Basic Christianity

Quiz on Enjoy Your Holy Bible

Rev. 13a(1/23)

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1. Chapter and verse numbers in the Bible. . .
A - were part of the most ancient manuscripts.
B - are only for reference and should not interrupt our flow of thought.
C - are also inspired by God.
D - should always be regarded as accurate.

2. Some words are put in italics because . . .
A - they are being emphasized.
B - they look better that way.
C - it was the decision of the publisher.
D - to express words in our native tongue that do not appear in the actual text, but are needed for us to better understand the meaning in the text as expressed by the ancient language it was translated from.

3. Although the Bible is not a science or history textbook, . . .
A - when it touches upon those topics, it has no error.
B - it errs in science, but is accurate in history.
C - it errs in both history and science.
D - it errs in history but not science.

4. God . . .
A - permits our conscience to be our guide.
B - permits our heart to be our guide.
C - has given us written instructions: the Holy Bible.
D - A and B.

5. When we say the Bible is inspired of God, we understand that to mean . . .
A - God breathed into the humans writers what needed to be said.
B - the human writers wrote whatever came to their mind.
C - inspired like a poem or a piece of music.
D - its human writers were inspired by other literature in the world.

6. By faith we believe the Bible to be the written Word of God. This faith is based on . . .
A - nothing but faith.
B - what my pastor said.
C - what my church said.
D - the fact that, among other things, its principles work, it changes lives and its prophecies come to pass literally.

7. Being the written Word of God the Holy Bible . . .
A - is a sure (marker) standard that we can check to see if we are living according to the will of God.
B - the supreme rule for our faith and life.
C - A and B.
D - is good to read, but not relevant.

8. The Holy Bible is . . .
A - not a work of man, but a work of God through man.
B - a work of man.
C - just like any other book.
D - B and C.
9. The Holy Bible . . .
A - is outdated.
B - is God's revelation of Himself and of His will to man.
C - was put together by religious people.
D - has myth to it.

10. A concordance . . .
A - tells us about Concord grapes.
B - lists various topics.
C - is a list of selected words with selected verses that contain those words listed underneath them.
D - is a list of certain Bible books.

11. When God directed men like Peter and Moses to write the Holy Scriptures, . . .
A - it was done without error.
B - they added verse numbers.
C - they added chapter numbers.
D - B and C.

12. We know the Holy Bible is true because . . .
A - it changes lives and its prophecies come true.
B - because it says "Holy Bible" on the cover.
C - all Christians say it is.
D - many atheists are against it.

Make sure you have selected an answer for each question!

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