a force (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
names of (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
personal activity of (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
Peter changed by the Holy Spirit, having peace in prison (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
seed of (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
seven in one (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
third Person of the Godhead (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
we are to be led by (Living By Faith)
will not contradict the Holy Bible (Prayer)
humans: See people
our Heavenly Father gives us ours (Who God Is)
of Christ in regard to His flesh during His earthly ministry (Who God Is)
impute, imputation:
definition (Living By Faith)
example of sin nature being replaced by the life of Christ (Living By Faith)
our sin nature given to Christ and we receive His victorious life and just standing before God (Living By Faith)
meaning of regarding the Holy Bible (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
See Yahweh (YHWH)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
judge / judging:
we may try to determine who is a true Christian, what group is truly Christian (The Church)
justification, justified:
imputed to those committed to Christ (Living By Faith)
of Christ (Living By Faith)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
languages change over the course of time (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
original languages of the Holy Bible (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
description of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
LORD, Lord and lords:
discussed (Understanding the Holy Bible-2)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
Luther, Martin:
life was changed by the Holy Bible (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
man, mankind: See people
in reference to the Holy Bible (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
hear directly from God (Primary Loyalty)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
is a battleground (Primary Loyalty)
must be cleared to interpret/understand the Holy Bible (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
explanation of the Gk. word (Living By Faith)
beat and rhythm should never be the focus (Worship)
our flesh should not be gratified by (Worship)
lyrics of songs might not agree with the Word of God (Worship)
Holy Bible does not refer to mythical gods as actually existing (Understanding the Holy Bible-2)
New Testament:
helpful to read before reading the OT (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
New Covenant can be another term for (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
part of our maintenance of our salvation (Primary Loyalty)
Old Testament:
Christian arrangement of its books (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
Jewish arrangement of its books (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
Old Covenant can be another term for (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
some books of were counted as one (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
one God:
one God (Who God Is)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
attending a real Holy Bible believing Pentecostal church (The Church)
are infinite (Living By Faith)
are primarily spirit creatures (Living By Faith)
the term, when used for the Godhead, does not mean seperate persons (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
description of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
description of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
politics (societal):
Christians involved in societal politics (The Church)
not commanded, though recorded (Understanding the Holy Bible-2)
definition of a Hebrew word translated as praise (Worship)
God inhabits the praises of Israel (Worship)
noting the attributes of God while worshiping is the highest form of praise (Worship)
sacrifice of praise (Worship)
according to His will (Prayer)
adoration in (Prayer)
Australian Missionary (Prayer)
basic definition of (Prayer)
being earnest in (Prayer)
being faithful in (Prayer)
being sincere in (Prayer)
being watchful in (Prayer)
can be without requests (Prayer)
Christian life cannot be sustained without it (Prayer)
Christ praying more than once about something (Prayer)
confession in (Prayer)
continuous (Prayer)
corporate prayer acceptable (Prayer)
described as a Christian's vital breath (Prayer)
divorce proceedings stopped by intercessory prayer (Prayer)
directed by the Holy Spirit based on the Word of God (Worship)
emergency (Prayer)
enjoying God's presence in (Prayer)
God's appointed method of our obtaining what He has to bestow (Prayer)
God speaks to our conscience and spirit while praying (Prayer)
helps others (Prayer)
hindrances [how not to pray] (Prayer)
in and by the Holy Spirit (Prayer)
increases our faith (Prayer)
increases our sensitivity to hear Him (Prayer)
intercession in (Prayer)
King James language not needed in (Prayer)
"mother God" [how not to pray] (Prayer)
Mueller, George (Prayer)
needed for understanding/interpreting the Bible (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
neglect of can result in various types of trouble (Prayer)
neglect of is a sin (Prayer)
neglect of is grievous to the Lord (Prayer)
neglect of results in the lack of the necessary blessings in life (Prayer)
"Papa God" (Prayer)
part of our maintenance of our salvation (Primary Loyalty)
praise in (Prayer)
praying more than once about something is acceptable (Prayer)
requests in (Prayer)
"saints" not to be prayed to [how not to pray](Prayer)
"she" never used for the Godhead [how not to pray] (Prayer)
showing off in (Prayer)
simple language may be used (Prayer)
supplications in (Prayer)
thanksgiving in (Prayer)
the devil tries to stop (Prayer)
through the Son (Prayer)
to be mainly in private (Prayer)
to God alone (Prayer)
to the Father (Prayer)
twenty-seven intercessors [Australian Missionary] (Prayer)
unforgiveness [how not to pray] (Prayer)
vain repetition [how not to pray] (Prayer)
we are to listen to God while praying (Prayer)
worship in (Prayer)
prophecies (some specific ones):
Daniel 9:26 (Messiah killed, Jerusalem destroyed)--fulfilled (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
Isaiah 66:8 (Israel re-established in one day as a political and geographical nation)--fulfilled (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
Matt. 24:2--Christ prophesies about the destruction of the Temple (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
Matt. 24:4c-5--Bar Cochba is one of the fulfilments of that passage (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
its prophecies literally come to pass (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
gift of, see gift of prophecy
specific (some) prophecies, see prophecies (some specific ones)
our Heavenly Father provides for us (Who God Is)
our Heavenly Father gives us our's (Who God Is)
redeem, redemption:
an angel could not provide redemption (Living By Faith)
only God could redeem mankind (Living By Faith)
in worship (Worship)
definition of the Hebrew word for sabbath, and see the citation (The Church)
general discussion on (The Church)
description of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
Christ is the only Way of (Living By Faith)
maintenance of (Primary Loyalty)
description of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
description of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
satan [not capitalized by me on purpose]:
see devil, the
description of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
of the Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
self, denying:
should be because Christ denied Himself (Living By Faith)
should be done daily (Living By Faith)
service to God:
hearing directly from God (Primary Loyalty)
service to man:
part of our maintenance of our salvation (Primary Loyalty)
Christ took upon Himself our sin (Living By Faith)
generational; habits of passed on to successive generations (Primary Loyalty)
is displeasing to God (Living By Faith)
is the opposite of holiness (Living By Faith)
sin and death:
entering into the death of Christ sets us free from (Living By Faith)
sin nature:
all are born as sinners (Living By Faith)
all have (Living By Faith)
Christ took upon Himself our sin nature (Living By Faith)
dies when we surrender to Christ (Living By Faith)
habitual sin the result of (Living By Faith)
killed by Christ dying (Living By Faith)
permeates our entire being (Living By Faith)
Son of God:
term in the plural used for the ancient godly line, true Christians and angels (Living By Faith)
term proves the deity of Christ when compared with the term "Son of Man" (Living By Faith)
term, with "son" not capitalized, used for Adam (Living By Faith)
compared with the term "Son of Man" (Living By Faith)
Son of man:
compared with the term "Son of God" (Living By Faith)
Sonship of Christ:
enables us to become the sons of God (Living By Faith)
is that grace we need to be saved (Living By Faith)
sovereignty of God:
brief description of (Who God Is)
It is good to recognize the sovereignty of God in worship (Worship)
our needs supplied according to (Who God Is)
differs from the spirit (Who God Is)
place of our affections (Who God Is)
spirit (human):
decision making capacity (Who God Is)
differs from the soul (Who God Is)
God and us are spirit (Worship)
God speaks to our spirit while praying (Prayer)
instructions (vocal and written) for (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
there can be problems with our (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
spirit, the term:
pneuma may be translated as breath (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
pneuma, though neuter in the Greek, does not mean the Holy Spirit is not a being (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
spiritual realm:
is not fantasy, but real (Living By Faith)
spiritual warfare:
it is good to note the attributes of God in worship (Worship)
it is good to note the attributes of God in worship during the course of troubles (Worship)
usage of Holy Scripture in [using Psa. 10:15] (Worship)
Christ is the standard (Primary Loyalty)
brief explanation of Christ's to the Father (Who God Is)
explained as our "salvation under construction" (Living By Faith)
some examples of Christ's applied to our lives (Living By Faith)
a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
should be overcome with the life of Christ (Living By Faith)
thanksgiving (giving thanks to God):
giving thanks is part of worhsip (Worship)
Christ intolerant to sin (Primary Loyalty)
tongue, human:
full of wickedness (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
tongues, gift of:
empowers us for ministry within the Body of Christ (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
misconceptions about can be cleared up by correct by Bible interpretation (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
some wrong ideas about corrected (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
the Greek word charisma distinguishes it from the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
conveys the fact God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Who God Is)
not three gods (Who God Is)
our personal being as three in one (Who God Is)
shown regarding the resurrection of Christ (Who God Is)
the biblical term "Godhead" means the same as (Who God Is)
water shows how one substance can exist in three conditions (Who God Is)
water shows how one substance can exist in three conditions (Who God Is)
should be overcome with the life of Christ (Living By Faith)
being in a certain religion or religious group does not mean you are in the truth (Worship)
being truly saved, actually having Christ within us, means we are in the Truth (Worship)
false unity (Primary Loyalty)
versions of the Bible:
Amplified Bible (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
Contemporary English Version (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
Douay-Rheims (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
Good News for Modern Man (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
New American Standard (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
New English Bible (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
New International Version (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
New World Translation (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
Today's English Version (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
Water Baptism: See Baptism, Water
will of God:
in relation to the family (Primary Loyalty)
our will should yield to (Living By Faith)
praying according to the (Prayer)
we must will (desire) to do His will (Living By Faith)
will, our:
must line up with God's will (Living By Faith)
our will should yield to (Living By Faith)
resides in our spirit (Who God Is)
we must will (desire) to do His will (Living By Faith)
witness, witnessing:
part of our maintenance of our salvation (Primary Loyalty)
Word of God:
contrary to the philosophies and thoughts of the world (Primary Loyalty)
existed before completely written (The Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
reading the written Word is part of our maintenance of our salvation (Primary Loyalty)
reasons (some of the) we know the Holy Bible is the Word of God (Enjoy Your Holy Bible)
defined in relation to those not committed to Christ (the lost) (Primary Loyalty)
belongs only to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Worship)
clear conscience (Worship)
continually quoting Holy Scripture as (Worship)
definition of Hebrew word translated as (Worship)
definition of (Worship)
definition (simple) of (Worship)
directed by the Holy Spirit (Worship)
healed while worshiping (Worship)
includes noting what God has done (Worship)
includes noting what God will do (Worship)
includes noting Who God is (Worship)
in the Holy Spirit and your spirit (Worship)
in truth (Worship)
lifting hands (Worship)
may be expressed in a variety of ways (Worship)
not just for church (Worship)
part of our maintenance of our salvation (Primary Loyalty)
praise is sometimes used interchangeably with worship (Worship)
proper motives (Worship)
sacredness of (Worship)
some personal blessings of (Worship)
true worship will honor and glorify God (Worship)
Yahweh, Yahveh (YHWH, YHVH, Jehovah):
some compound Names of (The Holy Spirit and His Riches)
Tetragrammaton (Understanding the Holy Bible-2)
description of (Understanding the Holy Bible-1)
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