Basic Christianity

Quiz on W o r s h i p

Rev. 13a(1/23)

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1. Worshiping God for Who He is is the highest form of praise because . . .
A - this is how most of the hymns in the hymn book are written.
B - it is the main theme of Christian classical music.
C - it is the main theme of most Christian songs for children.
D - it recognizes all the attributes of God.

2. A good worship song should . . .
A - have beat and rhythm.
B - make you want to dance.
C - glorify God.
D - be long.

3. C and D will be incorrect for this true or false question. TRUE OR FALSE: You need to have a great singing voice to worship God in song.

4. In John 4:24 Jesus said we are to worship God in . . .
A - truth.
B - spirit.
C - a church building.
D - both A and B.

5. A brief description of worship is . . .
A - expressing thanks to God when we feel good.
B - going to church.
C - it is the expression of our love to God.
D - praying a pre-written prayer.

6. Reverence means . . .
A - being quiet at all times in church.
B - to have a healthy, godly fear and respect along with a sense of how awesome God is.
C - being sanctimonious.
D - not shouting at all.

7. The lyrics of the songs in a hymn book . . .
A - need to be compared with the Word of God for accuracy.
B - are poetical.
C - should be accepted as truth.
D - both A and B.

8. Worship belongs to . . .
A - only to God, Who subsists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
B - A and Mary, the mother of Christ.
C - A and all the departed saints.
D - anyone.
9. When we worship based upon what God will do . . .
A - it can be based upon anything that comes to our mind.
B - it could be based upon what God's Word states will happen in the future.
C - it should be directed by God's Holy Spirit as confirmed in His written Word.
D - Both B and C.

10. The Truth is within us if we . . .
A - are truly committed to Christ, Christ being in us.
B - find a good denomination and stay with them.
C - find a good church and stay with them.
D - speak in tongues.

11. To worship God in truth can mean...
A - with a clear conscience.
B - with pure motives.
C - both A and B.
D - in a denomination that preaches the truth.

12. We can worship God in spirit by . . .
A - being directed by the Holy Spirit in our worship.
B - doing whatever we jolly well want to do.
C - dancing to the rhythm and beat.
D - doing what everyone else is doing.

Make sure you have selected an answer for each question!

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