Basic Christianity

Quiz On Primary Loyalty

Rev. 13a(1/23)

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1. Our absolute loyalty should be to . . .
A - our religion.
B - the current leader in Christendom.
C - God alone.
D - Our church

2. Our mind . . .
A - is the place where our conscience resides.
B - A and C
C - is a battleground for the devil.
D - must think like others.

3. What our parents taught us . . .
A - needs to come under the scrutiny of the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.
B - must be passed on to the next generation.
C - "A" and we should keep what is good and reject the bad.
D - must define the way we look at the Scriptures.
4. Remaining absolutely loyal to God through Jesus Christ . . .
A - will guard us from ecumenicism.
B - is below our loyalty to our country.
C - is guided by our church and denomination.
D - must be guided by a Christian leader.

5. If I feel like I am not saved . . .
A - that means I am not saved.
B - I should examine myself with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, ask God to forgive me, and stand upon His Word in regards towards His forgiveness. Once I do this, I should praise the Lord and, if the negative feelings return, rebuke the devil in the Name of Christ.
C - I should ignore it.
D - then I must be demon possessed.

6. That portion of society which is not of the true Body of Christ can be termed the . . .
A - world.
B - religious.
C - church members.
D - none of the above

7. Ecumenicism...
A - is where religions try to unite.
B - will probably lead to the "great whore" of Rev. 19.
C - is a safe way to go.
D - both "A" and "B"

8. Choose the statement that is true:
A - All religions lead to the same God.
B - Jesus is the only way to God, but we must not try to evangelize others.
C - Jesus is the only way to God, and without Him, an individual stands already condemned to hell.
D - Anyone can get to God by living right.
9. The most important thing to a true Christian should be . . .
A - money.
B - eternal salvation.
C - doing anything to physically survive.
D - lunch!

10. Let us make believe that a law was passed where you live that you were not allowed to give anyone a Gospel tract. You should...
A - listen to God, and only pass out Gospel tracts when, where, and however He tells you.
B - immediately pass out tracts.
C - not pass out tracts.
D - ask your pastor what to do.

11. Salvation is_____ and our supreme loyalty to Christ is expressed by_____ (two part answer).
A - by good works / doing good works.
B - dependent upon what church you go to / going to that church.
C - automatic for everyone / just being a good person.
D - Christ / loving, trusting, obeying and having faith in Christ.

12. In reading the Holy Bible, we should . . .
A - also study it.
B - use a good translation like the KJV or NKJV.
C - ask God to help us understand it.
D - All of the above are correct!

Make sure you have selected an answer for each question!
If you get them all correct you might see a message that says "99.999..." out of 100. Please ignore that! You probably got 100 then!

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